Quick question about the free____.com sites?


3 (100%)
I was thinking about joining the freepsps one, but first how do you know that you got credit for your referrals already? And if you got credit for the referral, can the site still take that credit away or disqualify it??
I'm not soliciting referrals....at least not yet. I'm still thinking about if I want to trade in a ton of games to get enough credit for a psp, or actually spend some money to buy referrals. I'm definitely not dropping $250 for a psp and I don't mind waiting a couple months to get one either.
I can personally verify the free whatever sites that are a member of Gratis Network. They let you know that you have credit for a referral usually by a status option, that shows if someone has created an account and used you as a referral, then once they have completed an offer. They cannot take credits back, but once you finally have enough credits, they go through and validate all of them. This can result in them not allowing some of your referrals. This happened to me because a roomate of mine signed up for an offer using me as a referral, but since we have the same IP address, they would not allow it. Generally, as long as the referrals are on different IP addresses, have different physical addresses, and use a different credit card each time, you shouldn't have any trouble.
you have a status page and it shows how many people have signed up and if they've done an offer. its pretty simple. i haven't gotten my stuff yet but do know people who have gotten things.
I have joined one this morning and have an account all set. I have seen proofs and was skeptic. That is why it took me so long to finally make an account, but lets see how this goes.
Can you give us an idea of how hard this is... i.e how many referrals do you need and what types of offers are there?

I'm thinking about getting a bunch of friends to help me out w/ this, and pay some people to complete the referals I need. I just need to know what is involved.
I personally did the free iPod one, which required 5 referrals. As long as you have atleast 5 friends that owe you a favor and all have an individual credit card, it shouldn't be too hard. It's just a huge hassle if they don't want the actual offer, and have to cancel it. I offered my friends that I would deal with the company and cancel whatever they signed up for if they didn't want it. That worked out fairly well, although trying to cancel a trial to AOL was the worst 45 minutes of my life. Just make sure to read all the fine print about the offers and you'll be fine.

Note: I'm not sure if they are still having shipping problems, but it took me almost 2 months from completing all my offers to receiving my iPod. This was between September and November, so you may want to take processing time into consideration.
[quote name='dayglo']I personally did the free iPod one, which required 5 referrals. As long as you have atleast 5 friends that owe you a favor and all have an individual credit card, it shouldn't be too hard. It's just a huge hassle if they don't want the actual offer, and have to cancel it. I offered my friends that I would deal with the company and cancel whatever they signed up for if they didn't want it. That worked out fairly well, although trying to cancel a trial to AOL was the worst 45 minutes of my life. Just make sure to read all the fine print about the offers and you'll be fine.

Note: I'm not sure if they are still having shipping problems, but it took me almost 2 months from completing all my offers to receiving my iPod. This was between September and November, so you may want to take processing time into consideration.[/quote]

Thanks... what else besides AOL do they offer?
here is a list of the offers you can currently choose from:

Columbia House DVD Club
Blockbuster OnLine
The Literary Guild
Complete Home
Citi Platinum Card For Students
Citi Platinum Select Card
Appera Whitening
BMG Music Services Club
Video Professor
USA Today
eFax Plus
Cheap Trips
Life Derm
Travelers Advantage
GM Card
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