Reason #3527 why GameStop sucks ass ($5 if not preorder not picked up within 2 days)

Big Wang

3 (100%)
This is just getting ridiculous.

Apparently, they can charge you $5 if you don't pick up the pre-order within the first 48 hours when they're available at the store.

Directly from my pre-order email:

You bought 3 of them?

Anyway - STOP GIVING GAMESTOP MONEY. They have terrible prices, their trade-in values are crap, and everything they sell is available somewhere else. If you have a job then there's no need for you to go to gamestop.
I bought Mass Effect. Turns out that gamestop has exclusive pre-order bonuses.

I only pre-ordered those to get the pre-order bonus, and I'm just gonna return all three games a week later for full refund while keeping the preorder bonuses and selling them on ebay.
[quote name='Big Wang']I bought Mass Effect. Turns out that gamestop has exclusive pre-order bonuses.

I only pre-ordered those to get the pre-order bonus, and I'm just gonna return all three games a week later for full refund while keeping the preorder bonuses and selling them on ebay.[/QUOTE]

How dare they charge me five dollars while I'm trying to scam them?!
[quote name='Ugamer_X']:rofl:

How dare they charge me five dollars while I'm trying to scam them?![/QUOTE]

Irrelevant, since my intention does not change the fact that this practice is absurd.
[quote name='Big Wang']Irrelevant, since my intention does not change the fact that this practice is absurd.[/QUOTE]
Completely relevant. You're ordering three games to get shipped to the store by Gamestop which you have no intention of keeping.

Gamestop may suck but you're a fucking moron.
So I guess you fit right in with gamestop after all. You should be applauding their savvy way of exploiting situations for cash.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']Completely relevant. You're ordering three games to get shipped to the store by Gamestop which you have no intention of keeping.

Gamestop may suck but you're a fucking moron.[/QUOTE]

it's like you really have 0 logic.

I'll break it down for you.

1. I made a claim that gamestop sucks because of their practice of charging $5 for preorders not picked up within 48 hours.
2. You said that omg, you're trying to scam them, therefore gamestop's practice cannot be bad.
3. You commited the logical fallacy of Tu quoque

I never claimed to be righteous. Yeah, I'm "scamming" them, but it's not my fault I can only get the pre-order bonus from gamestop. But that doesn't make the practice any less gay, cuz the policy is uniformly applied, which means legitimate customers are subjected to the policy as well.
[quote name='Big Wang']it's like you really have 0 logic.

I'll break it down for you.

1. I made a claim that gamestop sucks because of their practice of charging $5 for preorders not picked up within 48 hours.
2. You said that omg, you're trying to scam them, therefore gamestop's practice cannot be bad.
3. You commited the logical fallacy of Tu quoque

I never claimed to be righteous. Yeah, I'm "scamming" them, but it's not my fault I can only get the pre-order bonus from gamestop. But that doesn't make the practice any less gay, cuz the policy is uniformly applied, which means legitimate customers are subjected to the policy as well.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Ugamer_X']Completely relevant. You're ordering three games to get shipped to the store by Gamestop which you have no intention of keeping.

Gamestop may suck but you're a fucking moron.[/QUOTE]
You're a fucking moron.
op i was with you there until you basically told everyone how youre planning to scam gamestop. what theyre doing is wrong but what youre doing is worse. do you really think what youre doing is right? its pretty shitty for you to steal like that and try and profit from it and i feel bad for those gamers who are preordering the game and intend to keep it who wont get a preorder bonus because of shady people like you.
I don't see the problem here. Gamestop says they will charge you for shipping and handling to ship your item to the store if you do not pick up your instore pickup within a reasonable amount of time. They probably count on so many games being sold and they are covering their asses on shipping and handling if they sell out.
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just wait, dont buy games new unless its FF13 or a AAA title. The day where games would be out of stock are over, pre-ordering is essentially dead. Now pre order incentives run the market but are never worth buying a game over.
[quote name='SpazX']You bought 3 of them?

