Regarding my Blog

I have a blog as you all know. And in that blog I tend to write graphic descriptions of events. I will not change that. If people are truely offended, then they have a right to not go on it, like I have a right to write whatever I feel like. Some of the subject matter may be adult in nature and may be way over your head. I am going to ask those who are offended to not go on it again. You people need to grow up.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']This maybe too simple of a plan, but maybe you should put this warning labal in your sig, you know near the thing that says "My Blog".[/quote]

[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']I have a blog as you all know. And in that blog I tend to write graphic descriptions of events. I will not change that. If people are truely offended, then they have a right to not go on it, like I have a right to write whatever I feel like. Some of the subject matter may be adult in nature and may be way over your head. I am going to ask those who are offended to not go on it again. You people need to grow up.[/quote]

We have to grow up? Aren't you the fatass who still lives with his parents, whines about his shitty ass life, and has no ambition to do anything but stuff his face and wack off to teens?
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']If you post it on the internet, it's fair game for commentary.[/quote]

Wrong. I refuse to be sued if someone gets offended.
Maybe if you weren't so big of a douchebag that you have to air your laundry to complete strangers, then maybe people wouldn't be making fun of you.
[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo'][quote name='WhipSmartBanky']If you post it on the internet, it's fair game for commentary.[/quote]

Wrong. I refuse to be sued if someone gets offended.[/quote]

Why would anyone sue you? No one cares that much.
[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo'][quote name='WhipSmartBanky']If you post it on the internet, it's fair game for commentary.[/quote]

Wrong. I refuse to be sued if someone gets offended.[/quote]

if i decided to sue you, i dont think you could just "refuse" to be sued.
I composed an email to Microsoft about your thievery/modding. I think its time you grow up, follow the law, and basically try to improve yourself as a part of this earth, country, community etc.

11:51 pm - Update
So I sent my Xbox to someone to be modded. A modded xbox can do a lot of shit, like play burns, imports, you can also save games to the harddrive and play them directly. So I was thinking when I get it back, I am going straight to blockbuster and signing up for the unlimited game rentals service. Then I will rent like every game imaginable and copy them to my computer hard drive and FTP them over to my xbox when I want to play. I will take advantgage of the program. I will get my money's worth.
Cheapy, if you see this- this guy has become a complete troll. It seems like every one of his posts is flamebait. I think bannination is in order. If that's too harsh, maybe some other admin action would work. A bitchslap, maybe?
[quote name='Lootr2Core']I composed an email to Microsoft about your thievery/modding. I think its time you grow up, follow the law, and basically try to improve yourself as a part of this earth, country, community etc.

11:51 pm - Update
So I sent my Xbox to someone to be modded. A modded xbox can do a lot of shit, like play burns, imports, you can also save games to the harddrive and play them directly. So I was thinking when I get it back, I am going straight to blockbuster and signing up for the unlimited game rentals service. Then I will rent like every game imaginable and copy them to my computer hard drive and FTP them over to my xbox when I want to play. I will take advantgage of the program. I will get my money's worth.[/quote]

Wow they can't do nothing without my address...
Dude, I can only speak for myself, but I can say I could care less about your blog or what demented shit you write in it (don't know as I haven't visited it). If you are so concerned about getting sued and people not being "grown up" enough on here to read it, take the fricken link to it off of your signature. You obviously want people to go see it and give you attention be it positive or negative, otherwise you wouldn't draw more attention to it by making a whole seperate thread devoted to your blog.

You are the one that needs to gain a little maturity.

His posts are becoming unbearably annoying and offensive.

[quote name='Stargun007']Cheapy, if you see this- this guy has become a complete troll. It seems like every one of his posts is flamebait. I think bannination is in order. If that's too harsh, maybe some other admin action would work. A bitchslap, maybe?[/quote]
[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo'][quote name='Lootr2Core']I composed an email to Microsoft about your thievery/modding. I think its time you grow up, follow the law, and basically try to improve yourself as a part of this earth, country, community etc.

11:51 pm - Update
So I sent my Xbox to someone to be modded. A modded xbox can do a lot of shit, like play burns, imports, you can also save games to the harddrive and play them directly. So I was thinking when I get it back, I am going straight to blockbuster and signing up for the unlimited game rentals service. Then I will rent like every game imaginable and copy them to my computer hard drive and FTP them over to my xbox when I want to play. I will take advantgage of the program. I will get my money's worth.[/quote]

Wow they can't do nothing without my address...[/quote]

Ya.. I'm sure it will be tough to track you down, just wait for you at the clinic and wait for your bling bling pic. But whatever, its sent..maybe they don't do anything, maybe they come down on you like the wrath of God.
[quote name='jeffreyjrose']Seconded.

