Red Faction: Guerrilla - Gen. Discussion & Info

Just grabbed this yesterday. I may just jump right into MP since I heard it's freaking awesome. Right now Assassins Creed has its hooks in me when it comes to single player, but I'll definitely get into some SP action when the time comes.
[quote name='HydroX']Damn it, I forgot about this too. got too involved with a co-op game of Rainbow Six Vegas. ugh. Monday night is probably the worst night to choose to do this, especially with football coming up. lol[/QUOTE]

What night would be best for everyone? I think I asked that earlier and nobody really gave me an answer.
I have stuff I watch on Mondays as well (wrestling and football) but that's what my DVR is for. fuck commercials.

Other nights are already occupied by other CAG game nights, except maybe Sunday.

That was fun last night, though, despite myriad connection issues. It was just me, BlueScrote, and KillingJoke earlier on, and then when I got back on later, I played with a good group that I'm familiar with- FrankySox, Kuriyami, ChickenBoyBryan, DarkTower, fleshribbon, and others.
[quote name='BlueScrote']What night would be best for everyone? I think I asked that earlier and nobody really gave me an answer.[/QUOTE]

It's really quite sporadic for me when I'm on.. Friday and Saturday nights are usually a no go, I mean.. I don't have DVR but I can sacrifice wrestling on Monday nights, and I hear the MNF schedule is crap this year anyway.. lol

I just need someone to remind me that this is going on, and I'll switch games in no time. So add my GT then and we'll get together in a few games and raise some carnage.
I'm starting to get pretty annoyed with some of the Guerilla missions in the campaign. Apparently the developers idea of making later missions hard is to throw 40 enemies at you. Some of this shit is just downright unwinable. Destroy 30 enemy vehicles with nowhere to hide? Take out these high importance targets that are guarded by 40 EDF soldiers and 20 Marauders? Yeah, that's not fun, just annoying.
I wish Volition would patch in an upgrade you can buy for the assault rifle, for an extra clip or two. Half my enemies carry them I know, but sometimes it'd be just damn swell to have a few extra clips.
If you're having trouble, keep in mind the title of the game, and that it rewards GUERRILLA tactics. Don't stick around and fight if you don't have to - accomplish your goal and get the f out.

After completing the game on casual, I'm on my second playthrough on Normal. It feels like a whole new game - this is definitely a keeper, and I'm not even into multiplayer.
I finished Infamous prior to playing this and there are a lot of things I wish this game had (better checkpointing, all collectibles show up on minimap, etc). Really enjoying the game overall, but if it had some of the things from Infamous it would be over the top great.
Just got this game in the mail yesterday. I might play a little tonight as a break from studying/projects but I won't get any quality time till Thursday night.
Do you have to go back to a safe house after every single mission or is there some way to lose your red threat level?
Finished the campaign last night. Overall, it is a very fun game and would recommend it. They did an awesome job with the destructible environments.

There were some minor gameplay things from Saints Row 2 that they should have incorporated into this game, but not a big deal. I also thought there were too many weapons considering you only had a choice to carry 3 at a time and it wasn't overly convenient to change. There were some weapons that I never even bought because of this.
Yeah I still regret buying the arc welder and upgrading it. I never use it. I always carry an assault rifle, nano rifle, and rocket launcher now.
I always carry the assault rifle and the remote mines, and switch off between the rockets and nano rifle.

I'll be on today/tonight around 8:30 if we other CAGs want to join in. hopefully we wont have any connection issues this time.
What's everyone's preferred convoy tactics? Rocket launcher usually does the trick for the attack ones, but I haven't figured out a method that works for capture targets.
[quote name='Flak']
Yeah I still regret buying the arc welder and upgrading it. I never use it. I always carry an assault rifle, nano rifle, and rocket launcher now.


What's everyone's preferred convoy tactics? Rocket launcher usually does the trick for the attack ones, but I haven't figured out a method that works for capture targets.[/QUOTE]

Use the arc welder. It will kill vehicle occupants without damaging the vehicle itself.
Wow, what is up with the civilians i this game? They seem hell bent on running in front of my car non stop.

I like this game a lot. Its could use a little more variety as far as side missions but its pretty solid. Havent play MP really yet.
[quote name='ChernobylCow']OK, you guys feel free to join us tonight. Also I'd be available anytime Wednesday to play.[/QUOTE]

What time tonight?

