Questions of the day?


If you are a fanboy of one gaming console one generation and switch to the competition the next are you still a Fanboy?

If you own all the consoles and primarily play on one and prefer that one are you a Fanboy?

I dont care by what brand my console is, it must have good games , features and services.. PLUS is pretty amazing, forcing it on all ps4 users not so much. Xbox One still got advantages like playing your own mp3s in games but ps4 will get that soon and currently delivers way more bang for the buck. We pay them a ton of money so they better deliver us good products .. They should be our fans  :)

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I generally think a fanboy is someone who praises their console of choice, and puts the other console down.

Personally i loved my PS2, love my Xbox 360, and next gen i am going to go for PS4. Now i dont know if i will enjoy PS4 more than Xbox One, but i intend to buy both.

I generally think a fanboy is someone who praises their console of choice, and puts the other console down.

Personally i loved my PS2, love my Xbox 360, and next gen i am going to go for PS4. Now i dont know if i will enjoy PS4 more than Xbox One, but i intend to buy both.
You forgot to say they put the other console down on bullshit amounts of evidence. Some may be true though, not enough for it to be a bad console

Yeah its more than just praise one console and bash the other. Usually its bias, no matter what. Make little negative things that dont matter into big deals, or just hate on a product for no good reason. I have to admit i did hate the PS3 in the beginning, and i really loved the Xbox 360. I still think Xbox 360 was the better of the systems last gen. But there were times where i went into a game like Uncharted just knowing i wanted to bash it. I dont know why. Years later i got platinum trophies in Uncharted 2 and 3 and i think they are good games. I just bought the first one, never played it before. Funny thing is these days id rather play games on my PS3. But i think that has something to do with the trophy system, and the fact that im most likely going to be playing majority of my games on PS4 rather than Xbox One next gen. Guess i just got caught up in the next gen wars when the PS3 and Xbox 360 first came out, but ive really grown out of that.

I hate when people go crazy over sales numbers.  This is better because it sold more, or this sucks because it didn't sell as much.  Who cares, all companies are making money.  

I think a fanboy who is someone who only plays one console, is unwilling to try another console and acknowledge the positives of the other console(s).  

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