Rebuilding Collection After Theft

Lost Loser

Back in June I had about 20 of my games stolen. I could go into more explanation, but then I'd just get really angry. I've kept telling myself I'll rebuy any of the games I actually liked and try to let go of the fact that I won't get any monetary compensation for the ones I didn't, but now it is 9 months later and the only games I've bothered to go re-get are Shenmue II the GBA Metroids.

So, I have six games I'm currently looking for, mainly online. So here they are, along with the lowest prices I can currently find for a copy with a box and manual (price includes shipping, which is $4 in each case).

Brain Age (DS) - $18.49 *Just need game, still have first box
Crash Bandicoot (PS1) - $23.93
Metroid Prime Pinball (DS) - $20.49
Pokémon: Crystal Version (GBC) - $27.24
Sonic Gems Collection (GCN) - $18.47
WarioWare, Inc. (GBA) - $11.99 *Still have box for this one too

So, if anyone just happens to know any sites (or even B&M stores, I'm open to suggestions) offering lower prices than these, um, drop me a reply.
ebay should have cheaper prices than that. Ditto for Goozex is also an alternative, Metroid prime pinball's about 200 points on there, which is equivalent to $10. These are used games but you can get them with box and manual.

Finally, probably has those games at decent prices used, and you can use the code AFF25 to get 25 percent off. Problem with gamestop though is that sometimes you don't get the actual box, you just get this cheap gamestop box instead. If you don't care about the box like me then that doesn't really matter.
[quote name='cindersphere']Crash is like 6 bucks for download on playstation store if you have a ps3.[/quote]

I do, but I'd rather own a physical copy.

[quote name='doodofdoods']ebay should have cheaper prices than that. Ditto for Goozex is also an alternative, Metroid prime pinball's about 200 points on there, which is equivalent to $10. These are used games but you can get them with box and manual.

Finally, probably has those games at decent prices used, and you can use the code AFF25 to get 25 percent off. Problem with gamestop though is that sometimes you don't get the actual box, you just get this cheap gamestop box instead. If you don't care about the box like me then that doesn't really matter.[/quote]
I have no problem with used, but after buying a disc only copy of Megaman X Collection last year and having it's GameStop box stick out like a sore thumb on my shelf (I finally just printed a new cover for it from I realized how much I prefer copies with all original content. I forgot to mention, but I'm searching for a Pinball copy that still has the Rumble Pak, which Goozex doesn't seem to mention if you'll get or not. seems good. I'll look into it. I'll also make sure to check the prices at GameStop when I go in to pick up Brawl tomorrow.
Sonic Gems is $12.96, maybe the price has dropped even more by now but it's hard to find. I picked up the only copy my CC had a few months ago when it had the price drop to $12.96.

I know how much it sucks having games stolen. My XBox and almost all my XBox games (around 30) were stolen almost 3 years ago. It really upset me and I still get upset when I think about it even though I replaced everything but 1 or 2 games (was able to get most on clearance and on EBay cheap)
I put in an order at for a copy of Metroid Prime Pinball with Rumble Pak ($10 + $3 shipping). It's used and the box is "a little dirty" (we'll see what that means), but I'm still content since it doesn't seem like you can get the Rumble Pak by itself online for less than $7.

I think I'm positive that I'll have to go out and buy Crystal in a B&M store (or else use eBay). For some reason all online places I go to treat it like it is so ancient and rare that they have to jack up the price on it. Seriously, it is a Pokémon game. Do you have any idea how many copies of it they actually printed? Plus a friend of mine bought a copy of the exact same game at a GameStop store a year ago for $17 (and at the time I thought that was even too much for it).
Sucks man. Something similar happened to me back in like 97'

Bunch of n64 games. I was pissed for a while, but what can you do?
Same here, I know the feeling. It was during my PSX phase when I was collecting all RPGs I could find.

In the end, mum felt sorry for me and bought me a PS2. Still pisses me off thought, since I lost all my Final Fantasy's and other random SquareSoft games. I probably lost a good 100+ games in that theft.

I think I actually made a list of all the games I lost in a text file. If I can find it, I'll tape it to a punching bag so I can take my anger on it.
I feel horrible for you guys that got your collection stole. This is my collection, I would feel almost as bad as if I lost a close relative if it was stolen.
I have no greatest hits games and except for a few NES carts everything else is complete.

This doesn't really help the OP but I personally would love to score the Japanese version of Sonic Gems as it has all 3 Streets of Rage games. I can't BELIEVE they took those out of the Euro/US versions.
[quote name='VidgamesgivemeA_D_D']
This doesn't really help the OP but I personally would love to score the Japanese version of Sonic Gems as it has all 3 Streets of Rage games. I can't BELIEVE they took those out of the Euro/US versions.[/QUOTE]

Yeah all because of the stupid rating system we have. They didn't want it to get a Teen rating.
Sorry to hear about your games being stolen. Having anything stolen seriously sucks, and when it's games you really love it's that much worse. At least Pokemon Crystal is the only hard-to-find game on your list. Many can be found for reasonable prices with some searching.

