Real opinion on halo 2?

Single Player: Great story line, good action, good level design (for the most part), ending left you wanting more, which may or may not be a good thing.

Multiplayer: Fantastic on live, tons of fun playing with friends. Bad choice by Bungie by not allowing users to specify rules and types of matches they want to play. I personally think Halo 1 is still better suited for LAN than Halo 2's multi.

Overall: 9/10
I've enjoyed everything about the game, even though the single player/co op ending was horrible. I have not been able to get on live yet, but I have played MP with a few of my friends. Let me say that it is one of the best I have played, beside perfect dark for N64. I would get this game if you already don't have it.
Honestly i haven't had so much fun playing an FPS since Golden Eye. The single player portions are kinda blah but they are not the reason I bought the game since I didn't think single player was great in the first game either
At first, I was extremely disappointed. My friends and I wanted to put the game away and break out Halo instead. But after a few hours on Live, we have found that it's multiplayer is far superior to that of Halo 1. The single player is so-so: actual plot development, great new features, but still like the old game... not much replay value. Multiplayer is what this game is about. The addition of Live makes it all that much better; there is a multiplayer game 24/7.

In short, well-worth the money I spent on it just in the time that I've played it already. Just don't expect much from the single-player portion of it.
The Nintendo DS comes out next week... I need some trade-in credit towards it... I'm looking to trade as few games in as possible to make up for the difference. Done with single player, and without Live, no need for anything else with the game. Color it gone. Fun while it lasted though.
Why does everyone seem to think that the single player portion was so lackluster? I thought the gameplay and action was as good, if not better than the original. I mean cmon, the last few levels of the first one were just rehashes with Flood thrown in.

Also, I thought the storyline was worth the price of admission by itself. But this may be because I'm pretty well-versed with the Halo universe? The plot twists left me begging for more...
The single player is just as lame as the first. The only part I enjoyed was the Live online play. I already traded mine back in, I look forward to Half-Life 2, which I think I'll like much better, and using a keyboard and mouse again for that natural FPS feeling.
[quote name='MasterLin1']Bad choice by Bungie by not allowing users to specify rules and types of matches they want to play. I personally think Halo 1 is still better suited for LAN than Halo 2's multi. [/quote]

What are you talking about? You can't customize the modes you want to play for the RANKED modes, yes, because random matchtypes and rules makes for more accurate rank, but within your own parties you cna do whatever the hell you want. Just go to "Custom Game"
I started to play yesterday and from what I understand I'm on the second to last level in the single player mode. Thus far I've enjoyed the game a lot and I'll probably finish it sometime this evening. I enjoyed the first Halo's single player experience more, but that's likely because the "wow" factor isn't as big for Halo 2.

I don't have Live, but just playing my two brothers in multi-player mode it's a lot of fun. I envy those who can play it on Live. I haven't played co-op yet, and that to me was the best thing about the original Halo.

Graphics and audio are amazing and the controls are nearly flawless.

It may not be as jaw dropping as the first, but Halo 2 is a worthy sequel.
[quote name='Fatesealer']The Nintendo DS comes out next week... I need some trade-in credit towards it... I'm looking to trade as few games in as possible to make up for the difference. Done with single player, and without Live, no need for anything else with the game. Color it gone. Fun while it lasted though.[/quote]

why dont u just rent games ?

u said the same thing for San Andreas
[quote name='ratedpeej'][quote name='MasterLin1']Bad choice by Bungie by not allowing users to specify rules and types of matches they want to play. I personally think Halo 1 is still better suited for LAN than Halo 2's multi. [/quote]

What are you talking about? You can't customize the modes you want to play for the RANKED modes, yes, because random matchtypes and rules makes for more accurate rank, but within your own parties you cna do whatever the hell you want. Just go to "Custom Game"[/quote]

I am very aware, but I think you missed my point. It annoys me that I can't choose to play only "Team Slayer" games, or play only "CTF" games. Its kinda dumb that I have to pretty much gamble my time hoping to play my favorite game mode. And that is exactly why I always join parties, or start my own. I've only played like 8 optimatch games because I'm sick of playing game modes I don't want to play.
Great game, deserving of the all the great reviews it has gotten.. Im quite pissed that the end was like that, It left you hanging.. the first one ended like there was gonna be a sequel but it had closure, Halo 2 ended like there needs to be Halo 2.5 .. Like most gamers I prefer keyboard and mouse, so I mostlly play PC FPS, bungie does a great job of making an FPS worthy of playing for the console.. finally Multiplayer is great, nuff said.
A little short. Felt like The Matrix Reloaded and LOTR: The Two Towers to me... as in it is part of the story, but it's the middle of the story. Shed some light on the Covenant, which was nice. Multiplayer is absolutely fucking amazing, and the bonus DVD in the LE is really cool. Overall, a great game.
Oh quick note, there's a rumor going around that if you beat the game on Legendary, at the end of the credits it says "Coming February 9th" This is just a rumor, but I've seen other posters from the Halo 2 Bungie forums confirm it. It could mean anything, especially since there's no specific year. However there is a new countdown at
Sound is AMAZING if you have the right is some of the best in a videogame....and a few of the action sequences are the best ever.

