Remembering the Dreamcast

pelf: What kind of genres do you like? There are must-haves for just about every genre on the system.

Anyway, to get you started in your browsing, some great games just about everyone seems to agree on:
- Skies of Arcadia
- Sonic Adventure
- Crazy Taxi
- Jet Grind Radio
- Soul Calibur
- Chu Chu Rocket!
- Grandia II
- Virtua Tennis
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
- Samba de Amigo
- Marvel vs. Capcom 2
He said can I play and we gathered a few other friends and played on that. The Playstation 2. It was worthless for a year minimum before it got anything decent.

totally agree with this. its funny, i ragged on my buddy that got a ps3 for the same reason. if the next sony venture builds up a good launch list of exclusives it will probably dominate, but the best games for the first year and a half have been available on the microsoft counterpart in my opinion.

i had a friend with a dc, i remember playing crazy taxi all night once just because it was a sick arcade port. in retrospect there were so many better games on the shelf we should have been playing, but back in the day that game was like crack for some reason.
I remember when it came out on 9/9/99. A week later, hackers/mods figured out how to play burn games on the system; as a result, the end of the dreamcast.
The dreamcast was awesome, I loved that system, Street Fighter 3 Third Strike, played hours with friends, 4 player in Gaunlet Legends and Virtua Tennis, nba2k games were all great. Crazy Taxi, Power Stone, all the other number of fighters and 2d shootem ups, typing of the dead was awesome, vmu's ect ect, oh how i miss that system, i still have mine, and bought another on ebay just incase if dies, wish it was able to continue on strong.
I am getting one through a trade on here I think, and I am excited!!! It really feels like a system time forgot, even though it has such an interesting set of games.
Both my Dreamcasts (U.S. Launch & Japanese units) are still hooked up to my lovely TV. They each get a workout at least once a month. :)
Can't believe there isn't more talk about the amazing arcade perfect shmups released - Giga Wing 1 &2, Ikaruga, Mars Matrix, Gunbird 2 just to name a few. Dreamcast is probably one of the consoles ever but as people said earlier I think it just found no support after the Saturn. And despite their awesome sports games they just didn't have the Madden/EA name or signature casual titles that other systems had. Shenmue is an awesome game but it just isn't going to bring in a huge audience.

It's also a shame that expanding broadband connections and no copy protection pulled the rug out under the system's already crippled legs. Although now it's cool that such a deep library is still accessible.
It's cause while they're arcade perfect, they're no different from others like Marvel vs Capcom and Street Fighter III. The real amazing thing regarding an arcade game was how the Dreamcast version of Soul Calibur completely blew away the arcade version visually and in content.

Also, the one problem the Dreamcast had with internet was releasing a broadband adapter far too late into the game and then never releasing more after they sold out on Sega's online store, as well as never making good on releasing them in stores.
[quote name='IceBlueShoes']I'd have to agree about the lack of Madden (although I personally find the games and sport boring) but NHL was on the DC. Blitz is an exception though.

Anyways I picked up my DC late, shortly after the announcement that it was over. I worked at a game store at the time and I remember the price being $70. It was the last 1 we had in stock and I remember thinking "Maybe I'll wait for the next shipment" and the owner saying that their was no guarantee we could get anymore units. In the end I ended up buying it and still have it with me.
I also got a different shell case and changed it to blue. I don't have too many games, but their are still a few I'd like to get, like Sonic Adventure 2, Metropolis Street Racer, Seaman and Blitz.
My fave games are: Skies of Arcadia, Shenmue (totally blew me away), Virtua Tennis and Capcom Vs. SNK 2. At least I was able to get that last 1 for the PS1.
I even have the PS2 controller converter and the Bleemcast disc for GT2 :)[/QUOTE]

I was referring to EA's game, not the 2K hockey.
[quote name='dan13l858']I remember when it came out on 9/9/99. A week later, hackers/mods figured out how to play burn games on the system; as a result, the end of the dreamcast.[/QUOTE]

Please. Most people still don't know how to pirate games and especially back in 99 when most people didn't even have broadband.