And Sood, people would jump in front of cars on Saints Row, also.
People always jump in front of cars in any sandbox game. It's like, tradition. RFG is the only one to break this for me. I get 'insurgents' so anxious to give me their ride they park it right on top of me. I've even died from it once.

They follow you EVERYWHERE.
[quote name='Matt Young']What time tonight?

And Sood, people would jump in front of cars on Saints Row, also.[/QUOTE]

I didnt notice it as much in SR I guess. Maybe because I didnt see moral tick away after running over my 5th person trying to back out of a lot.

Ah well at least its easy to get it back up.
[quote name='Matt Young']What time tonight?

And Sood, people would jump in front of cars on Saints Row, also.[/QUOTE]

I'm on now, I'm not sure if anyone else wants to play tonight, but I'll be on for a bit.
[quote name='Cantaloup']Use the arc welder. It will kill vehicle occupants without damaging the vehicle itself.[/QUOTE]
That's positively awesome. I had a bunch of extra salvage so mine is now fully upgraded. I tried it on a convoy and I don't know what went wrong but the target was half dead when I got in and the EDF blew me up shortly thereafter because I didn't take a few seconds to disable the guards.
I'm beginning to wonder if anyone really wants to play this game. A lot of people "committed" to the game night but last week, it was just BlueScrote, KillingJoke, and me. I messaged Blue tonight, wanting to play Splosion Man if there wasn't a group, and he said nobody showed. ChernobylCow was on, but playing Prototype.
Ok, I am officially stumped. There is a demo master in oasis that gives you 3 pistol bullets and 1 tank and you must blow what looks like a smoke stack.

I cant for the life of me figure this one out. Seems like I have to throw the tank and shoot it in the air though.
That's one way to do it Sood.


I guess I just missed the mp group. Would have been on sooner but I got held up.
From what I've read you can't until you liberate all of Mars. The EDF appear again for no reason and you can do all of the guerrilla actions you missed. The difficulty is ramped up a little too. After you liberate a zone you can still do transporter and demo missions without having to beat the game however.

Radio missions apparently reset along with the reappearance of the EDF but many people are reporting problems with getting them to pop up again, leaving a lot of people with something like 100/104 guerilla actions completed. Hopefully Volition is looking into this.
[quote name='"GameFAQs"']At the main menu select Options, then select Extras, then select Enter Code and enter the following code.

MAPMAYHEM: Bonus Multiplayer Map Pack Featuring Four Maps
HARDHITTER: Unlocks golden sledgehammer for single player use[/quote]

Anyone know if these disable achievements or not? I'm guessing not but doesn't hurt to ask.
[quote name='Matt Young']I'm beginning to wonder if anyone really wants to play this game. A lot of people "committed" to the game night but last week, it was just BlueScrote, KillingJoke, and me. I messaged Blue tonight, wanting to play Splosion Man if there wasn't a group, and he said nobody showed. ChernobylCow was on, but playing Prototype.[/QUOTE]

I would have played, but I sent back to Gamefly. Want to make sure that I have another game waiting when I get back from vacation.
New Features:

  • New Wrecking Crew mode - Challenge Mode: There are 3 rounds of distinct submode/weapon/backpack settings per level. Each participant plays through all 3 rounds to try to get the highest score possible. Challenge Mode is the best way to enjoy WC by yourself, and we're also allowing all modes to be played with a single player.
  • Wrecking Crew Leaderboards: Your scores for Challenge Mode only are automatically uploaded to leaderboards (1 per level) so you can compare how you’re doing against your friends and the world.
  • Bonus Wrecking Crew levels unlocked: The 4 pre-order bonus WC levels are now unlocked for everyone, giving you 10 levels in which to blow everything away.
  • Weapon and Backpack disabling in Multiplayer: Prevent any specific backpacks or weapons from spawning in a level within a custom match.
  • XP multiplier for matchmaking playlists: Double XP playlists are now possible (and will be used).
  • Ore Deposits on Minimap: Mining ore that hasn’t been mined will now show up as purple pulsing dots on the minimap. This will help players to obtain the “Working the Land” achievement/trophy.
  • Support for upcoming DLC: Demons of the Badlands, our first DLC pack, will be released on August 13th.
Other Fixes:

  • House Arrest icons now reflect their proper completion status after you finish the last mission.
  • Convoy spawning is now fixed after you finish the last mission. Previously some convoys would be prevented from spawning.
  • Scale of some icons on the full-screen map and minimap has been fixed.
  • Parties are no longer allowed to matchmake into Anarchy through the "Any Playlist" selection option.
  • Ties no longer count as losses on the MP leaderboards.
  • Various minor matchmaking fixes.

