Red Steel - How is it?


119 (99%)
Hey guys,

I'm most likely getting my wii in the near future, and I'm VERY interested in Red Steel, though the only review i've read is from gamespot and is terrible. I know that GS isn't very reliable when it comes to reviews, (as far as nintendo stuff is concerned anyway) So I was wondering what people thought that hve been playing this game for a while now? I mean it looks fun and all, but if it really is that bad, i would rather have a game like LOZ or something and not waste $50. So is Red Steel really that bad or is it actually ok?

I was just about to ask the same thing, I would also like to know. Im deciding on this or COD3, but leaning towards this a little more because of the multiplayer.
i just spend an hour playing this and i can safely say that the game sucks. Basically the controls just dont feel intuitive, the action is very generic, nothing feels new, the only saving grace of this game is that the sword battles are kinda fun.
[quote name='InuFaye']i just spend an hour playing this and i can safely say that the game sucks. Basically the controls just dont feel intuitive, the action is very generic, nothing feels new, the only saving grace of this game is that the sword battles are kinda fun.[/quote]
Damn, Thats not what i wanted to hear. Thanks for the heads up though!
[quote name='InuFaye']the only saving grace of this game is that the sword battles are kinda fun.[/QUOTE]
People are saying the sword fights are one of the worst features in the game.
I picked up the game last night. I am hearing bad things about it, but I really hope its somewhat entertaining and not total crap.

I guess I'll find out when I finally pick up my Wii (3 hours remain).
Dammit, I wake up and my thread is pushed off the page already. Launch day, figures. Anyways, here were my impressions from last night:

So, I read through all the reviews and decided I still wanted to get Red Steel. Here are my initial impressions based on an hour or so of play.

I played through the first area, and I have to say, I had a lot of fun. There is a definite learning curve to this game and the sword fighting was alright and seemed to agree with what most people talked about.

Then I got used to the controls and had a blast tearing through rooms of yakuza. The sword play also got better. I held the the wiimote and nunchuck like it was in the game and slashed only in the directions I wanted the sword to move (i.e. I didn't move my hand back and then swing up, just went from neutral to up) and immediately it felt good.

My main issue is with the cursor. The pointer lags a bit more than I would like (it lags more than the cursor in the Monky Wars minigame in Monkey Ball). The pointer, on occasion, will also will jump to a different location for a split second. And the controls don't have enough options (faster turn speeds). Also, sometimes the game will not remember where your cursor left the screen, so it will go off in a different direction.

So far, I like this game. It's good, and it tells me FPS for Wii can only get better.
Red Steel is one of the worst-reviewed games on the Wii. That doesn't mean that I know it's not good, but all reviews seems to point in that direction. Sorry to disappoint...
Yea well im gonna pick up a different game then red steel then. Ive heard bad stuff from it from multiple reviews and multiple forums, tanks for saving me my 50 dollars.
A lot of negativism towards this game, i can see why, it does take a pretty good learning curve to get started, if youre very familiar with other FPS then you should have an easier time, it only took me 15 minutes.

The game itself is fun, at least i think so

Multiplayer is difficult with 2 people though due to large levels
I bought this game knowing full well it would be a gamble, but I decided I was curious enough about the whole "FPS on Wii" issue that it would be worth it, so it didn't exactly break my heart when I found flaws. I was very happily surprised by some other aspects, though. In short, it's ... *ahem* ... hit or miss. I'm not super far into it, as one would expect, so take all these points with a grain of salt.

The cutscenes are from the "a still image slides across the screen" school of storytelling, meaning they're half-assed and rushed.

The "bendy arm syndrome." It looks like your arm bends mid-forearm when you turn. Not awful, but a little disconcerting nonetheless.

Story. What story? So far, this looks like a take on the classic Double Dragon "girlfriend gets punched in the gut and carted off; go get her" plotline.

The weapons are pretty generic.