Minuses is the ending. Hoping maybe live people well get one extra downloadable map?!
I only got this game as a way early birthday present from my Aunt, I must say that if she hadn't gotten it for me I probably wouldn't have/would have waited till I could get it at 19.99 or so. I must say that the single player mode is not as lackluster as the first (the dual weapons really for some reason make me like it sslightly more). the story still has tons of plot holes and isn't good at all. Since I got it last Wednesday, I have beaten it already on normal mode. Normal mode was slightly more difficult than the first's so hopefully the same will hold true for Legendary which IMO the A.I. really shines. None of the new weapons are really intriguing, some are fun but none are truly useful and you will find yourself mainly relying on the onlder weapons. The controls for the vehicles (i.e. warthog, banshee, the new wraith tank, etc.) all seem to be tighter. It feels taht you won't start spinning in circles as often as in the first. The LE edition (i know I just said it twice) is definently worth it. I like the box a lot but wish that they didn't stack the discs as they did as it makes it a pain to get the game out. The dvd is what really makes honkering down 5 buckaroos worth it for the LCE go the game. I've really enjoyed it/ I like the Making of documentaries because I wish to become aprogrammer/involved in the gaming industry. I've started to play the co-op mode on normal and it just feels like more of the same of the first's with the added improvements. Some cutscenes are really nice and interesting and will keep you captivated but others will make you just want to skip them and wonder why did they even leave that in the game. Music is phenomenal, really get your blood and adreniline pumping. Othe rthan the co-op mode the multiplayer is still the same. Unless you have Live or can have LAN parties every other day or weekend, you will forget this mode as they left out bots (again) and with only two people it really isn't that great and can almost make it boring. I must also add that it is much less linear it seem than the first one.

I gave the first Halo a score of about 7.5 or it could have maybe even slid by with an 8. This one I raise it to about an 8.5/9 with some of the improvements.
[quote name='el bobo']Let me say that it is one of the best I have played, beside perfect dark for N64.[/quote]

Cheers! I always thought Perfect Dark multiplayer, at the very least, was equal to Goldeneye. I had many more hours of enjoyment with that, as compared to Goldeneye.
[quote name='MasterLin1']Oh quick note, there's a rumor going around that if you beat the game on Legendary, at the end of the credits it says "Coming February 9th" This is just a rumor, but I've seen other posters from the Halo 2 Bungie forums confirm it. It could mean anything, especially since there's no specific year. However there is a new countdown at[/quote]

Probably some downloadable content.
I like it a lot. Co-op's as fun as the 1st game, multiplayers pretty good. The only part i hate about MP is how HUGE the maps are. It used to be playing w/ 4 people was ok. Now its impossible to find anybody. They REALLY want you to play online. Singe player is the roxorz though. Thats good stuff. The story's not as good as the 1st one IMO, a bit too confusing, but still good. Overall, a Great game, just a little short of perfection. Still not sure whether Halo 1 or 2 is better.

Oh yeah, I've already logged at least 10 and a half hours in total. Good times.
[quote name='MasterLin1']Why does everyone seem to think that the single player portion was so lackluster? I thought the gameplay and action was as good, if not better than the original. I mean cmon, the last few levels of the first one were just rehashes with Flood thrown in.

Also, I thought the storyline was worth the price of admission by itself. But this may be because I'm pretty well-versed with the Halo universe? The plot twists left me begging for more...[/quote]

I agree. The singleplayer in the first one was a lot worse. This game had a lot tighter feel to it. I liked having fights in varied environements instead of just canyons and weird alien ruins (although there are still a fair amount of those). Best game I've played so far this year (I expect MP2 and MGS3 to entertain me more).
Single player is much more entertaining then the original, which I found to be painfully dull. Better level design, more variety in the levels (more vehicular stuff as well), and better storytelling. Any level where you can steal a Wraith by punching in the hood is a good level in my book. I love that addition.

Multiplayer is great, though if they'd give you a single-shot option with the battle rifle I'd be much happier. There's a definite lack of power-from-accuracy type weapons in this game, a void left by the departure of a quality pistol.

All in all, better than the first. 9/10 to the original's 8/10
[quote name='MasterLin1']Oh quick note, there's a rumor going around that if you beat the game on Legendary, at the end of the credits it says "Coming February 9th" This is just a rumor, but I've seen other posters from the Halo 2 Bungie forums confirm it. It could mean anything, especially since there's no specific year. However there is a new countdown at[/quote]

That would be devious. But not unexpected. After playing the game I thought they might have done something like that. The single player just seemed too short, but then again fans are likely to be pissed as hell. Sure they will buy it, but they won't like it.
It's scary to think that there were people actually upset with the single player game in Halo 2.

Anyone who has a problem with Halo 2, has a frickin' problem.
I like the campaign much better than the first Halo, and the multi-player LAN style feels much more complete.

I really only have 2 complaints: what happened to the Melee attack, and the power of the pistol?

