Racing Games: PC wheel vs. 360 controller?


So, I pre-ordered Blur and Split Second for PC because I have a G27 racing wheel and prefer the more precise response I get from that as opposed to a Xbox 360 controller. The G27 with Dirt, Dirt2 and NFS:Shift is amazing! Add to that a NaturalPoint TrackIR for looking around and it's a pretty immersive experience. But, prior to the racing wheel, all of my racing games had been on console with a controller, PGR, Forza and Burnout series mainly. The G27 is incompatible with the 360 because MicroStupid wants everyone to buy their less than adequate racing wheel instead of letting competition get a slice of the pie. I don't have a PS3 or there would be no problem as the G27 is compatible with that.

After having played the Blur beta for a couple of weeks now on the 360, I am starting to think it might just be OK with a controller given it's frenetic, chaotic pace and action. In other words, there's less accuracy required that would garner the plus of having a wheel. The same seems to also be the case for Split Second from the videos I have watched.

I have been thinking of converting my pre-orders to XB360, even though that also increases the price somewhat. Sure I could just buy the 360 wheel and have all my bases covered, but a) screw MS for hobbling Logitech and b) my living room already looks like Toys R Us vomited in it after a night of binge drinking.

Any thoughts or opinions fellow CAGs?
Whichever you like and think you'll have fun playing. If you have the extra cash, why not?

I think for most racing games and especially for racing sims, I'd much prefer the wheel. But for stuff like... Mario Kart or something I'd rather use a controller.
I prefer the wheels for sims too. I've just been looking at these games and thinking they're more Mario Cart than sim. Forza, Dirt and the recent NSF seem to more sim-like. And yeah, I do want to play with other gamers online. That's what Blur and Split-Decision are all about. I am no friend of console match-making though. Decisions decisions!
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