His posts are becoming unbearably annoying and offensive.

[quote name='Stargun007']Cheapy, if you see this- this guy has become a complete troll. It seems like every one of his posts is flamebait. I think bannination is in order. If that's too harsh, maybe some other admin action would work. A bitchslap, maybe?[/quote][/quote]

Call for the question..
[quote name='jeffreyjrose']Seconded.

His posts are becoming unbearably annoying and offensive.

[quote name='Stargun007']Cheapy, if you see this- this guy has become a complete troll. It seems like every one of his posts is flamebait. I think bannination is in order. If that's too harsh, maybe some other admin action would work. A bitchslap, maybe?[/quote][/quote]

Yes I agree with this course of action. Maybe one of the mods seeing this can e-mail or talk to cheapy about this nuisance.
If you FTP them to your Xbox, your xbox must be online, therefore, you must have xbox live, therefore MS has your address as you had to give it to them to sign up for Xbox Live.
Latest post

3:30 pm - Back to UCP, because they DO work for ME!
So I went to UCP again today for counseling. The big fat toothless woman who smells like old cigarettes and dried blood picked me up. They had some kind of retard yard sale thing going on, like anyone is going to buy anything after the tards drool over everything. So I walk down the hall dodging the wheelchairs and tardy moaning. I get to the waiting room and sit down with my mp3 player and Harry Potter book and read a chapter of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. After my session I went outside and the fat toothless woman was there to pick me up. When I got home I went in my room locked the door, got naked and beat off to some computer porn. After I came, I was so relaxed that I fell asleep, naked, in the computer chair for like an hour. I woke up and put some clothes on and ate vegetarian pizza from applebees.
[quote name='Lootr2Core'][quote name='Dragonlordfrodo'][quote name='Lootr2Core']I composed an email to Microsoft about your thievery/modding. I think its time you grow up, follow the law, and basically try to improve yourself as a part of this earth, country, community etc.

11:51 pm - Update
So I sent my Xbox to someone to be modded. A modded xbox can do a lot of shit, like play burns, imports, you can also save games to the harddrive and play them directly. So I was thinking when I get it back, I am going straight to blockbuster and signing up for the unlimited game rentals service. Then I will rent like every game imaginable and copy them to my computer hard drive and FTP them over to my xbox when I want to play. I will take advantgage of the program. I will get my money's worth.[/quote]

Wow they can't do nothing without my address...[/quote]

Ya.. I'm sure it will be tough to track you down, just wait for you at the clinic and wait for your bling bling pic. But whatever, its sent..maybe they don't do anything, maybe they come down on you like the wrath of God.[/quote]

Or they could do a Google search...
I third the some action by the mods. All this user does all day is make pointless topics he knows will start a flame war, advertise his blog, make obscene comments to other users and is a general wart on the ass of CAG. I have seen nothing that he contributes to this site that is worthwhile.
Tuesday, March 23rd, 2004
11:08 pm - Insomnia
I can't sleep. I figure I would fire up mirc and start downloading Dawn of the Dead.

wow so movies and software....

In other news, I just can't wait for Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King on DVD 5/25/04. I am buying both the regular version and the extended version. I have already seen ROTK like 10 times already (I downloaded the movie off MIRC). Also Kill Bill Volume 1 comes out next month on DVD, and I am getting that as well. Also the same time Kill Bill Volume 1 comes out Kill Bill Volume 2 comes out in theaters. I am going to see that shit! I am starting to become a Quentin Tarentino Fan. I haven't seen his other movies yet, but I have seen From Dusk till Dawn which stars Quentin, and that was an excellent piece of filmmaking.

I also downloaded the Jesus movie, The Passion of the Christ. The movie is totally unwatchable. Basically it is guy getting beaten for 2 hours straight. There is like little story, and the whole movie they speak that fucked up language (Latin and Aramaic) and it has subtitles.
The only reason he's doing any of this is to get attention. I think the motion passes. Mods, can we please do something about this?
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky'][quote name='Lootr2Core'][quote name='Dragonlordfrodo'][quote name='Lootr2Core']I composed an email to Microsoft about your thievery/modding. I think its time you grow up, follow the law, and basically try to improve yourself as a part of this earth, country, community etc.

