Radio Power Will Revolutionize The World by Nikola Tesla


CAG Veteran

A very optimistic prediction for the future written by Scientist and Inventor Nikola Tesla for a July 1934 issue of Popular Mechanix magazine.

With optimism like Tesla's you could just about Platinum the XMB itself.

EDIT: a few excerpts:

“We are on the threshold of a gigantic revolution, based on the commercialization of the wireless transmission of power.

“Motion pictures will be flashed across limitless spaces . . .

“The same energy (wireless transmission of power) will drive airplanes and dirigibles from one central base.

“… In rocket-propelled machines . . . it will be practicable to attain speeds of nearly a mile a second (3600 m.p.h.) through the rarefied medium above the stratosphere.

“. . . We will be enabled to illuminate the whole sky at night . . . Eventually we will flash power in virtually unlimited amounts to planets.”
I thought the thing with Tesla Coils was that yes, it is possible to harness electricity from the earth's atmosphere / magnetosphere, but the structures for gathering the energy would have to be huge & I'm betting there would be issues of efficiency in transmitting the power across distances. You might as well have power plants dedicated to capturing lightning bolts that occur naturally...
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