Racist Clintons to strike again


Have the Clintons no shame? They outed themselves as the despicable KKK racists they are when they tried to stop a man from becoming the first black President. Apparently they just cannot satiate their inner racism and now plots to stop not one, but two black candidates from becoming the mayor of Chicago in favor of their white brethren. Former President or not, he and his witch deserve to be convicted of hate crime.


(CNN) – Rep. Danny Davis, a Democrat from Illinois and mayoral candidate in Chicago has a message for former President Bill Clinton: Butt out.
Davis, a onetime ally of Clinton's, issued a strongly worded statement Tuesday, in which the Chicago Democrat said he is "seriously concerned and disturbed" by the news Clinton plans to throw his weight behind ex-Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and make a campaign stop in the Windy City next month.

"The African American community has enjoyed a long and fruitful relationship with the Clintons, however it appears as though some of that relationship maybe fractured and perhaps even broken should former President Clinton come to town and participate overtly in efforts to thwart the legitimate political aspirations of Chicago's Black community," Davis said in the statement.
The pushback from a prominent member of the black community echoes that which greeted Clinton in 2008 as he campaigned on behalf of his wife, a presidential candidate at the time battling then-Sen. Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination. Clinton - long a popular figure in the black community - saw his approval numbers sink among that demographic as he took sharp aim at Obama and questioned the freshman senator's competancy to sit in the Oval Office, sometimes in terms conceived as particularly harsh.
Clinton's office has not responded to Davis' comments.
The former president's windy city appearance, announced last week by Emanuel's campaign, would be his first campaign stop since the November midterm elections.
Emanuel served in the Clinton White House for five years before serving as an Illinois congressman and Obama's top aide, a post he left earlier this year to run for mayor.
The Chicago Board of Elections ruled Thursday that he is in fact a Chicago resident, and therefore his name may remain on the ballot for the February 22 election.
According to a recent poll, Emanuel is garnering close to 44 percent of support from likely Chicago voters while Davis is far back at 7 percent.

The Chicago Sun Times' Lynn Sweet reports that Carol Mosely Braun, a former ambassador to New Zealand under Clinton and now a candidate for mayor in Chicago, is also calling on the former president to back off.
Her statement:

"Bill Clinton is an outsider parachuting in to support another outsider. Rahm's residency status continues to be challenged in court. It's not yet clear that he will be on the ballot. At the same time former president Clinton risks his legacy and the great respect that he has enjoyed among African Americans by coming to Chicago to endorse Rahm Emanuel who is running for mayor against two black candidates.
"Clinton should remember New Hampshire where he called Barack Obama's opposition to the war in Iraq 'a fairy tale.' He was wrong.
"Clinton should remember South Carolina where he played the race card painting Obama as "the black candidate". Again he was wrong. Bill Clinton will be wrong again if he gets involved in the Chicago mayoral contest. He should stay home and avoid the cold."
RB is an interesting guy. He posts extremist opinions on both sides of the spectrum.

The guy is either an anarchist or a right-wing nutjob. The only thing we know for sure is that he's batshit insane.
This kind of makes up for the lack of conspiracy ideas from Foc. Come to think of it, where has he been anyway?
[quote name='camoor']RB is an interesting guy. He posts extremist opinions on both sides of the spectrum.

The guy is either an anarchist or a right-wing nutjob. The only thing we know for sure is that he's batshit insane.[/QUOTE]
Or a troll.

How hard is that?
at least rumblebear is entertaining, unlike that new guy dreadnought10...

but back on topic. wouldnt bill be a warlock, not a witch?
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']but back on topic. wouldnt bill be a warlock, not a witch?[/QUOTE]
It took multiple attempts at reading that before I could see anything other but "but black on topic."
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']at least rumblebear is entertaining, unlike that new guy dreadnought10...

but back on topic. wouldnt bill be a warlock, not a witch?[/QUOTE]
Lets ask Christine O'Donnell.:rofl:
[quote name='Clak']Lets ask Christine O'Donnell.:rofl:[/QUOTE]

Careful. You'll have Bob coming in here blabbing about a false equivalency with Wicca and how we should be sensitive to accepted religions.
For the record, all religions are ridiculous to me, but that woman is just plain ridiculousness incarnate. She's like Sarah Palin's weird cousin, and let that really sink in.
[quote name='depascal22']Careful. You'll have Bob coming in here blabbing about a false equivalency with Wicca and how we should be sensitive to accepted religions.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, we should only be sensitive to Islam - all other religions can just STFU.
[quote name='UncleBob']Yeah, we should only be sensitive to Islam - all other religions can just STFU.[/QUOTE]

Christianity=Islam=Scientology=Buddhism=Hare Krishna=Branch Dividians.
Same crazy, different package.
[quote name='cindersphere']Christianity=Islam=Scientology=Buddhism=Hare Krishna=Branch Dividians.
Same crazy, different package.[/QUOTE]

