questions about gamestop edge card


1.If I have store credit on the edge card and the edge card is expired, what happens to the store credit?

2.Can the edge card be used on controllers?

3.Do you get the 10% bonus when you trade in controllers?

4.This one is a little off topic but gamestop says they guarantee that the used controllers you buy from them will work but when I see people trade in controllers, they don't check. Does gs check the controllers later to see if they function properly? I don't want to buy a used controller only to have the x button not work.
store credit stays on it, it's for all used games and accessories so yes, a controller is an accessory so yes, and probably not.
1. The store credit is safe. It doesn't expire when the Edge card does.
2. It can be used on used controllers. Why wouldn't it be able to be. It works on ANYTHING used at Gamestop.
3. Yes. You get a 10% bump on ANYTHING you trade in.
4. They typically don't test the controllers, unless it's one that comes with a system you're trading in. So the best way to assure you get a working controller when you buy used is to thoroughly check it out within the 7 day return period you have from when you buy it.
1. The credit should stay on the card but you may want to transfer it to a different gift card just to stay away from problems with idiot employees.

2. 10% discount should apply to all used games and accessories, including controllers.

3. Refer to #2.

4. They most likely do not check the controllers. The guarantee means when you buy a used controller from them, take it home and try it only to find it doesn't work, you can take it back and get another one. You are their tester in most cases. Most stores only check systems that are traded in and even then it's only for a minute to see if it powers on and reads a disc. You'd be lucky if a store employee even looks to see if the disc they are taking is scratched up beyond belief. More often than not the customer is the tester, it would take them far too long to test every game and accessory traded in to make sure it works, so they just pass that cost on to the customer.
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