RE4 Cube -- $19.99 (Universal Drop)

[quote name='monkeypox']guess I should cancel my outpost order. I find it kind of odd that the preowned copy at EB is still $39, though.[/QUOTE]

I think it's $17.99 at (used)
I wonder if a Player's Choice release will feature the PS2 bonus contents. :D It's a nice fantasy, but I doubt there's any chance of it actually happening. :cry:
Anyone know how long these drops usually take to appear at Best Buy? I was looking to get it this weekend and I won't bother with a coupon if I can just price-match it later.
I wonder if a Player's Choice release will feature the PS2 bonus contents. It's a nice fantasy, but I doubt there's any chance of it actually happening.

Hey, it could happen. Just look Virtua Fighter: Evolution, Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition, and the Greatest Hits version of Silent Hill 2.
Let's all hope and pray that the GC version gets the hook up when it goes to Player's Choice. The only problem is that it seems like the PS2 gets all the extras.
And the PS2 extra aren't that great and don't look anywhere near as nice as the GC version.

Plus PS2 ports are unplayable shit.
[quote name='SevereTireDamage']It usually takes Best Buy, Circuit City, etc. a few weeks to catch up to EB/GS universal price drops. For some reason they get the word first.[/QUOTE]
Hmm, thanks. Guess I'll try to use the coupon then since then it'll only be $10 I'm wasting if the drop doesn't happen soon enough.
[quote name='David85']And the PS2 extra aren't that great and don't look anywhere near as nice as the GC version.

Plus PS2 ports are unplayable shit.[/QUOTE]

Well, the PS2 extras are actually really cool, and it is VERY playable. But thanks for showing us your GameFAQS origins. :happy:
[quote name='shadowane']Anyone know how long these drops usually take to appear at Best Buy? I was looking to get it this weekend and I won't bother with a coupon if I can just price-match it later.[/QUOTE]

Within a week's time, more likely less than that. Best guess would be by Monday at the latest if this is universal...
[quote name='Frogger']what i pisser, i just bought a new copy for $23 bucks shipped off a CAGer....


Unless you don't pay for gas and tax, I wouldn't say its that big a deal ;)
[quote name='eldad9']So, GC or PS2?[/QUOTE]

I'd go with PS2 if it were up to me. Near-same graphic quality, bonus features, etc. = a bettter game.
Well, here is one game did not need to drop in price to sell. Unless everyone has it already.
Cripes, I think I saw Teminator 3 for GC for $40 the other day.
[quote name='Rozz']I'd go with PS2 if it were up to me. Near-same graphic quality, bonus features, etc. = a bettter game.[/QUOTE]

So you'd choose worse lighting, lower poly counts, crappier textures, and a worse control scheme over the GC version for some extra costumes, two weapons, and a bonus level? Meh, to each their own.
[quote name='hooo']So you'd choose worse lighting, lower poly counts, crappier textures, and a worse control scheme over the GC version for some extra costumes, two weapons, and a bonus level? Meh, to each their own.[/QUOTE]Bonus Level? Sounds to me like someone hasn't played it yet... Try an extra 5-7 hours of new story mode... Sure there is only one extra area in the extra campaign but it is a huge amount of extra content. Besides the graphics match up incredibly well. Most people would be hard pressed to notice the differences if they haven't played the GC first. Also you have to keep in mind that the PS2 supports a true widescreen mode.

Besides all that where do people get off saying it is a worse control scheme? It is exactly the same... It works just as well.
[quote name='Frogger']what i pisser, i just bought a new copy for $23 bucks shipped off a CAGer....


Me too! $20 + $3 money order from bank.
ok so im going to buy this and i swear if this is just bull then im going to be mad as hell. I am a RE lover! Go Zombies.
And to anyone who hasn't played yet, the PS2 version doesn't even come close to "matching up"... sure if you haven't seen it play on GC then you wouldn't notice the difference but that's a stupid thing to say, the GC has superior image quality (shocker since PS2 IQ is terrible), superior textures, superior geometry, superior polygon counts, superior lighting and controls better and it already has a lot of extras for a game of this type.
[quote name='bmarquardt']Within a week's time, more likely less than that. Best guess would be by Monday at the latest if this is universal...[/QUOTE]

Just like I said, it's $19.99 now at Best Buy :)
[quote name='WolfPac_Ite']I would like to try this game out but I'm too much of a wuss for scary games like this. :([/QUOTE]lol. It's not as scary as you think. I was freakin scared to play this when i first bought it. But its not that scary as the other RE's. So you should try it out.
[quote name='daewezzy']lol. It's not as scary as you think. I was freakin scared to play this when i first bought it. But its not that scary as the other RE's. So you should try it out.[/QUOTE]

I hadn't realized that. Thanks!

So far the price drop hasn't really caught on. Vendors at Amazon and are still selling it used for about $25.
Originally Posted by hooo
So you'd choose worse lighting, lower poly counts, crappier textures, and a worse control scheme over the GC version for some extra costumes, two weapons, and a bonus level? Meh, to each their own.

[quote name='Kenshin9']Bonus Level? Sounds to me like someone hasn't played it yet... Try an extra 5-7 hours of new story mode... Sure there is only one extra area in the extra campaign but it is a huge amount of extra content. Besides the graphics match up incredibly well. Most people would be hard pressed to notice the differences if they haven't played the GC first. Also you have to keep in mind that the PS2 supports a true widescreen mode.

Besides all that where do people get off saying it is a worse control scheme? It is exactly the same... It works just as well.[/QUOTE]

:applause: It looks like somebody got owned!
Sweet... looks like this is a goood time to bust out the $10 rebate EB Games coupon I got from Call of Duty 2 before Christmas. $9.99 for RE4... and I don't need to camp out at a TRU clearance sale to do it.
Man youd have to be a complete retard not to buy this- its a HELL of a good game.

And I've played PS2 and GC versions and I prefer the GC- Mercinaries and Assignment Ada are more than enough extra content alone to merit the GC version and its superior graphics (IMO). 20$ is a steal.
bread's done