11:51 pm - Update
So I sent my Xbox to someone to be modded. A modded xbox can do a lot of shit, like play burns, imports, you can also save games to the harddrive and play them directly. So I was thinking when I get it back, I am going straight to blockbuster and signing up for the unlimited game rentals service. Then I will rent like every game imaginable and copy them to my computer hard drive and FTP them over to my xbox when I want to play. I will take advantgage of the program. I will get my money's worth.[/quote]

Wow they can't do nothing without my address...[/quote]

Ya.. I'm sure it will be tough to track you down, just wait for you at the clinic and wait for your bling bling pic. But whatever, its sent..maybe they don't do anything, maybe they come down on you like the wrath of God.[/quote]

Or they could do a Google search...[/quote]

or go to his employement --or former employment since he posted that address in his blog.
[quote name='SpookyD']Mabye someone should start a 'should we ban dragonlordfrodo' poll :roll: .[/quote]

Hmm, I wonder what the results would be :wink:
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x'][quote name='SpookyD']Mabye someone should start a 'should we ban dragonlordfrodo' poll :roll: .[/quote]

Hmm, I wonder what the results would be :wink:[/quote]

Make one then ;)
[quote name='SpookyD']Mabye someone should start a 'should we ban dragonlordfrodo' poll :roll: .[/quote]

I was thinking the same thing just now.
here's a good idea, never work though as people find it hard to resist. If the mods can't or won't do anything, then just don't post in topics he creates that are blatent crys for attention. If we all just don't reply to any of these types of posts, then perhaps he will get the hint that this kind of behavior is not acceptable on here.

Like I said, it'll never work, but I for one will not be posting in any more topics he creates that are not game deal or game related. CAG is a great place, and if he chooses to behave like a normal person and not constantly start flme threads and behave like a civilized person and not plug his blog every post, then I say welcome to CAG, if he continues this shit then I say take this crap to gamefaqs or another place other than here.
[quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']I refuse to post in this thread anymore[/quote]

change "this thread' to 'this site' and there will be much rejoicing.
Well, we all know that there's at least one thing about dragonlordfrodo that isn't as large as his ego.
[quote name='Lootr2Core'][quote name='Dragonlordfrodo']I refuse to post in this thread anymore[/quote]

change "this thread' to 'this site' and there will be much rejoicing.[/quote]

I'de toast to that.
[quote name='JSweeney']Well, we all know that there's at least one thing about dragonlordfrodo that isn't as large as his ego.[/quote]

You'd know better then anyone, oh cunning composer and music writer.
Compensation is the key word here ;)

But refusing to post in your own thread eh Frodo? Where's your 'big ego' now? :^o
Dragonlord, do you appreciate anything in your life? You seem to take everything and everyone around you for granted. The rod seems to have been spared early on in your existence and instant gratification appears to be your main motivation. I pity you.

And this is just a bump to piss off all the whiners who consipre to ban people. Go fuck yourselves.
guy, seriously, its best to just ignore him.

he obviously started this thread because no one was posting to his last one anymore and hes just plain bored on the internet and looking for some sort of attention. ignore him at he will go away.

plus, when he eventually does hack up his mom and bury her int he backyard, someone is going to see his xbox and this website on his Favorites list and is going to blame it on videogames and the internet.

"Videogame Website linked to Local Dumbass's Killing Spree" is probably not a headline any of us really want to see.
[quote name='bmulligan']Dragonlord, do you appreciate anything in your life? You seem to take everything and everyone around you for granted. The rod seems to have been spared early on in your existence and instant gratification appears to be your main motivation. I pity you.

And this is just a bump to piss off all the whiners who consipre to ban people. Go shaq-fu yourselves.[/quote]

Heh heh heh. He said "rod".
Heh heh heh.

Wow, that was wierd... I haven't seen Beavis and Butthead in near a decade.
what did morganwebblover do to get himself banned anyways? I probably never saw whatever he did that made him get banned all I remember of him was that he would have different pics of morga webb and that annoyed people but I can't imagine thats why he got banned.
[quote name='tyecko']what did morganwebblover do to get himself banned anyways? I probably never saw whatever he did that made him get banned all I remember of him was that he would have different pics of morga webb and that annoyed people but I can't imagine thats why he got banned.[/quote]

He took the war to defenders kids and wife, resorting to very nasty racial slurs.
LOL, i took one look at the title of this thread and instantly knew who wrote it :p

i wonder what's the fuss about this guy? i need to pay more attention, lol!
A myriad of racial slurs directed at Defender's lovely children. Based on that he's just scum.
It would take a lot of repenting for him to even be a normal human being.
bread's done