Convoy spawns are getting fixed, aweesome.
[quote name='Matt Young']When are we getting all that?[/QUOTE]

It says:

"The release date for this patch has not been finalized as of this moment, but that information should be available very soon and this post will be updated at that point."

Sorry if it's a constant question, but what's the deal with wreckage in the game? I'm only one mission away from beating the game, but I decided I wanted to cruise back to parker and take down some of those giant smoke stacks(since they're one of the few giant pillar-like objects that topple over instead of collapsing straight downward), but all the damage I've caused way back at the beginning is still there, basically meaning that there's nothing left to break. Kinda cool that it stays there like that throughout the game, but I want more stuff to destroy! Any fix for this? Do I have to beat the game?
I think all EDF buildings reset along with the EDF once you beat the game. Here's hoping Volition implements a cheat to restore all buildings whenever you want.
Hmm. I really dont like the multiplayer in this. I dont know why its just not my cup of tea at all.

Finish the game though it was solid but I wish they would have worked on story line more. The game is solid but could have been epic if they worked on the story more.

Still a good game though.
[quote name='Flak']I think all EDF buildings reset along with the EDF once you beat the game. Here's hoping Volition implements a cheat to restore all buildings whenever you want.[/QUOTE]

Wait, ALL the EDF buildings come back? I thought only the ones left unfinished when you liberated a sector would come back. I don't want to beat the game and have to redo every guerrilla mission just to try to get the ones I missed.
Sorry I didn't try and drag everyone into a game on Monday. I saw bluescrote and flak but they were doing their own thing and I was in the groove w/Prototype. Also my parents randomly came into town and so my day off (today) is toast.

But it's not like we made a separate thread for Red Faction game night. So I don't see it as a big deal if the night doesn't come together.
[quote name='Matt Young']Wait, ALL the EDF buildings come back? I thought only the ones left unfinished when you liberated a sector would come back. I don't want to beat the game and have to redo every guerrilla mission just to try to get the ones I missed.[/QUOTE]
I honestly don't know, I haven't beaten the game yet. I'm just going off bits and pieces I've heard.
We've heard a lot of the community asking for a Double XP weekend, but instead of just two days, we're going to give you four! Once the patch goes live on August 6th, all games will be Double XP until Sunday (August 9th) at Midnight PST. No matter which playlist you pick, you can earn a ton of XP and make your way up to the elusive Ostrich Hammer.
Another addition to this patch is a new playlist titled "MLG Playlist". This specific playlist contains rules that were sent to us from MLG and are equivalent to what the 4v4 Ladder Tournament will follow, across multiple modes. This is a great way to get in a quick pick-up game with your team without having to setup a custom game. You can find the full playlist settings here, just scroll down until you see "K. Settings".
As per usual update status, the 360 patch normally goes live around 4AM PST and the PS3 will go live sometime in the afternoon. If it's not up directly at 4 AM for those of you who sit and watch the atomic clock, just be patient and grab a snack while you wait. There will be plenty of time to experience the new Challenge Mode in Wrecking Crew, go hunting for some elusive Mining Ore, or build up your XP with a few MP games. Remember that our first DLC pack will be releasing next week, so stay tuned for more information on that soon. You can find the rest of the patch notes here.


Faster than I expected. I will definitely be playing lots this weekend, hopefully getting to that 10k exp cheese point at least.
I'm gonna try hitting some MP while the double XP is going on this weekend. I only played two games and got my ass HANDED to me on both occasions (1 for 10 and 1 for 13) but I could see it being fun.

Question though, do you eventually get to a point where you elongate the time your backpack runs for? Seems that initially those packs are pretty weak and have a short burst of ability to them.

Let me know if anyone plans on playing.
The backpacks are always the same. The game wouldn't be nearly as fun if they lasted all the time, but I do wish you could cancel out stuff like the tremor and firepower packs. But then again the fp pack could easily be abused that way. Oh well.

Anyone know a good game mode to find thermobaric rockets? I'm trying to do that 100xp with every weapon challenge and it's the only one I need. Somehow I already have 85xp, so if someone wants to boost it in a quick custom game or something I'd be down for that.
bread's done