Kinda glitchy ("Where'd that box go?") and poorly thought out ("Hey, it'd be nice if the tutorial told me how to duck before I need to use it mid-firefight to keep from getting my head blown off").

The controls -- while a little slow -- are weirdly intuitive. Literally, after never even holding a wii-mote before, I popped in Red Steel and started shooting people and navigating tight corridors with very little effort. Some effort, yes: but far less than I needed to adjust to dual stick control, back in the day.

The gunfire sounds satisfying, as does reloading with a quick downward snap of the nunchuk (a la Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2) and flipping over tables for cover with the same movement, but upwards. I like.

Let me turn this into a tangent for a second. Regardless of the relative merits of the PS3 otherwise, I realized that not having rumble in the controller -- ESPECIALLY a semi-motion sensitive one -- really does detract from the level of immersion we're used to. Because there's no resistance from the stick with motion control, the ONLY tactile feedback you're getting is from a quick jolt of rumble, and without it, I can't imagine motion sensitivity working as well as it does so far.

To Be Determined:
Graphics. Looks like ass on a 40+" super high res screen, even outputting with the default cables. However, I'll be setting it up on my 27" standard def shortly, and the call will be made then.
I've played both Red Steel and CoD 3, and I've come to a (possibly foregone) conclusion: the Wii is not the ideal platform for shooters. Both games were incredibly frustrating to me. I'm not winning any tournaments or anything, but I feel I am totally competent with a keyboard and mouse. I can even manage FPS control on a gamepad. I have played virtually every respectable FPS on PC and on gaming consoles. The Wiimote seems very imprecise. I know I'll probably get flamed to hell and back for this, but I am really disappointed thus far. While Wii Sports has absolutely no depth, it is incredibly fun. I am sure that WarioWare will be a blast, but I'm afraid Nintendo may have embraced the casual gamer at the expense of the hardcore gamer. Is anyone else having the same kind of experience? I've put in a good bit of playtime on my brother's Wii and had intent on getting my own, but I'm not so sure anymore. I really want to like it because I think it is very unique. The concept is fantastic. I'm just not so sure about the execution given what I've seen so far. Sure, Red Steel's reviews are all over the board, but Call of Duty has pretty solid reviews. I thought it was plagued by some of the same problems as the former. Any thoughts?
I played Red Steel for about an hour with my brother and actually like it. It is quite different. The Story reminds me of an old classic arcade game with the whole girlfriend. Again, its not Half-Life 2... it is more of an arcade shooter game ala House of the Dead just not on rails. I think someone, maybe even Ubisoft will expand on this concept. I still think it is pretty cool, I have COD3 and havn't touched it yet. If you are worried, I would recommend this as a solid rental or purchase once the price drops.

I was suprised that it didn't suck.
Just give it time. I have a feeling that FPS games will rock hard once developers find the best way to utilize the Wiimote. And Wii Sports isn't supposed to have depth, it is like you said, "supposed to be fun." People were quick to give up on the DS when all it had was Mario 64 DS and Feel the Magic. Look at that "Little Engine That Could" now.
I rented it tonight and only played it for about 10 minutes. My first impressions are that it sucks, but it may only be the learning curve. It might also be that my arms are tired from playing all day and I mean ALL day. I'll give it some more time tomorrow, maybe.
True...this thing will be a killer FPS console and theres no doubt about that in my mind. It may never top the PC in terms of easyness, but it sure as heck will own the old standard controllers which is good enough for me. I love PC FPS online but absolutely hate console. I just cant aim fast on console and everything just feels so slow to me. PC you quickly scope, headshot, keep going...on a PC FPS I could scope and kill 3 people by the time I rotated the camera around 360 degrees in a console FPS. When I play my FPS games, you need constant action that doesnt just come from the enemies shooting at you but you killing them fast as well. I think once they get the sensitivity down it will rock. Although I havent played an FPS game on the Wii yet so it may already rock for me =p
I played Red Steel for about 10 minutes last night. My arm was getting tired and decided to stop after sucking ass so bad.