Anyway - STOP GIVING GAMESTOP MONEY. They have terrible prices, their trade-in values are crap, and everything they sell is available somewhere else. If you have a job then there's no need for you to go to gamestop.[/QUOTE]

Not really. Unless you don't mind paying eBay mark up GS has plenty of exclusives.
I guess gamestop just doesn't want any wishy-washy shenanigans... I don't quite blame them. There'll be tons of schmos like me waltzing in a day or two later asking "Do you have Mass Effect 2?" to which they'll have to reply "we got three but they're all reserved by some lone butthole who won't come and pick them up". I doubt they really appreciate losing out on all these potential sales and storage space while you're off somewhere doing a jig and shoving 15 copies of some clearance game into your shopping cart when you COULD be picking up your game.

Personally I think you're right though, they shouldn't charge $5. You're going to pay enough with the inevitably awkward return process. "Uhh, I bought three because uhh... I have OCD and have to do everything three times. Where are the preorders you ask? Well... I already gave those back to THAT employee over THERE!"
[quote name='Big Wang']I bought Mass Effect. Turns out that gamestop has exclusive pre-order bonuses.

I only pre-ordered those to get the pre-order bonus, and I'm just gonna return all three games a week later for full refund while keeping the preorder bonuses and selling them on ebay.[/QUOTE]

Wow, you are an idiot trying to scam them. I also wish you would have found this out after the 48 hours, and they would have charged you 5 a piece for them. Stop being a lowlife and maybe you won't have karma bite you in the ass like this any longer.
1) OP, you're a moron. You're complaining about GS, when you're trying to screw other people out of a pre-order bonus, so that you can sell them on eBay. And when people pointed out you were being a moron, you became a bigger douche. Good job.

2) They've been doing this ever since they started online pre-orders. They don't want people abusing the system. Can't blame them. Unlike an in-store pre-order, you don't have to put down any money, so you have no incentive to go in and pick it up or change the pre-order if you are no longer interested in the game. At least with this, you'll be out $5, so you'll at least hopefully make an effort.
i think the real consensus in this topic is "thats a crappy policy, but tc has no right to complain because he's just scamming them, which is part of the reason they create shitty policies"
I guess store #4466 in Columbia, MD would like a call to warn them that someone who did an online reservation of three copies of ME2 is trying to scam them out of preorder bonus codes and not to allow returns of said reserved copies of the game.

Guess ya should have blocked out more than just the order number.
You are an evil scammer and I hate you!!!! You are scum of the earth! You are even worse than the average game flipper who is already scum of the earth!
I think people shop at Gamestop specifically so they can bitch about it on the internet later.

If you don't like them, stop giving them your business. fucking DUH.
They are probably doing this because they get a ton of reserves that people don't pick up. Its probably gotten worse with the economy. Its a lot of work for the employees to keep calling trying to get these people to come in and pick up their games especially when there is a stack of unfilled pre-orders. Although thats automated these days, they probably still have to call when orders aren't picked up.

If you aren't sure don't preorder the game, and if you can't come to get it within 48 hours then don't preorder it. Its rare that a game will actually sell out, and if you don't have Target or Walmart nearby (these stores usually have plenty of copies) then you can always order off Amazon or Newegg and wait a few days. They should have a sign posted about this policy if it applies to orders done in store as well.
[quote name='SaraAB']They are probably doing this because they get a ton of reserves that people don't pick up. Its probably gotten worse with the economy. Its a lot of work for the employees to keep calling trying to get these people to come in and pick up their games especially when there is a stack of unfilled pre-orders. Although thats automated these days, they probably still have to call when orders aren't picked up.

If you aren't sure don't preorder the game, and if you can't come to get it within 48 hours then don't preorder it. Its rare that a game will actually sell out, and if you don't have Target or Walmart nearby (these stores usually have plenty of copies) then you can always order off Amazon or Newegg and wait a few days. They should have a sign posted about this policy if it applies to orders done in store as well.[/QUOTE]

But it's not about that. It's about them having the balls to charge him extra when he is trying to scam them... Shame on them

/end sarcasm
Wow...I learn more ways to scam companies on this site than on any other.

It's scams like this that make all of pay more for games in the long run. Every time a company gets scammed, all of us wind up paying for it.

And the OP has the audacity to tell everybody that he only does it to profit (selling them on Ebay). This amounts to nothing more than stealing, pure and simple. He didn't pay anything for the extras and plans on selling them.