The hype from PS2 was the major blow because, even though, we saw GREAT games from DC, we expected even more from Playstation (MGS, FFX, etc). But what actually killed the DC was when it was fact that the GDROM couldn't store enough data for the next-gen and the DC would always appear as the inferior console with multi disc versions of PS2 games.

+ I have a gut feeling MS had some role to play somewhere down the road to killing the DC. Like maybe supporting / funding the PS hype.
I still play my Dreamcast at least 1 time a week for my 2d figthers & shooters fix........ i just remember browsing the web at 56k (at the time didnt had a PC)...way ahead at his time........
I just bought a Dreamcast a little while ago from a garage sale for $5 with cables and controller. Unfortunately it wouldn't read the disks, but that was an easy fix. Just adjusted the "laser intensity" screw and I was back in business.:whee:
[quote name='SovietSlayer']+ I have a gut feeling MS had some role to play somewhere down the road to killing the DC. Like maybe supporting / funding the PS hype.[/QUOTE]
Your gut is somewhat right. Isao Okawa went to MS and tried to make a deal with them to allow the Xbox to play Dreamcast games. The intention was to try keeping the Dreamcast supported in some fashion, as it would benefit for Sega and MS.

However, the deal never went through.
[quote name='Tsukento']Your gut is somewhat right. Isao Okawa went to MS and tried to make a deal with them to allow the Xbox to play Dreamcast games. The intention was to try keeping the Dreamcast supported in some fashion, as it would benefit for Sega and MS.

So THAT'S where that rumor came from.

Anyone else have trouble with their controller ports? Mine will sometimes not recognize the controller unless I push down ever so slightly on the connector.
[quote name='Tsukento']Your gut is somewhat right. Isao Okawa went to MS and tried to make a deal with them to allow the Xbox to play Dreamcast games. The intention was to try keeping the Dreamcast supported in some fashion, as it would benefit for Sega and MS.

However, the deal never went through.[/QUOTE]

You mean just Sega? Why would MS want to share a console with Sega, where Sega still be known. I'd be like f' that. This is MS and this is MS's console..
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']So THAT'S where that rumor came from. [/QUOTE]
True but if your MS and you see how bad Sega is doing with 2 competitors, then you'd be stupid to think that the industry can support 4 consoles. And since Sega is the weakest, it only make sense you would want to grab there place. Hell look at the original xbox controller, it even had two vmu ports.
I bought a Dreamcast...and the next day they stopped making Dreamcast games. So I returned it.

Best game I played on there was definitely Shenmue. Such a groundbreaking way to make a game.

also the memory card was cool cause sometimes you ended up with a little critter on it from Sonic
[quote name='SovietSlayer']You mean just Sega? Why would MS want to share a console with Sega, where Sega still be known. I'd be like f' that. This is MS and this is MS's console..

True but if your MS and you see how bad Sega is doing with 2 competitors, then you'd be stupid to think that the industry can support 4 consoles. And since Sega is the weakest, it only make sense you would want to grab there place. Hell look at the original xbox controller, it even had two vmu ports.[/QUOTE]
Actually, what I meant was that the Xbox would still very much be its own platform. The only thing would be that it had compatibility with the Dreamcast's library. The deal came up a little before Sega made it public that they were going third party. Mr. Okawa's intention was to support MS with Sega titles for the Xbox, but also keep the Dreamcast somewhat alive with Dreamcast titles. It basically meant buying the Xbox would have doubled as two consoles. MS would have still made money off the hardware, while Sega would profit from software sales.
[quote name='Tsukento']Actually, what I meant was that the Xbox would still very much be its own platform. The only thing would be that it had compatibility with the Dreamcast's library. The deal came up a little before Sega made it public that they were going third party. Mr. Okawa's intention was to support MS with Sega titles for the Xbox, but also keep the Dreamcast somewhat alive with Dreamcast titles. It basically meant buying the Xbox would have doubled as two consoles. MS would have still made money off the hardware, while Sega would profit from software sales.[/QUOTE]

The Dreamcast used a MS OS. Some see the Xbox as the spiritual successor to the Dreamcast, but I think the potential was there but not fulfilled.