When I woke up today, I decided to play again. I played for half an hour and started to a hang of the controls. All of a sudden, I was killing everyone in sight and the game was fun.

I don't know why people bash on the sword fighting. Do you all suck at it?

I've played 2 player multiplayer too. It was only for like five minutes... it was okay. We'll see how I feel after a 3 or 4 player battle.
[quote name='chernggoh']
I don't know why people bash on the sword fighting. Do you all suck at it?

I also found the sword fighting much more fun than what some people were reporting. The controls are responsive enough, and I can pull off parries and every angle of slashing without any problem.
I started off playing multiplayer in Red Steel. It was pretty tough to get used to at first. There is definately a learning curve, and it can be very frustrating at first. When you use the Wiimote to turn, theres a tendency to point it too far off the screen because there is no resistance. This screws your POV up. However, it gets better. I would suggest to anybody who is frustrated, to give it some time. They key is to make fairly small movements and not overdo the motion.

I've put about an hour of gametime into the story mode. It's very fun so far, and I imagine as I get better with the controls it will only get better. I'm actually kind of glad I only had the money for one game, because if I had more, I would have given up on Red Steel faster and moved on to something else. With a little patience the game gets much much better.
Yeah, I guess this is gonna be relegated to a niche game, but sucks for everyone who doesn't give it a try. I have equal interest in story and gameplay, so the damn paper cutscenes pull me out of the story completely, but the control scheme is so new and neat that I can overlook it. So far, it doesn't seem to have too good a tale anyway.

I agree about the swordfighting comments. I was really wary of getting it but my interest in shooters trumpted my own cautiousness. As much as I've heard the swordfighting has "canned movements," my expectations, considering its a launch game, are adjusted, and even without those, it'd still be a decent game.
Damn, I like first person shooters so I was counting on Ubisoft to deliver here. I went with the Wii for the price and controller, even though the other consoles have better graphics and probably more FPS games.

I hope Far Cry Vengeance is better, both in gameplay and graphics.
[quote name='campbelld']I've played both Red Steel and CoD 3, and I've come to a (possibly foregone) conclusion: the Wii is not the ideal platform for shooters. Both games were incredibly frustrating to me. I'm not winning any tournaments or anything, but I feel I am totally competent with a keyboard and mouse. I can even manage FPS control on a gamepad. I have played virtually every respectable FPS on PC and on gaming consoles. The Wiimote seems very imprecise. I know I'll probably get flamed to hell and back for this, but I am really disappointed thus far. While Wii Sports has absolutely no depth, it is incredibly fun. I am sure that WarioWare will be a blast, but I'm afraid Nintendo may have embraced the casual gamer at the expense of the hardcore gamer. Is anyone else having the same kind of experience? I've put in a good bit of playtime on my brother's Wii and had intent on getting my own, but I'm not so sure anymore. I really want to like it because I think it is very unique. The concept is fantastic. I'm just not so sure about the execution given what I've seen so far. Sure, Red Steel's reviews are all over the board, but Call of Duty has pretty solid reviews. I thought it was plagued by some of the same problems as the former. Any thoughts?[/QUOTE]

No flames here. I've got to say though, that your wiimote seeming very imprecise is pretty much the polar opposite impression from mine, because I've found the wiimote EXTREMELY precise in Red Steel, Zelda, Trauma Center, and Wii Sports so far. So much so that I've got to wonder if you really have it set up properly, or are maybe having trouble adjusting to the size of the gestures needed to move. For example, as I played Red Steel, I had a friend look at my hands and note "You're barely moving!"
Well I got it, and I only played through the first chapter (or episode, or whatever it is). It's OK. I guess since I only did 1 chapter I can't make too much of an opinion. I THINK the controls are bit confusing. For some reason, my nature instinct is to hold Z to target someone instead of A. And I wind up crouching and shooting this way, LOL.