As long as the $5 in-store pre-order remains a refundable amount, I suggest that everyone who despises GS and their practices go into the store and put multiple pre-orders down on whatever shitty shovelware games that're coming out that they'll never sell at MSRP.

Then, go in a day after release and cancel every last pre-order and stick the fuckers with said shovelware en masse.

But what the OP is doing is being a douche/thief by taking pre-order bonuses out of the hands of people who might actually be buying the game for that very reason.

Speaking of which, I forgot to ask if they had any of the pre-order artbooks yesterday when I finally bought and kept a copy of Darksiders.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with this practice. Anyone with a lick of sense who ran their own store would do the same damn thing.

As for pre-orders being dead thats a big :lol: right there.

customer-"do you have X game in stock?"
me-"yes but only enough to cover my reserves"
customer-"damn (insert 5 store names here) doesn't have any either"
me-"should have pre-ordered"

My store often only gets a small handful of games after reserves. Especially with sleeper hits like darksiders it can sometimes be very tough to find the first few weeks if you don't preorder.

What do you have to lose with an in-store pre-order? The money comes off the purchase price, you get bonuses, it guarantees you a copy, you can use it like layaway if you do it in advance enough, if you change your mind you can get the money back. I can't see why someone wouldn't preorder games they might pick up.
Because many of us like to wait for price drops before picking games up? Most of us here aren't the normal shnook consumer like Gamestop prefers, meds.

Had I not been waiting for Darksiders for months and had a ton of cheap credit, I would've waited till it price dropped to $30.

But seeing as how nearly $10 of the credit came from a copy of the Sudoku game that the latest Best Buy coupon gave out for free(and the rest of the credit came from $5 HWV sale games), I figured why not.

As for 'zomg not finding the games if you don't preorder', you've been a GS employee for far too long if you really, truly believe that line of horseshit.

There hasn't been a game that I've wanted that I have had any trouble finding long after release.

Again, maybe the normal customers fall for that line of bs about not finding games if you don't pre-order, but most of us here don't.
Preordering things and cancelling is a huge dick move. It doesn't only effect the company but also the employees because they have to get a certain number of preorders or they will get fired and cancelling hurts it even if you didn't preorder the game from them.
[quote name='darkslime']Preordering things and cancelling is a huge dick move. It doesn't only effect the company but also the employees because they have to get a certain number of preorders or they will get fired and cancelling hurts it even if you didn't preorder the game from them.[/QUOTE]

Not to mention all the fucking stress they go through when they have to tell some customers that there are no codes left for them. Granted the store should get more, but still kind of stressful on them.
[quote name='darkslime']Preordering things and cancelling is a huge dick move. It doesn't only effect the company but also the employees because they have to get a certain number of preorders or they will get fired and cancelling hurts it even if you didn't preorder the game from them.[/QUOTE]

Even after the game comes out? I asked this of the one employee when I cancelled my Darksiders pre-order that I put down when the one employee was nice enough to let me trade in 2 copies of Fairytale Fights on one transaction(1 360, 1 PS3). They had no clue if it hurt their numbers and the manager(who was standing right there) gave me a look like 'how do you know our policies?'.

But I would think that once the game has come out that the pre-order doesn't even matter.

As for it being a 'dick move', I rarely pre-order anything and when an employee gives me exemplary service I want to reward them. However, if the cancellation of a pre-order after the game comes out still hurts the numbers of whoever I cancel with and that employee has been a dick to me in times past, then I'm going to cancel that one and maybe just for shits and giggles I'll make a pre-order and cancel it right on the spot.
Meh no big deal imo ... half the times employes take the pre order goodies after a few days or so and sells them as well, or toss them. Hell we've had CAGs sell pre order codes on here before because their store had a large amount left. No one minds that though.

