Question to Verizon & Sprint 4G phone users (preferably those within 4g cities).


Too long; didn't read version: Does the mandatory $10 4g fee actually allow access to 4g or is there additional 4g plan I'm not seeing? How is verizon's 4g plans as well?

Long version:
Its been three years since I got my HTC Touch and recently it started giving problems. I'm about to call Sprint and try to get them to send me a new one. I wasn't planning on upgrading my phone for maybe another couple of years since I don't really use apps, although admitted there isn't much to choose from on windows 6.1.

Since my contract expired last year I decided to take a look at what are considered the best phones on Verizon, since I've considered switching over to their network, and the best phones on Sprint. Looking at both its seems, as I've heard, Sprint has the lower rate plans for smartphones.

There only one phone that really interest me at this point on Sprint and that's the Samsung Epic. After the Touch I want a physical keyboard. For Verizon I'd be interested in the Droid 2, even though the X is supposed to be better.

The one thing thing I can't seem to find out on Sprint is if the mandatory $10 4g fee allows access to the 4g network or do I need to have an additional 4g plan. Since I actually live in a city covered by 4g it would be nice. For what I saw on Sprint's site the $30 is only if I want to the hotspot feature, but what about the $40 and $50 4g plans?

How is verizon's 4g plans as well?
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Sprint's 4G phones' $10 4G fee is on top of one of their Everything(with 3G data) plans.

Verizon 4G doesn't even have phones that use it yet.
[quote name='manthing']Sprint's 4G phones' $10 4G fee is on top of one of their Everything(with 3G data) plans.

Verizon 4G doesn't even have phones that use it yet.[/QUOTE]
I know about the $10 fee, but does that fee alone allow you access to the 4g network or is there something on top of that you need to pay for to access the network.

I swear I saw something on Verizon 4g.
[quote name='Zin_LG']So Verizon has no 4g phones but they 4g plans.[/QUOTE]

For right now Verizon does have 4G LTE modems available. Eventually the phones will be available since 4G LTE requires a SIM card.
The additional $10 fee on sprint allows unlimited data access on 3g/4g.

Has come in handy so far and my bill has been much cheaper then when I was with att
The $10 is mandatory if you have a 4G capable phone and that $10 is on top of the $30 data package... ifso facto the $70 450 minuts/everything else unlimited becomes $80 for Sprint
[quote name='guyver2077']The additional $10 fee on sprint allows unlimited data access on 3g/4g.
Thanks, that's what I wanted to know. Now I just have to choose between the Epic and the Evo.
[quote name='QiG']The $10 is mandatory if you have a 4G capable phone and that $10 is on top of the $30 data package... ifso facto the $70 450 minuts/everything else unlimited becomes $80 for Sprint[/QUOTE]

This. 450 minutes is a lot when you have unlimited weekend and nights when they start at 7.

There is actually a soft cap on data, currently with regular "Unlimited" data plans and I also believe on the plans with the 4G fee.

Verizon is overpriced in comparison to sprint when it comes to unlimited and data plans, I used to be a Verizon customer as they had a phone that I wanted, but ultimately got convinced by Sprint's prices.

I was paying something around $60 for a "fake" data plan that let me use like internet, unlimited text and like 450 minutes. Sprint was unlimited everything and with the company discount where I was working Sprint came out to almost a flat $60 a month, which is still what I'm paying.

I just hate my Samsung Moment.

As far as the EVO or Epic decision, I've done a lot of research on both and they are really so similar aside from the hardware keyboard. Personally since the Moment has a hardware keyboard as well it would take some getting used to for me going to the EVO but I've been leaning more so towards the EVO.

If you can, I would recommend waiting till Q1 2011 as new phones SHOULD be coming out that are better than the EVO and Epic. The Nexus S just came out for T Mobile and it's running Gingerbread android out of the box along with some other upgrades over the current 4G phones.
[quote name='hustletron']This. 450 minutes is a lot when you have unlimited weekend and nights when they start at 7.

There is actually a soft cap on data, currently with regular "Unlimited" data plans and I also believe on the plans with the 4G fee.

Verizon is overpriced in comparison to sprint when it comes to unlimited and data plans, I used to be a Verizon customer as they had a phone that I wanted, but ultimately got convinced by Sprint's prices.