Back in August I had over 400 games stolen and some REALLY super rare games in like new condition that I most likely can never replace. The scumbags tried trading in some of my super rare games they stole from me at GameCrazy and the employees immediately red flagged them because they knew how rare that stuff was, but the damn police dismissed it as a coincidence that they happened to have the same game the week my stuff was stolen.

To everyone with large game collections: INSURE YOUR GAMES with proof!

Sorry again on your loss. If I happen to come across any of those games on the cheap, I'll let you know. Good luck!
Man, it sucks to see how many other people have been robbed. All of my good stuff was in a case in my closet which the thief luckily didn't find, so anything that wasn't Game Boy or PS1 (which didn't fit in nicely with my other game's cases) was just what I had happened to be playing at the time or things from my living room that belonged to the whole family. I'm going to wait until the MPP I ordered comes in before I buy any other games from my list (it should be any day now, when you're waiting for something you ordered online it always seems like it is taking so much longer than it actually is) unless someone comes across something that's like $5.

Anyway, thanks, you guys are being a lot of help.
My Metroid Prime Pinball arrived in the mail today. It has the box, game, manual, and Rumble Pak all as advertised (the rest of the insert papers are missing, but I seriously don't need that crap, it is surprising how much lighter the box is without that stuff though). I just tried them out and both work great. The box being "a little dirty" is no big thing. I actually had to look for the dirt to find it. The best part is that I used my Gaming Lagoon points to buy it, so the total cost for me was $0, about an hour and a half of my time (over a period of two weeks) filling out surveys, and a tiny piece of my dignity and soul.

Anyway, since I got one game in, I went ahead and got on Goozex and put Brain Age ($10) and Crash ($5) on my request list. I also bought $10 worth of points, which I know defeats the purpose of Goozex, but I didn't feel like putting up my second copy of Metroid Prime that has no box and waiting for someone to want it. Hopefully someone will take a risk on a first time user to the site and confirm my trade. If I understand correctly, I get $5 worth of points free after my first successful trade (that does include bringing a game in, not just sending out, right?), so hopefully I should get both games just by spending that $10.
I feel your pain. Last year our apartment's assistant manager stole $500 worth of DS stuff. The police went to his door, knocked, got no answer, and gave up. A lot of the stuff that got stolen went UP in price, like Tetris DS *grumble* At least he got a girly pink DS.

Tetris is actually the last one I need to replace as of now.
It makes me angry that the police are either A) helpless or B) don't care enough to do anything in these situations (in my case the cops told me the were facing problem A, but it seems that with some of you guys it was B). I know video games are just entertainment, but a lot of us have probably poured enough money into the hobby over the years to buy at least a running used car.

I think video game collecting really lends itself to being a target of theft sadly because of the used game market. After calling the cops, I called GameStop, Game Xchange, and CD Tradepost. None of them have a policy of running the games they've bought by the police. I also called the pawn shops in my area. They told me they were required by law to to report everything they buy. I know the GameStop employees and the police don't want to do anymore work (and the corporation doesn't want to lose the money from having to give back the games it just got), but imagine how easily I could have had this whole ordeal settled if the CD Tradepost where my games were sold had called up the cops with a list of my 20 games they just bought, and told them the name of the person who sold them, and then the policed checked the list I gave them and noticed it was the exact same 20 games and that that person was my brother's girlfriend. I mean, we still can't do anything to help with robbers who sell the stuff online, hold some sort of yard sale type thing, or just keep the games, but at least it would help some of the time.
Crash bandicoot for $23?


You can't be serious.

Haven't you ever considered looking in yard sales, flea markets and goodwills? You might find it and other games for awesome prices, But that doesn't always happen right away. There are ridiculous priced games too, Just pass those ones up.
[quote name='Slate']Crash bandicoot for $23?


You can't be serious.

Haven't you ever considered looking in yard sales, flea markets and goodwills? You might find it and other games for awesome prices, But that doesn't always happen right away. There are ridiculous priced games too, Just pass those ones up.[/quote]

Yard sales are a little weird where I live. You have to have a permit, and can only have two a year, so most people wait until May and then we have a massive two day city-wide yard sale. There are a few thrift stores and flea markets around, but they aren't really near anything else I go to. I'll visit them every now and then, but when I have to drive out of my way and I don't have a guarantee that they'll even have any games it is hard to convince myself to go regularly.

As for Crash Bandicoot, it is only $5 on Goozex. I just got matched and am waiting for a confirmation from the trader. Of course I'm using the free $5 they game me from successfully getting Brain Age, so it is actually only $0 for me. I guess this puts me at three down, three to go:
Metroid Prime Pinball
Brain Age
Crash Bandicoot
(Pending I get a good trader)
Sonic Gems Collection
Pokémon Crystal
WarioWare, Inc.
My brother left a bunch of my 360 and PS2 games at one f his friend's house. I think he moved away but all I know is that I'm not seeing those games again.
Just thought I'd update this thread to say that my copy of Crash Bandicoot arrived from Goozex today and is in great condition. So far I've completed half of my mission and I've only spent $10 ($26 if you count the Gaming Lagoon points, which operate on the same principle as money but are more limited).
bread's done