Question regarding "new" games at GS/EB


9 (100%)
To let you all know, I am going to call another store and pose this question but because I have been screwed over by EB/GS before, I thought I would ask my question here first.

So I just paid for a "new" Beowulf for PS3 at GS. I say "new" because it was a floor model that had been opened. Well here's my problem, it's a gift for another person and I don't want to give them an opened item like this. I would've asked the GS staff if they had a new, in shrink wrap, copy but they were so busy that I didn't even want to bother. Here's my question: Can I trade this "new" copy in for another ACTUALLY new copy at another store? There's no plastic on it at all, they just gave it to me as is with all of their stickers all over it.

The only reason I am asking is because there has to be someone on here who has had this experience or possibly a GS employee who could help me. I did a search on this forum and didn't find anything so put away your flamethrowers. Thanks!
I've never exchanged, but I have returned open-new to other stores before. If you just want it sealed I have had one GS offer to shrink wrap a game for me.
Yeah, if it was their only "new" copy, you could have had it shrink wrap it for you. Of course, it still would have looked like crap. If you just recently got it, you could bring it to another GS and say it doesn't work right. They'll exchange it for another new copy. This certainly skirts a moral line, I suppose, but this is what they get for selling floor models as "new."
Is it "sealed"? Most stores put these awful fuckin' stickers on the game case so that they can tell if it's been opened (at which point the game becomes "used," semantically).

If it has the sticker, I don't see a problem. If they were busy, as you say, and lazy/stupid, as GS employees tend to be...and you don't have a sticker sealing the case, you may be out of luck and hope to take it up with the store manager where you bought the game.
WHY would you accept it if it had NO PLASTIC on it and you wanted it as a sealed gift for someone? I'm just curious. Oh and I saw the aforementioned paper seals being used again last night, first time in a LONG time I've seen them @ Gamestop.

I just hope those are less of a pita, since the old ones always left residue on your cases when you did remove them, although they were fairly easy to remove and restick which got you around the 7 day return policy since it looked like you never opened it.
What? If you knew it was a gift and you wanted it sealed, why the fuck didn't you ask for a sealed copy?

Now you're probably going to cause them even more trouble going back and trying to exchange it, not to mention causing yourself infinitely more trouble.

Second: why are you giving someone a copy of Beowulf? That's just cruel, man.

Third: you really should get a sealed copy. Not because there's anything special about the seal, but because if it isn't sealed at EB/GS, their stickers leave their fucking residue EVERYWHERE on the fucking box.

Fouth: you confuse me.
Pyro is right.

One of the biggest problems here is, you're giving somebody Beowulf as a ''gift''. Beowulf is not a gift, it is a curse.

You shouldn't have any issues though. If you have an issue, have the store you're exchanging it at call the store you bought it from, simple as that.
[quote name='Pck21']Can I trade this "new" copy in for another ACTUALLY new copy at another store? There's no plastic on it at all, they just gave it to me as is with all of their stickers all over it.[/quote]

No here is the problem:
They might think that you are going to resell it. I bought 24 season 3 at walmart on black friday. I got home and watched the whole season (pretty good season) and when i got to the special features disk i took it out and i heard something SNAP so i looked at the disk, the part that touches the spinny thing on a ps2 (when you open the top) that rotates the disk, just snapped off. I figured it wasn't a big deal. nevertheless the disk was broken and didn't work.
so i finally got off my ass and went to walmart to return it. they told me that they HAD to open the shrink wrap to make sure that i didn't re-sell it.
hope this helps you
Every GS store has a shrink wrap machine in the back. If you're nice, and they're not the generic douchebag GS employee, a simple "could you please shrink wrap this" SHOULD do.
Yeah they have offered to shrinkwrap gutted games for me if it is a gift. The only time I ever bought a gutted game was when EB had those 1 or 2 day deals of a game marked down to $2.99 or $4.99.
Thanks for all of your replies.

Believe it or not, my buddy is an English Lit major and loves the poem Beowulf (Yes that's right, Beowulf is originally a poem written Old English for all of you that don't know). He just recently got a PS3 and after he saw the movie, he told me that he wanted to game for his birthday. I figured for $20....why not? So I am not surprising anyone with this game, he asked for it, so it's out of my hands now.

There were stickers on there and I actually ended up going back and explaining to the manager what the deal was. I told him that I asked for a sealed copy and he was nice enough (cause I had proof of purchase only hours before) to refund me as if it were new. I have never come across a manager that was as nice and understanding before. I wish I asked for his name because I would have happily contacted corporate to let them know that I had a great experience with him.

Anyways, I ended up going to Best Buy and grabbing a sealed copy there for the same price. The reason that I went to EB is because it's close to my work (and favorite chinese place) and I picked it up on my lunch break. It was just easy at the time, or so I thought.
[quote name='reibeatall']Every GS store has a shrink wrap machine in the back. If you're nice, and they're not the generic douchebag GS employee, a simple "could you please shrink wrap this" SHOULD do.[/quote]

Really? I never asked before because I was so surprised at what was happening in the store. I thought they were making take the display so they could grab last new copy for me. Little did I know that were just going to throw a disc in the display case. The reason I didn't even notice what was going on is because I was paying with my card, rather than cash, and I was signing my name when they asked if I wanted a bag with it. I wasn't paying attention and just said that it would be ok. By the time I signed my name and hit all of the other options buttons, the game was in the bag and I didn't even see it. Once I got about half way back to work, I decided to look at the reciept (habit of mine from years of working fraud at a bank) and then I noticed the sticker and no shrink wrap.
bread's done