I was paying something around $60 for a "fake" data plan that let me use like internet, unlimited text and like 450 minutes. Sprint was unlimited everything and with the company discount where I was working Sprint came out to almost a flat $60 a month, which is still what I'm paying.

I just hate my Samsung Moment.

As far as the EVO or Epic decision, I've done a lot of research on both and they are really so similar aside from the hardware keyboard. Personally since the Moment has a hardware keyboard as well it would take some getting used to for me going to the EVO but I've been leaning more so towards the EVO.

If you can, I would recommend waiting till Q1 2011 as new phones SHOULD be coming out that are better than the EVO and Epic. The Nexus S just came out for T Mobile and it's running Gingerbread android out of the box along with some other upgrades over the current 4G phones.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I'm on the everything data plan already its good. I just needed to know about the 4g fee. Looking at Verizon's plans and they do seem really expensive when compared with Sprint's plans. I knew Sprint had lower plan prices for smartphones than Verizon and AT&T, but I'm still a little taken back about well rounded Sprints plans are.

I don't know about waiting since phones come out at such a fast pace that you would always be waiting for something better to come along.
[quote name='hustletron']If you can, I would recommend waiting till Q1 2011 as new phones SHOULD be coming out that are better than the EVO and Epic. The Nexus S just came out for T Mobile and it's running Gingerbread android out of the box along with some other upgrades over the current 4G phones.[/QUOTE]

Honestly the Nexus S shouldn't even be thrown in with "4g" phones, as it doesnt even have HSPA+...

That being said, i have two friends who have the EVO and they really seem to like it. Haven't gotten a chance to play with the Epic yet, but as a general rule I tend to prefer HTC phones over Samsungs
[quote name='Sycowulf']Honestly the Nexus S shouldn't even be thrown in with "4g" phones, as it doesnt even have HSPA+...

That being said, i have two friends who have the EVO and they really seem to like it. Haven't gotten a chance to play with the Epic yet, but as a general rule I tend to prefer HTC phones over Samsungs[/QUOTE]

I didn't say it was a 4G phone I just said that more phones should be coming out within the next few months, I've heard rumors of other 4G phones, or rather ANOTHER Samsung 4G phone coming out in Q1 of 2011. I just threw the Nexus out as an example as it's a new Sammy phone when the Epic kind of just came out. I did say it was running some upgrades over specifically, the EVO and Epic, but I misread, I was referring to what I thought I read was a 1.2 GHz CPU but it's also a 1.0 so I retract that statement about upgrades.

EDIT: Kind of OT but for what it's worth,
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From all the comparisons the Epic seems to have a better camera, despite having lower resolution and especially for video. It also has a better screen and is made with tougher glass. Evo trumps it in UI, widgets, and most other features.

The Touch has kind of left a bad taste in my mouth for pure touchscreen phones so a physical keyboard would be nice. I'm leaning toward the Evo as of now.

[quote name='hustletron']EDIT: Kind of OT but for what it's worth,[/QUOTE]

Sound great, but its still a dangerous game, okay not dangerous, waiting for the newest phones to ship.

Also I've been reading up on both phones and quite a few people were left scorned by Samsung abandoning their not so old models.
[quote name='Zin_LG']Also I've been reading up on both phones and quite a few people were left scorned by Samsung abandoning their not so old models.[/QUOTE]

Every phone company does this. Get used to it.

Love the Sprint 450 min plan. I use the phone alot and rarely go over 200 a month, because most of my time is considered N&W or to another cell phone (all carriers are free).
[quote name='hustletron']
Verizon is overpriced in comparison to sprint when it comes to unlimited and data plans, I used to be a Verizon customer as they had a phone that I wanted, but ultimately got convinced by Sprint's prices.

Verizon has a bigger coverage map. When I was with Sprint I had drops all the time. Since being on Verizon these past 3 years, I have had 0 drops. This is why you pay the extra money vs the other companies. Everyones situation is different.

To OP, you should get a plan that best fits you; where you will get the coverage you need for the lowest price you can. I wouldn't buy into a network because a phone lives on that network i.e. joining AT&T because of the iPhone, etc.

Relating to the 4G discussion... Like was said above my post, Verizon doesn't currently have any phones that can use 4G. Another thing about 4G is that only around select cities does 4G even exist. To me knowing I can't get on 4G everywhere, it doesn't make sense to me to pay extra money for it (i.e. buy a new phone for it).
every phone nowadays can roam, you can get coverage almost anywhere in the US nowadays unless you're in the middle of literally nowhere.

