question about mac and parralles


40 (100%)
Now i'm going to be getting a new macbook pro sometime in January and i will be getting parallels along wiht a copy of star wars knights of the old republic will this work on the paralles side? and will i be able to use my 360 controller with my macbook pro?
I too will be getting a Mac Book soon and the specs look good for gaming.
2.4Mhz Dual Core
NVDIA 8500+ vidcard
2GB or 4GB RAM
160 GB HD

I have a friend who has Parallells and says it runs XP or Vista great.
So I would say "yes" we should be good to go.
I would lean towards the XP side if you are playing older games.

I have a MBP and Parallels, and I don't really play games on PC to know how it would perform, but wouldn't you be better off booting in Windows? Parallels is great but a tad laggy, at least for me.
worry not young jedi, for it will work. Make sure you actually will use the mac osx though. >_> you could get a crazy comp for the price of a macbookpro
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