Well I did play some into the next chapter too, like I did a few sword fights. If they get a bit more in depth, then I'll be happy. They are pretty fun though. Just, hopefully it becomes more to it.

It's weird, you'd think this system would be pretty ideal for a FPS. I think maybe they should try and make a game like House of the Dead, where you just go into section-by-section of shooting and ducking/reloading. Basically if anyone has Rayman, when you get to the level where you are shooting the bunnies with the plunger. I think that feels better control wise then Red Steel.

I will try and get as far as I can get/tolerate before I make any more of an opinion.
it's a fun game. everything is new because the control scheme has never been done before. i enjoy it but i'm having a rough time getting fully used to the controls. The story is lame and the voice acting is lame but it's a decent it and enjoy it. the deathmatch is cool too!

T. Foolery
I played Red Steel for another couple of hours last night. I posted my initial reactions above. The game gets better. The story is pretty crappy, and the cell animations are stupid too, but the more I use the controls and the better I get at it, the much more fun it becomes. The controls aren't perfect, but they start to feel more and more natural. The bottom line is, I'm having fun playing it. I'm usually not a huge FPS guy, and the game is fun.
I played for about 40 minutes last night. Yeah, it has a learning curve, but I was really starting to get into it. I wish there was an easier way to soom than the way they do it. Yeah, the story is a little weak but I've seen worse. If I were to give it a rating right now it would probably be a 6 of 10. Not great but worth looking into if you like the genre.

anyone put several hours into the game yet? Initial impressions are good, but I want to know how it is after someone completes it or at least plays the multiplayer for more than 3-4 hours (if you can bare it). I really want this game, but I want final impressions (and not the gamespot kind). Thanks
Ya agreed with above. This game looks so fun yet the reviews are so bad which I Can't understand. Some places gave it a good review though so I Want to see what people think once they beat it..,.
I will be renting it tomorrow if it's available, instead of opening my copy. I will see about putting a few hours into it if I can. Generally impressions seem to say that it gets better as it goes, so I don't know if lengthier impressions will really help any.
fuck the reviews. I'm on the third or foruth chapter thus far, and I'm having a blast. The controls were cumbersome at first, but once I got 'em down I really started to enjoy myself, and this is coming from someone who HATES FPSs. Sword fighting is fun if you mix things up too.
[quote name='Purple Flames']fuck the reviews. I'm on the third or foruth chapter thus far, and I'm having a blast. The controls were cumbersome at first, but once I got 'em down I really started to enjoy myself, and this is coming from someone who HATES FPSs. Sword fighting is fun if you mix things up too.[/quote]

I have to agree with you. At first, I really wasn't sure if I liked the game or not. The controls were really difficult. But now that I've finally gotten then hang of the controls, I must say, it's a pretty fun game. It's incredibly simple though, but that's not so bad I guess.
I love FPS, sure this one is nothing special on gameplay, but i'm having a blast w/ the wii controls. I'm not so much sure if the game sucks or if i just am having that much fun w/ the controls. Atleast for me i'm enjoying it and reloading is great with the speaker in the controller making the sound. I guess overall I'm just having fun w/ the controls, the story and graphics r not very good at all. But shooting and sword fights is great for me. I'd definately say rent it, if you are hating the controls after an hour or 2, then i wouldnt bother, but pointing at someone's head for a headshot just seems more satisfying then moving an analog stick.
One thing I found very amusing about the game is what the enemies yell when they see you.
Things like:

There he is! Lets kill him!
Come back! I'm gunna kill you!

- and my personal favorite:

Stop! You moron!
That was a good review. He makes valid points, doesn't bash the game, and talks a lot about the game's strengths.