While I'll be the first to question the idea of the "Spirit in the sky", you have to admit that there are different *levels* of crazy amongst some of the outlier religions. Here's a hint: if your new-found religion requires you to sleep with the guy telling you how great the religion is... well, you might reconsider.
[quote name='UncleBob']Here's a hint: if your new-found religion requires you to sleep with the guy telling you how great the religion is... well, you might reconsider.[/QUOTE]

But...he told me it would help me release my third chakra!
[quote name='UncleBob']While I'll be the first to question the idea of the "Spirit in the sky", you have to admit that there are different *levels* of crazy amongst some of the outlier religions. Here's a hint: if your new-found religion requires you to sleep with the guy telling you how great the religion is... well, you might reconsider.[/QUOTE]

Levels of crazy are situational.

[quote name='camoor']No.[/QUOTE]

If my post has offended I am apologize, it was inflammatory and written in a moment of anger unrelated to the conversation. Although I do think all religions have practices that veer closely to cult recruitment/retaining tactics. However some religions do more good than harm and it is unfair to group them all together.

[quote name='IRHari']But...he told me it would help me release my third chakra![/QUOTE]

This made me laugh so hard I woke my lady friend up.
They're all about the same on the ridiculousness scale, "craziness" is relative. I do think it's funny how believing in a god seems normal to say Christians, Muslims, and Jews, but something like reincarnation would seem completely crazy. Yeah, cause that's just nuts.
[quote name='Clak']They're all about the same on the ridiculousness scale, "craziness" is relative.[/QUOTE]

While it is a matter of opinion that seems rather disingenuous.
No more zealous than the witnesses who come to my door all the time.;)

But seriously, I grew up in a highly religious southern family. If you can take that and not have a disdain for religion, then you can take a lot more than I can. I respect a person's right to believe what they want, but not necessarily the particulars of what they believe. If in order to beleive something you have to suspend logic and disbelief, it isn't worth believing in.
The clintons are blacker than the obamas anyway. Plus Emanuel is Jewish, and ALL racists hate jews. Ergo: Clintons are not racist.
[quote name='Clak']No more zealous than the witnesses who come to my door all the time.;)

But seriously, I grew up in a highly religious southern family. If you can take that and not have a disdain for religion, then you can take a lot more than I can. I respect a person's right to believe what they want, but not necessarily the particulars of what they believe. If in order to beleive something you have to suspend logic and disbelief, it isn't worth believing in.[/QUOTE]

I generally agree with you. But sometimes getting at the truth of a matter isn't so easy.

I had a buddy in college who thought that running was stupid because it was a waste of time and energy. However for anyone that has been a runner, you know that once you get in a routine it's a great exercise and a great feeling.

Just because you had a negative experience with one religion, it doesn't mean their all worthless.
The philosophy of a religion is one thing, especially considering something like Confucianism isn't really even a religion, despite people labeling it as such. It's the supernatural aspects that I can't ignore. I can't beleive that someone can back from the dead or has been reincarnated 100s of times. Besides that, some religous texts contradict themselves, so you get two groups of people, both claiming they beleive in whatever given religion, but believing different things.

Besides that, organized religion is one of the most corrupt things on earth, right up there with governments and corporations.
[quote name='Clak']The philosophy of a religion is one thing, especially considering something like Confucianism isn't really even a religion, despite people labeling it as such. It's the supernatural aspects that I can't ignore. I can't beleive that someone can back from the dead or has been reincarnated 100s of times. Besides that, some religous texts contradict themselves, so you get two groups of people, both claiming they beleive in whatever given religion, but believing different things.[/QUOTE]

I suppose. I've always been fascinated with harnessing the power of thought and imagination. I've never found a rational materialist or psychological explanation that I've been entirely happy with. Admittedly I guess I've come to see my experience of life as more of an art then a science.

[quote name='Clak']Besides that, organized religion is one of the most corrupt things on earth, right up there with governments and corporations.[/QUOTE]

It's important to separate the institution from the ideals. I think we can agree that a Democratic Republic is a pretty swell form of government, however the modern American implementation leaves much to be desired. Likewise religious ideals are often at odds with the imperfect religious leaders and followers that espouse them.
Well yeah, everything is great on paper until people get their hands on it, then everything goes to hell. Communism sounds like a great idea on paper, but people always manage to screw everything up.
[quote name='Clak']Well yeah, everything is great on paper until people get their hands on it, then everything goes to hell. Communism sounds like a great idea on paper, but people always manage to screw everything up.[/QUOTE]

I disagree. Politically I don't think Communism looks that great even on paper. Likewise with religions, I think the central message of some religious texts are contradictory and potentially inflammatory.
bread's done