The store will get more than their fair share of codes so more power to you OP imo. Guess I'm just a douche myself then.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']What would be funnier would be if they charged him $5 a game for shipping from the site and then had NO pre-order bonuses for ANY of his copies.[/QUOTE]

This would prove there is a benevolent video game god.
[quote name='momouchi']This would prove there is a benevolent video game god.[/QUOTE]

Well, I still swear that Best Buy Galactic Command had a voodoo doctor put a hex on my electronics after I nabbed 15 or so copies of Fairytale Fights for free with the coupon. Soon after that whole debacle both of my PC's were acting up(fan was going on the newer one, older one had no video a day after I resorted to using it due to the fan's excessive noise on the old one)and I swore my PS3's HDD was making some funny noises soon after I started using it to surf the internet in lieu of my PC's.:lol:

So maybe I shouldn't have angered the Best Buy hex/jinx god(s) by grabbing 12 copies of Sudoku Ball Detective for DS over the course of one day this past week.

I can already feel the bad mojo flowing towards me.:cry::whistle2:#
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Because many of us like to wait for price drops before picking games up? Most of us here aren't the normal shnook consumer like Gamestop prefers, meds.

Had I not been waiting for Darksiders for months and had a ton of cheap credit, I would've waited till it price dropped to $30.

But seeing as how nearly $10 of the credit came from a copy of the Sudoku game that the latest Best Buy coupon gave out for free(and the rest of the credit came from $5 HWV sale games), I figured why not.

As for 'zomg not finding the games if you don't preorder', you've been a GS employee for far too long if you really, truly believe that line of horseshit.

There hasn't been a game that I've wanted that I have had any trouble finding long after release.

Again, maybe the normal customers fall for that line of bs about not finding games if you don't pre-order, but most of us here don't.[/QUOTE]

This is meds btw. I never said you won't find the game. I'm not a GS employee.

What "horseshit" are you talking about? I clearly said SOMETIMES SLEEPER hits are hard to find at first. Clearly you don't like pre-ordering games and/or buying new release games. Thats fine, nothing wrong with it. But if you want a new game on release day, why would you not preorder????
Honestly gamestop isn't all that bad. Sure their values for trade ins don't trade in to them. However compared to most places around me, their prices are pretty similar to other used places, and they tend to have better stock, not to mention the guys that work there are nice as hell, know what they are doing, and if you actually talk to them, they can, you know, get you the copy that hasn't been opened to put on the shelf. Sometimes they don't have them, and then its up to you, but gamestop never forces you to trade in or buy what you might see as used because the package is open. I mean sure I think the trade in prices could be better, and certain other things..but they are a large business.

And ive always pre ordered through the store, and if I decide I don't want the pre order anymore, they are MORE than happy to let me transfer it to something else I want (or give it back, but ive always just put it on something else I want more.) Hell the ones in my area have been cool enough to drive to another store 20 minutes away to pick up a 360 arcade unit when I needed to replace my e73 error one I bought years ago, and have allowed me to return a game I purchased new, but was one of the shelf copies so it was opened, since I hadn't played it. I think it just depends on the store, and the area, but the ones near me are pretty cool guys, so I dont get all the hate to be honest.
[quote name='Big Wang']it's like you really have 0 logic.

I'll break it down for you.

1. I made a claim that gamestop sucks because of their practice of charging $5 for preorders not picked up within 48 hours.
2. You said that omg, you're trying to scam them, therefore gamestop's practice cannot be bad.
3. You commited the logical fallacy of Tu quoque

I never claimed to be righteous. Yeah, I'm "scamming" them, but it's not my fault I can only get the pre-order bonus from gamestop. But that doesn't make the practice any less gay, cuz the policy is uniformly applied, which means legitimate customers are subjected to the policy as well.[/QUOTE]

Do we really need to go there for the bolded part?

Maybe you should take a look at this:
Lmfao! I can't believe I never saw that commercial before. The Hilary Duff one was especially funny.

As for the pre-order thing, I usually don't pre-order things myself either cause it's usually readily available like others have stated. The only occasion I can remember having trouble finding a game was when I first bought my XBOX 360 and was looking for Gears of War 2. I went to Walmart,Target and Best Buy and they were all sold out strangely. I headed over to Gamestop and found a copy though so that was cool. As for the pre-order bonus thing, I don't think he'll be getting 3.. It might be 1 bonus per customer but then again I've never preordered anything and just wanted to say something to stay on topic. :p
bread's done