Maybe Verizon works for you but it's YMMV. Maybe Verizon doesn't drop where you're at and ATT has horrible coverage and no plans on fixing, but in another area where someone else is maybe the situation is the exact opposite.

But yeah 4G right now is basically a scam by cell carriers. It's not even real 4G. But anyways, even areas where you can get it phones and speeds are being throttled regardless.
I love my Evo... The epic is nice as well and probably the way to go if your into gaming. (kb + better gpu)

Evo has some cool touches like hdmi and is overall a solid phone. 720p recording, etc.

Is overall highly supported from the dev community and I personally like the HTC stuff.

In the end of the day I made the switch last year only to save some cash on my wallet plus the Evo just happened to be coming out. ATT still did not have any android phones and their plans were ridiculous.
I have the Samsung Epic and I LOVE it.
Granted, it hasn't been updated to Android 2.2 yet but the physical keyboard was the deciding factor for me. Emulators run beautifully on it and the screen is amazing.

I'm on the 450 minute plan with unlimited data plus the full replacement plan and my bill is about $92 a month (including tax).
Plus I'll be getting a 22% discount on my bill starting next month because of where I work. You should check with Sprint to see if they have a similar discount for your employer!
[quote name='BigPopov']every phone nowadays can roam, you can get coverage almost anywhere in the US nowadays unless you're in the middle of literally nowhere.

Maybe Verizon works for you but it's YMMV. Maybe Verizon doesn't drop where you're at and ATT has horrible coverage and no plans on fixing, but in another area where someone else is maybe the situation is the exact opposite.

But yeah 4G right now is basically a scam by cell carriers. It's not even real 4G. But anyways, even areas where you can get it phones and speeds are being throttled regardless.[/QUOTE]

Yes and No.

Yes YMMV when it comes to plans as I mentioned I used to be with Verizon and as far as I can remember never had any drops either, with Sprint I don't have drops unless I'm inside big buildings, but really it's only inside like 1 class room at my college and it's the 1 I work in so it's not a big deal, I shouldn't be on my phone very much in there anyway lol.

No on what you mentioned on Wimax. I disagree that it's a "scam", it's merely the new technology for the time, everyone is talking about it, it's the buzzword, "Wimax" "4G". I personally think it's a scam if you have an iPhone 4 on ATT because of their outrageous prices in comparison to Sprint.

It shouldn't be surprising even if you could prove that your Wimax speeds are being throttled, you don't think ISPs don't do that with your home internet? That's why they have different speeds to choose from. No one is forcing anyone to pay the $10 fee with Sprint, but people do it because it really is the best bang for your buck provider, and with anything else that you don't really need, they do it because they can and it's cool. Speaking solely for myself, any speed consistently above the 3G speed I get right now is a step up so while I haven't experienced 4G speeds on a handset quite yet, it would be hard to disappoint me at this point.

Wimax is still in its infancy stage especially since it's not even available every where yet and what I DO think is a scam is forcing people who want 4G phones to pay the $10 fee when their town doesn't even have 4G.

Oh and since someone mentioned HDMI out with the EVO, it's still up in the air as to whether or not EPIC will be able to do it.
[quote name='hustletron']I DO think is a scam is forcing people who want 4G phones to pay the $10 fee when their town doesn't even have 4G.[/QUOTE]

This... my buddy has had an Evo since launch and has been paying extra for almost a half year and they just now launched 4G in Cleveland.. shenanigans if you ask me.

I would hold tight if you can.. there's talk of dual core phones coming soon and after all these carriers have established their 4G a little more, pricing should get competitive on fastest service. This is probably the one time I'm not drooling over new phones before my contract is up (next Nov).
Well I've decided to stick with Sprint and upgrade to Evo. Like you I would prefer a physical keyboard. Maybe even a little more so since in one day my Touch's screen went from malfunctioning to dead.

I'm using a Samsung Instinct which someone lent me and while typing isn't nearly as bad since it has bigger screen scrolling through the contacts and menu are annoying since its very easy to select something you didn't want. Although its probably just the phone itself.

How much battery life do you usually get? It will be my first Android phone so is there any must have programs for it? I plan to root it and install swype.
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