It seems like Red Steel shows that FPS's have a bright future on the Wii. Unfortunately, for this game, Ubisoft made some crippling design choices, and left in some control bugs. I agree completely with the content of this review. It all depends on what someone expects from the game. Die-hard FPS fans might find it lacking, but people that never got used to dual control sticks might find the controls refreshing.
[quote name='campbelld']I've played both Red Steel and CoD 3, and I've come to a (possibly foregone) conclusion: the Wii is not the ideal platform for shooters. Both games were incredibly frustrating to me. I'm not winning any tournaments or anything, but I feel I am totally competent with a keyboard and mouse. I can even manage FPS control on a gamepad. I have played virtually every respectable FPS on PC and on gaming consoles. The Wiimote seems very imprecise. I know I'll probably get flamed to hell and back for this, but I am really disappointed thus far. While Wii Sports has absolutely no depth, it is incredibly fun. I am sure that WarioWare will be a blast, but I'm afraid Nintendo may have embraced the casual gamer at the expense of the hardcore gamer. Is anyone else having the same kind of experience? I've put in a good bit of playtime on my brother's Wii and had intent on getting my own, but I'm not so sure anymore. I really want to like it because I think it is very unique. The concept is fantastic. I'm just not so sure about the execution given what I've seen so far. Sure, Red Steel's reviews are all over the board, but Call of Duty has pretty solid reviews. I thought it was plagued by some of the same problems as the former. Any thoughts?[/quote]
Hopefully its just launch-time blues. Most developers haven't even had the Wii for long enough to go from start to finish on a good FPS. Red Steel seems to have been rushed/poorly designed and COD3 is a port. I think if at this time next year there are still no good FPS (I have high hopes for Metroid and FarCry in the near future) then we can say that the Wii is not a FPs platform. For now, it feels a little premature to say anything definitive about the Wii.

EDIT: I said if there aren't any good FPS by next year we should give up on Wii for them. I should have said if there aren't any GREAT FPS...
Well, I've spent a little more time with Call of Duty (not the subject of this thread, I know, but I want to follow up on my previous post), and I really got the hang of it pretty quickly. Nothing beats the keyboard and mouse in my book, but the Wiimote is leaps and bounds above a gamepad. I played through a good bit of it, and had a really good time. The controls seemed to be working for me today where they were against me last night. Maybe I was just up too late. All is good in Wii-land!
[quote name='campbelld']I've played both Red Steel and CoD 3, and I've come to a (possibly foregone) conclusion: the Wii is not the ideal platform for shooters. Both games were incredibly frustrating to me. I'm not winning any tournaments or anything, but I feel I am totally competent with a keyboard and mouse. I can even manage FPS control on a gamepad. I have played virtually every respectable FPS on PC and on gaming consoles. The Wiimote seems very imprecise. I know I'll probably get flamed to hell and back for this, but I am really disappointed thus far. While Wii Sports has absolutely no depth, it is incredibly fun. I am sure that WarioWare will be a blast, but I'm afraid Nintendo may have embraced the casual gamer at the expense of the hardcore gamer. Is anyone else having the same kind of experience? I've put in a good bit of playtime on my brother's Wii and had intent on getting my own, but I'm not so sure anymore. I really want to like it because I think it is very unique. The concept is fantastic. I'm just not so sure about the execution given what I've seen so far. Sure, Red Steel's reviews are all over the board, but Call of Duty has pretty solid reviews. I thought it was plagued by some of the same problems as the former. Any thoughts?[/QUOTE]
I dunno about red steel, but I'm loving call of duty 3, just rented it today. I think the control setup is a blast. Really adds to the chaos of battle. Feeling actually tired and the tension of fighting off a nazi hand to hand is something else.
played for another hour yesterday, still having a blast with just the single player campaign. Just give it a while, and all of a sudden the gameplay becomes natural. I did, however, make the mistake of starting Zelda so we'll see how much I go back to Red Steel now...
I just got started, and yeah, I don't know about this one. This was my "keep it sealed for a few days just to see if any launch titles will be worth exchanging it for" game out of the five I bought, and since I figured the mixed reviews made it worth a shot, I opened it.

