

I'm looking for the DVDs for Reboot.
Ya know, that cool CG cartoon that took place inside computers.
I never got to see all the episodes when they ran it on tv, and now I want to see them all.

Also... At the same time period, I used to watch beast wars. I thought it was cool when I was 11, but if I remember, the story got really wacked out in later seasons and people stopped liking it.
I was never able to track them all down, either. I do, however, have the CDs I made of the show each time it aired. I don't even think season 4 ever came out on DVD, I mean- yeah, it was short- but they skipped ever putting the full thing on disc, then dropped the whole Reboot project after those 8 eps. Sad.

EDIT: I lie, I lie. Seems ebay has season 4 in full for around 20$. The post below sounds about right for the rest of it, though.
ReBoot was an excellent show, especially that breakthrough 3rd season that almost never made it to the US. Beast Wars was pretty good too, mostly because of its unexpected ties to 1G Transformers.

As for the ReBoot DVDs, this is what I know. The rights to the 1st and 2nd season eps are in dispute or still under control of another company. AD Vision has the rights to the 3rd season, while Anchor Bay has the rights to season 4.

ADV released the 3rd season eps on DVD a few years ago. They were all set to rerelease those DVDs at a great price of $10 a pop, which I was going to buy myself, when suddenly the DVDs failed to make their date and all there was left was a mysterious letter saying those DVDs are on hiatus.

I believe Deep Discount DVD has the 4th season DVD at a pretty reasonable price, $12 with free shipping. That includes both "movies."
The only reboot dvds out there is when Enzo becomes a guardian up to the point of when megabyte took over the central command in mainframe with everyone trapped inside (last most recent episode). They haven't shown any new episodes after that.
Reboot's later episodes were pretty damn good. Beast Wars was also pretty damn good. Too bad Optimal Optimus was lame as hell. The toy is also hard as hell to transform!
[quote name='Alpha2']

Two Enzos AND two Bobs?[/QUOTE]

Yeah... the plot gets somewhat complicated towards the end there.

There's two enzos because the original one (now called Enzo 1) was sucked into the net with his girl friend and he "grew up." Mainframe at the time got "rebooted" and enzo 2 was born. Then one day Enzo 1 comes back and they live happily ever after. Both guys are Truly ENzo.

Bob 1 was some how messed up cause he fused with Glitch and one day Bob 2 came from the Net and comes to steal Dot away from Bob 1. Only one of them is the real Bob the other is a phony.
[quote name='dastly75']Reboot is coming back:[/QUOTE]
Uh, great news and all (I heard it a couple days ago), but this thread is almost two-and-a-half years old. I think making a new thread would have been justified.

Unfortunately, the Reboot movies are going to be a, erm, "reboot," and NOT a conclusion to the series. So, it's awesome news that they're bring it back, but it's also some of the shittiest news I've heard all year. A really double-edged sword, this one.

The ending of Season 4 was seriously one of the cruelest cliffhangers EVER. And now Mainframe makes nothing but these god damned Barbie as [insert fairy tale character here] movies, and it really sucks that we'll probably never see a proper end to the original Reboot story.
bread's done