Request: Resale value on xbox360 elite 120gb console?


CAG Veteran

I just replaced my xbox with a new slim 250 and want to try and sell my old console but I am unsure of what the value would be and what I can really ask for.

It is over 3.5 yrs old almost 4 yrs so its out of warranty. 4 months ago it got the RRD. I was able to perform the xclamp fix and it worked for 4 months with no problems. It recently started freezing again and once again got the RRD. I redid everything again, clean GPU and CPU connections and redo the silver thermo. Now it will freeze pretty much every time between 5 and 20 minutes of use, but does not get an RRD.

I know on Craigslist most RRD consoles go for about $50 for a normal unit. Not sure if there is a premium on an elite. Also I have seen 120GB drives go for about $50 alone. The harddrive and disc drive have no problems. Should I be able to expect more than 50 since it does not currently have the RRD? I will not post the ad stating the unit has no problems, since it does have problems.

What would be the tradein value at Gamestop? I rarely go there, since they tend to screw most.

Thanks for your help!
Decided to plug in the console today to clear my drive before selling and take some pics and now it gets the Red Ring right off the bat. Will just sell it as a RRD console.
sell the hd for 35-40 bucks and the console for 35-40. They should both sell around those prices and you will get between 70 and 80 bucks
You could do the towel trick and trade it in at gamestop (if you could get more there for a working console than on ebay for a RROD one). I don't know what GS will give you though.
bread's done