RE4 and god of war deals?


are these going to go greatest hits and players choice soon? i would hate to buy at full price only to have em drop a week later. Also is there a site that tells you what is going to be a greatest hits upcoming?
[quote name='bball1515']Also is there a site that tells you what is going to be a greatest hits upcoming?[/QUOTE]

Nope. But it's easy to guess when, especially in Sony's case. Sony's usually pretty good about dropping the price as soon as applicable, which is officially set at eight months after release/400k copies sold. If that holds true, God of War should be GH relatively soon.
[quote name='Ledhed']Nope. But it's easy to guess when, especially in Sony's case. Sony's usually pretty good about dropping the price as soon as applicable, which is officially set at eight months after release/400k copies sold. If that holds true, God of War should be GH relatively soon.[/QUOTE]

If this is true, Sly Cooper 2 would gone GH when the last batch of games just went GH. Been out for roughly 10 months at this point, give or take, and definately sold 400k copies.

Sony has been slipping lately on making good selling titles GH... I mean, Rogue Agent just went GH, but not Jak 3 or R&C: Up Your Arsenal? It seems like they're delaying it, these days... I wouldn't expect GoW to go GH until after the holiday season (or maybe during).

Next batch of GH games SHOULD be Killzone, Jak 3, Sly 2, Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal, and some others.
[quote name='Roufuss']If this is true, Sly Cooper 2 would gone GH when the last batch of games just went GH. Been out for roughly 10 months at this point, give or take, and definately sold 400k copies.

Sony has been slipping lately on making good selling titles GH... I mean, Rogue Agent just went GH, but not Jak 3 or R&C: Up Your Arsenal? It seems like they're delaying it, these days... I wouldn't expect GoW to go GH until after the holiday season (or maybe during).

Next batch of GH games SHOULD be Killzone, Jak 3, Sly 2, Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal, and some others.[/QUOTE]

I you remember J&D & R&C didnt go GH until the sequels cames out, same happened last Sept. when Jak III, UYA & SLY 2 dropped so expect the GH drop to hit around then as well. it's a sept. for all 3 franchises. as far as GoW maybe around 360 launch....Killzone is Way overdue as well...
[quote name='tenzor']My guess is that the GC version of RE4 won't drop until the PS2 version comes out.[/QUOTE]

Knowing N it'll drop to $29.99 at it a nice gap...
Really, a game will only be budget priced under 2 conditions:

1) Demand for the game at the current price point has dropped off.

2) Marketing strategy to undercut/get a leg up on the competition.

It has little to do with how many have actually sold (if they are still selling like hotcakes at $50 a pop, do you think Sony will drop the price out of the goodness of their hearts?). That's a marketing gimmick.

The "X months old" aspect only has merit because obviously desire for a game tends to decrease over time.

And of course, usually when a sequel comes out, it just about KILLS sales on previous incarnations since people want new and better.

There are exceptions to every rule, but that's the general gist of it.
the X mark of sales to price drop thing is a friggan lie lol, if it was true, halo1 , halo 2, smash bros melee, and Wind Waker would have been greatest hits or platinum hits instantly. but yeah...whatever to fool the common gamer.
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