If I were Disney, I'd buy Sega just to add Sonic to its band of characters, because IMHO that's all they have left and I really don't understand what Sega is doing now a days.
On the contrary, Sega has more than just Sonic. The main problem is that they have zero idea of what they're doing and have reverted back to the god awful style of leaving the different regions to do their own thing. That was a disaster right there during the 16-bit days, when Sega of America and Sega of Japan constantly fought amongst each other and did what was right for their region.

Kind of the same issue today. Sega of America's only worrying about digital releases, Sega of Europe on physical releases and Sega of Japan on games that only may interest the Japanese.
Do I miss and love the dreamcast? Nope.

Do I miss and love some of the games on it? Yes.

Being a real gamer such as myself I know that systems dont mean shit. If a game is good or bad its because of the people who made it, not what system its on.

I own my dreamcast still among 20 other systems but I cant figure out why so many people still talk about the dreamcast. I think its one of those things that people wax nostalgia about because it makes them sound like a well rounded, experinced and impressive gamer because they talk about the system. Personally, the saturn had a better selection of games on it and so did the genesis but dreamcast is always whats mentioned.
[quote name='bsesb2003']The Dreamcast used a MS OS. Some see the Xbox as the spiritual successor to the Dreamcast, but I think the potential was there but not fulfilled.

If I were Disney, I'd buy Sega just to add Sonic to its band of characters, because IMHO that's all they have left and I really don't understand what Sega is doing now a days.[/QUOTE]

There was a interview with Bernie Stolar awile back. He said, while having Windows NT on Dreamcast allowed a quicker option for game ports, the whole thing was Microsoft's way to get into Sega, check out how they did things, and take information back to thier own console.

I guess it didn't matter either way, since Sega was out of the bus when Xbox was released.
[quote name='gargus']I own my dreamcast still among 20 other systems but I cant figure out why so many people still talk about the dreamcast. I think its one of those things that people wax nostalgia about because it makes them sound like a well rounded, experinced and impressive gamer because they talk about the system. Personally, the saturn had a better selection of games on it and so did the genesis but dreamcast is always whats mentioned.[/QUOTE]
Can't speak for anyone else, but one of the reasons I'm so fond of the DC is because it's the first game console I ever bought myself (I wasn't one of those who saved their allowance to buy a NES or what have you; I was more into comics as a kid). Here's another: one of the best gaming deals I have ever scored was a pair of official DC maracas used at GameStop for $40 at a time when they were starting to go for much more than that on eBay. And another: my favorite game on the system, Skies of Arcadia, was a present from my boyfriend at the time, who later became my husband.

I have a lot of little personal memories like that tied into my DC. It's a good piece of hardware and has some great games, but to me, my DC is more than that.
[quote name='gargus']Do I miss and love the dreamcast? Nope.

Do I miss and love some of the games on it? Yes.

Being a real gamer such as myself I know that systems dont mean shit. If a game is good or bad its because of the people who made it, not what system its on.

I own my dreamcast still among 20 other systems but I cant figure out why so many people still talk about the dreamcast. I think its one of those things that people wax nostalgia about because it makes them sound like a well rounded, experinced and impressive gamer because they talk about the system. Personally, the saturn had a better selection of games on it and so did the genesis but dreamcast is always whats mentioned.[/QUOTE]

I'm convinced that your head is permanently stuck up your ass. You fail to see why we wax nostalgic about this system. blueshinra's got it right. It seems that the gamers who got to experience the Dreamcast in it's prime years have strong memories attached to it. Mine are playing Crazy Taxi and Sega GT with my best friend (who's sadly passed on), and having a blast playing PSO even though I had no internet connection. Would I remember the time so fondly if I didn't have the Dreamcast? Maybe, maybe not. But I do know that the Dreamcast is pretty well engraved in those memories that I'll cherish forever.