I miss those sneaky one hit boxing kills and 2 hit head shot kills. *sniff sniff*
[quote name='smellhasreturned'][quote name='Fatesealer']The Nintendo DS comes out next week... I need some trade-in credit towards it... I'm looking to trade as few games in as possible to make up for the difference. Done with single player, and without Live, no need for anything else with the game. Color it gone. Fun while it lasted though.[/quote]

why dont u just rent games ?

u said the same thing for San Andreas[/quote]

I prefer not to rent games... that is all... sorry if I'm not able to give a glowing review to every game I play...
If you don't really know about a game you should rent it. For example if you like RPG long games Fable is a RPG but its VERY short. So I just rented it and beat it like that.
I thought Halo 2 was excellent. Live is great, and I don't really have any complaints about it. I thought the single-player mode was sufficient, and definitely looking forward to downloadable content.
It delivers on action and in the multiplayer department.

So many times, though, during the campaign, I found myself thinking how much I disliked the level design. I just found quite a few of the areas to be extremely monotonous. Exact reason why I'm taking a few days off from finishing the campaign and hopping on Live.
Actually, after seeing all the elitist PC dickheads bashing it left and right, I was expecting to be disappointed, but not so. I thought it was great. Better than I was thinking it would be. 9/10, would have been a 10 but some of the graphics glitches were kind of annoying.
I for one really enjoyed the single player. If anything, I'm pissed that it ended (or didn't depending on your perspective). But I still have to call out what a ridiculous cliff hanger the ending is.
[quote name='MasterLin1'][quote name='ratedpeej'][quote name='MasterLin1']Bad choice by Bungie by not allowing users to specify rules and types of matches they want to play. I personally think Halo 1 is still better suited for LAN than Halo 2's multi. [/quote]

What are you talking about? You can't customize the modes you want to play for the RANKED modes, yes, because random matchtypes and rules makes for more accurate rank, but within your own parties you cna do whatever the hell you want. Just go to "Custom Game"[/quote]

I am very aware, but I think you missed my point. It annoys me that I can't choose to play only "Team Slayer" games, or play only "CTF" games. Its kinda dumb that I have to pretty much gamble my time hoping to play my favorite game mode. And that is exactly why I always join parties, or start my own. I've only played like 8 optimatch games because I'm sick of playing game modes I don't want to play.[/quote]
Then don't play ranked games, thats all there is to it. People would just play the one type that they're good at otherwise.
[quote name='dafoomie']Then don't play ranked games, thats all there is to it. People would just play the one type that they're good at otherwise.[/quote]

/Thinks of all the rank-padders he ran into in SC:pT

Very glad that ranked game options aren't in the players hands.
I wish I could watch that bonus DVD, but I don't want to spoil singleplayer because I haven't finished it yet...I'm playing on Heroic my first time through so it's taking a I just got the thing on Friday. Nice of them to put the warning at the beginning of the DVD though.

[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='dafoomie']Then don't play ranked games, thats all there is to it. People would just play the one type that they're good at otherwise.[/quote]

/Thinks of all the rank-padders he ran into in SC:pT

Very glad that ranked game options aren't in the players hands.[/quote]

I agree, although I wish unranked games were a little easier to just control and do whatever you want like most XBL games.
[quote name='KaneRobot']I wish I could watch that bonus DVD, but I don't want to spoil singleplayer because I haven't finished it yet...I'm playing on Heroic my first time through so it's taking a I just got the thing on Friday. Nice of them to put the warning at the beginning of the DVD though.[/quote]

Some of the stuff you can watch without spoiling anything. You can definitely watch the MP video and the Outtakes video. Don't watch the main video or the second set of videos. Don't watch the "commentary" either, as it will reveal the SP levels.
[quote name='KaneRobot']I wish I could watch that bonus DVD, but I don't want to spoil singleplayer because I haven't finished it yet...I'm playing on Heroic my first time through so it's taking a I just got the thing on Friday. Nice of them to put the warning at the beginning of the DVD though.

[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='dafoomie']Then don't play ranked games, thats all there is to it. People would just play the one type that they're good at otherwise.[/quote]

/Thinks of all the rank-padders he ran into in SC:pT

Very glad that ranked game options aren't in the players hands.[/quote]

I agree, although I wish unranked games were a little easier to just control and do whatever you want like most XBL games.[/quote]

How far along are you?
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='dafoomie']Then don't play ranked games, thats all there is to it. People would just play the one type that they're good at otherwise.[/quote]

/Thinks of all the rank-padders he ran into in SC:pT

Very glad that ranked game options aren't in the players hands.[/quote]

Uh, the games don't have to be ranked...I simply want options that allow me to choose whatever gametype and rules I want without having to find people to form a party. I agree, the system they have now is a fairly accurate measurement of rank, but I dislike the lack of control.
I've been playing this game on Live like non-stop. Buy it. Now. Really, Live play is THAT good.
Yeah good ol' Led heD got the secret map today. Got to play in it, its nice and secluded leaving room for alotta killing and carnage. On a 2nd note however, i'm just half way through the game and enjoying every bit of it. Multi-player and Xbox live is where this game really shines.
bread's done