Razer Special Forces!

If you're having problems viewing all the pages (White background, missing links, everything just looks weird) after you login, click on the Terms and Conditions link and that will bring you to a page that has all the correct stuff. From there, you can do the quiz and check your status.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This message is intended for all of our dedicated
Special Forces members.

No longer can we remain in our current state as intelligence has indicated that our progress needs to adapt to the changes in the retail landscape. We are changing the current mission and will be re-launching with more covert missions, more contests and new products. The current SF site will go black in 30 days. So you have until then to complete your testing or you will have to wait until we go back online to complete your ranking and testing. Your current rankings will remain upon re-launch and all those needing assistance are asked to hold their current positions until we re-fit ourselves with the proper new armaments.

You will be notified via email once we go back online.

New recruits are not being sought at this time.

If you are interested in being a member, please check back later.

Expect our relaunch in late January.

no invites for a few months
bread's done