RE4 - "Infected humans" vs Ghosts & Monsters


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I came across this clip a while back, and then came across it again today.
And it got me to thinking a bit.

If RE4 came out the way they had planned in this clip would you have enjoyed it? I personally think it's even more kickass than how RE4 turned out for the Cube. I'm not saying RE4 is bad in any way, one of the best games I've played. But the "horror" aspect in the beta looks way more eerie. It's almost like Fatal Frame meets Resident Evil.
I agree, the beta does have that scary feeling (ghosts and the toy babies) compared to the now RE4. The only thing I didn't like was the fixed camera angles like in th eold REs, but they fixed that up.
maybe maybe not. depends on what the ooverall game world would be like. one thing that got very repetitive in the re series was mansion crawling or factory crawling. the games though fun were pretty annoying with that stuff. the new re ( re 4) eliminated alot of the annoying backtracking and the most annoying part of re games the aiming.

that video does look kinda cool but the only real thing that makes me wonder is the storyline. re 4 was supposed to be a continuation of the storyline from re 2 with leon infected and looking for answers. that i will always wonder wtf coul dhave been but i was very happy with re 4 i hoep down the road they add co=op or multiplayer of some kind.

i do also wonder what re 2 could have been like. i remembe rreading in an egm that they were goign to have it where your characters clothes got damaged over timeand after attacks and some other stuff that would have ben cool but wasnt implimented.
I saw this a couple of weeks ago when I was reading about RE4 on wikipedia. There's also an earlier demo called the "fog" version.

But Leon walking around with a flashlight in a dark, deserted building and lots of creepy, supernatural stuff happening? That's not Resident Evil, that's Silent Hill. RE is not about ghosts or demonic possession, it's about real creatures turned into dangerous, horrific abominations through genetic modification. I remember Shinji Mikami saying something along those lines in a GamePro interview before the first RE came out on the PlayStation. He said that the fact that such genetically engineered monsters could actually be possible is scarier than supernatural phenomena.
OK, so RE4, with the lack of a mutagenic virus, doesn't really fit this description, but it's still not ghosts and evil spirits.

I've only played Silent Hill 2 for a couple of hours and stopped because I found it boring. I'm happy with the RE4 we ended up with, even though it's not scary like the REs before it. But I wonder if Capcom could've made a better SH? Maybe they could take ideas from that early version and turn it into a new, SH-clone franchise? And is that demo really running on a GameCube? Those graphics look better than the final RE4!
i like the old REs....cause the camera scared the shit out of you since you only heard noises and couldnt see what was making them.....RE4 reminded me of a movie that Tom Cruise would star in...RE4 was too "americanized" if you ask me
[quote name='lvl99ultrathug']I saw this a couple of weeks ago when I was reading about RE4 on wikipedia. There's also an earlier demo called the "fog" version.

the fog version had leon getting infected from this dark black cloud and him searching for the cure with the cloud hunting/following him around
I think people would be totally fucked up in the head after playing this version of the game. I foresee RE5 going through a lot of changes before it gets released.
What if they blended fixed camera angles and over-the-shoulder cams? Something like fixed camera mini-games in certain locations (looking for stuff, puzzles, etc.) and then over-the-shoulder cam for the bulk of the game (action, shooting, etc.) Far fetched, but I think it would be cool for RE5.
[quote name='ITDEFX']I think people would be totally fucked up in the head after playing this version of the game. I foresee RE5 going through a lot of changes before it gets released.[/quote]

yeah there will be a button in the game so that everytime you push it chris says

"im killing you because youre a zombie not because youre black"

another push of the button and he will say

" seriously im not racist i had black friends in racoon city"

man i hope this whole racism thing will go away resident evil isnt a game that needs or deserves to be dragged in the mud that way.
lol! Nice, lokizz!

Here's some more videos of what could have been. This is the beta version of Resident Evil 2, now dubbed by both fans and Capcom as Resident Evil 1.5. Allegedly, the game was 80% complete when Capcom decided to scrap it because it felt too much like the first RE. So how did they go about differentiating it from the first game? By turning what was looking like a modern police station into basically another mansion and giving one of the playable characters ties to Chris from RE1. :roll:
And here's the fog version of RE4 that I mentioned earlier and that Ikohn4ever described.
man that mourge in re 2 was some scary shit. that game is the reason i can even watch zombie movies today since before i was afraid of them. but seeing as how that game was the only game i had when i bought my first ps1 i had to force myself to play it a few minutes at a time.

i still think they need to remake the first 3 re games using the re 4 engine. and then maybe make a prequel game of sorts where the zombies attack racoon city and to actually get to defend the station would be sweet. not to mention seeing zombie attacks in full 3d.
So it's you playing RE2 in this vid, huh lokizz? ;) Warning! This video spoils a lot of the scares in RE2! But if you're reading this thread, you've probably played it already huh?

[quote name='lvl99ultrathug']So it's you playing RE2 in this vid, huh lokizz? ;) Warning! This video spoils a lot of the scares in RE2! But if you're reading this thread, you've probably played it already huh?[/quote]

lmao i didnt scream that much i did scream though especialy those damn giant spiders and the crocodile in the sewer. and in my defense this was the first re and ps1 game id ever played at the time so yeah the game was damn intimidating then. especially when you arent used to the controls so youre trying to get away and keep getting eaten. to me that is still the best re game to date as far as a true zombie game goes. re 2 and the first silent hill to me are what the true essence of surviuval horror is.
[quote name='lvl99ultrathug']But Leon walking around with a flashlight in a dark, deserted building and lots of creepy, supernatural stuff happening? That's not Resident Evil, that's Silent Hill. RE is not about ghosts or demonic possession, it's about real creatures turned into dangerous, horrific abominations through genetic modification. I remember Shinji Mikami saying something along those lines in a GamePro interview before the first RE came out on the PlayStation. He said that the fact that such genetically engineered monsters could actually be possible is scarier than supernatural phenomena. [/quote]

See, I feel the opposite way.

Playing RE games is pure fantasy because I'm not a spec ops operative with extensive training in hand-to-hand combat and a wide variety of weaponry and explosives. Using a roundhouse kick to knock over B-Movie style zombies makes me feel like a badass, not scared.

But the Silent Hill games have always used ordinary people in nightmare situations - typically the best option is to run because your fighting skills are mediocre at best and your ammunition is extremely limited. The monsters are just plain disturbing, the storylines blend real-life tragedy with nightmare horror, and the games are just plain terrifying if you get the gist of what is happening.
Holy Crap that vid was cool! I want to see what the story was fully and play that game. Like someone else said, hopefully they come out with that!!!
bread's done