tl;dr: Dreamcast roolz, you're a troll, gtfo.
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']I'm convinced that your head is permanently stuck up your ass. You fail to see why we wax nostalgic about this system. blueshinra's got it right. It seems that the gamers who got to experience the Dreamcast in it's prime years have strong memories attached to it. Mine are playing Crazy Taxi and Sega GT with my best friend (who's sadly passed on), and having a blast playing PSO even though I had no internet connection. Would I remember the time so fondly if I didn't have the Dreamcast? Maybe, maybe not. But I do know that the Dreamcast is pretty well engraved in those memories that I'll cherish forever.

tl;dr: Dreamcast roolz, you're a troll, gtfo.[/QUOTE]

I agree here. Dreamcast was one of the systems I have played the most over the years (except maybe playstation with all its RPG goodness). My brother and I use to play it all the time and when my friends came over we would all play it as well. Games mentioned like Crazy Taxi and Skies of Arcadia were so amazing. I use to play NBA 2K2 all the time and Soul Calibur 1/2. My personal favorite for multiplayer on Dreamcast was The Next Tetris. Also the first time I ever played online multiplayer was on the Dreamcast with Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament. Who could forget the inovative and unique games like Shenmue and Seaman. I did buy most my games but games were easily downloaded back then so I had close to every game ever made on the Dreamcast. It is truly a shame that Sega quit on the Dreamcast.
I think around 3 years. I still play MvC2 and Typing of the Dead. Typing of the Dead's characters have dreamcast's mounted on their backs, that's the coolest thing ever. Oh and my PSN name is DreamCast4Life. It's the last gamer's console, all it did was play games and it did it well.
I agree it was the last gamers console. Lots of old school, arcade perfect ports and niche games like Seaman and Samba De Amigo.

I picked one up at Launch in '99, at the tail end of college. We played the living shit out KoF 99 Dreammatch ('98), Dynamite Cop, Zombie Revenge (That's pretty much all that came out in '99).

It was pretty weak in the RPG department (Grandia 2, Skies of Arcadia), but Phantasy Star Online and Shenmue were incredible gaming experiences I'll never forget.

I think I bought 3-4 games a month when it was at it's peak.

It had some cool imports as well.

I have to admit, not too many games hold up very well anymore for me. About all I can play anymore is Typing of the Dead.
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I was in college also during the DC time. Grandia 2 and Skies of Arcadia were great. So many good games, it was a golden age of gaming for me.
[quote name='gargus']I own my dreamcast still among 20 other systems but I cant figure out why so many people still talk about the dreamcast. I think its one of those things that people wax nostalgia about because it makes them sound like a well rounded, experinced and impressive gamer because they talk about the system. Personally, the saturn had a better selection of games on it and so did the genesis but dreamcast is always whats mentioned.[/QUOTE]
It's because the Dreamcast was such a perfect opportunity for the company to get back on its feet. It was a total step in the right direction and could have brought on a lot more than what we got if it was able to last.

The Saturn had a lot of great games, but let's not kid ourselves. That bastard was expensive for consumers and NOT friendly to developers. It didn't have the right marketing outside of Japan and didn't have as much of an appeal as the Dreamcast did.

The Dreamcast was Sega's way of banding together as a whole, rather than trying to outdo each other within the company (which it was most famous for during the 16-bit era), to bring out games of great quality and experience and to make the Sega brand name worth something again.

I honestly cannot say I've ever played a game as much on any other console than I did with the Dreamcast and PSO. If you've actually played PSO online during the Dreamcast days, you'd wonder what the hell happened to online communities (save for the rampant cheaters later on) and why they've become so utterly infested with children and trash talking retards.

[quote name='tbassett']I think around 3 years.[/QUOTE]
Barely. In the US, we got it in 1999. It was discontinued in 2001. So hardly even a year and a half. Japan got it in 1998 and it was discontinued at the same time, though had plenty of third party games being released (with the last Sega title being Puyo Pop Fever).
bread's done