I don't like it so far. It's the only title I bought that I don't like. It's not the turning so much that bugs me as it is the fact that if you slip off screen, it totally F's up where you were looking in a weird way. That's a significant glitch. I suppose I'll learn to work around it, but ehh, right now I kinda wish I would have kept that bad boy sealed...

Maybe my opinion will change as I put more time into it...hopefully...
I think the bad reviews of the control are based on a few different factors. A) There is a steep learning curve. B) This is whole new way of playing a FPS and C) FPS fans are anal about how a game controls.

I tried this game today and I don't think the negative reviews do this game justice. First of all, I'm not a big FPS fan. I have never played a FPS on a computer, the only time I play is on Xbox live with the Tom Clancy type games, and Halo 2. Secondly, I will play a flawed game if its fun. If you have a very particular idea of how a FPS will control and can't overlook small flaws, that this isn't the game for you. For the rest of you, this may be worth a second look.

My experience with Red Steel went like this. First 15 minutes I thought "this isn't as bad as the reviews say but I see where they are coming from, these controls aren't as good as they should be". After about 40 minutes I was thinking, "this is better than the reviews say, I'm getting used to the controls and this is pretty fun". After one hour, the controls were second nature. I found a very comfortable position with the remote resting on my knee, and I use a small flick of the remote sideways to turn very easily. I was no longer thinking about the reviews I was just having a blast playing. Pointing the remote like a gun at the screen just puts you in the game. I feel Red Steel is a solid start and FPS are going to be killer on the Wii.

The swordplay was even a more progression for me. I thought it sucked at first. I was lost on how to do it. Now I have it down, its just awesome. Its not 1 to 1 movement but it feels like it now, I can do everything you need to do and its fun.

If you have doubts, give it a rent, wait for a price drop or a used copy. I think this game is worth playing.
[quote name='Lan_Zer0']That was a good review. He makes valid points, doesn't bash the game, and talks a lot about the game's strengths.

It seems like Red Steel shows that FPS's have a bright future on the Wii. Unfortunately, for this game, Ubisoft made some crippling design choices, and left in some control bugs. I agree completely with the content of this review. It all depends on what someone expects from the game. Die-hard FPS fans might find it lacking, but people that never got used to dual control sticks might find the controls refreshing.[/QUOTE]

I'm hoping that Splinter Cell: Double Agent will show us what the Wii remote can do for games with shooting since SC won't be throwing in a ton of gimmicks... using the Wii remote to aim without going overboard on the "innovations" can go a long way.
I been playing FPS games for a good 8-10 years now, and let me tell you, if Red Steel didn't use the Wiimote, it would be fucking aweful. Since it uses the Wiimote, it is pretty cool as a type of controll style. The controlls are meh in red steel. When I say that I am faced with alot of lag sometimes (also the pointer just moves upward or something which sucks) expecially in the multiplayer where it becomes almost impossible to shoot and throwing grenades is hell in this game because how the hell do I hold the dpad down and launch one with the nunchuck without moving the damn wiimote. Also the zooming in is real well not horrible but hell to work with. Although if they could fix this, this would rule as a FPS machine.

As for the swordfighting, they could of done alot better, but it isn't bad.

Is it worth the $50, well I say no. It is worth $20 or a rental due to crappy multiplayer. The single player isn't too bad, but the controlls are not there yet but it is a decent first try (hopefully they can fix it otherwise this would really suck).
Bleh... wrote up some nice impressions, then hit F5 instead of 4 on my keyboard, so it refreshed the page. I'll post more details later, but basically, the controls aren't half bad, I got into it pretty quick - playing CoD3 last night helped ease the learning curve. I consider it pretty accessible - hardcore FPS fans might not like it, but for someone like me who is horrible at console FPS and passable at PC FPS, I didn't have much trouble. D in time, and E in accuracy (14%), so I still suck, but I got through the first stage.

Is it a 10/10? No. Is it a 5/10? I don't think so.
bread's done