Resident Evil 5 Versus DLC (Xbox 360/PS3) - Worth it for $5?


40 (100%)
*Note: This review was written from impressions on the Xbox 360 version of the game.*
Cost: 400 MS Points/$4.99 (PS Store)

Achievements: Xbox 360

  • Army of One (15) Win 30 matches in Slayers.

  • Bringing the Pain (30) Defeat 100 players using physical attacks in Versus.

  • Eye of the Tiger (15) Win 30 matches in Survivors.

  • It Takes Two to Tango (15) Chain a 40-defeated combo in Team Slayers.

  • It's All About the Points (15) Score at least 40,000 points in Survivors.

  • Keep the Good Times Rolling (15) Chain a 20-defeated combo in Slayers.

  • Let's Get This Party Started! (20) Unlock all selectable characters in Versus.

  • The Team That Slays Together... (30) Win 30 matches in Team Slayers.

  • There's no "I" in Team (15) Score at least 80,000 points in Team Survivors.

  • We Will Survive (30) Win 30 matches in Team Survivors.
Trophies: PS3

Silver Trophies

  • The Team That Slays Together.. - Win 30 matches in Team Slayers.

  • We Will Survive - Win 30 matches in Team Survivors.

  • Bringing the Pain - Defeat 100 players using physical attacks in Versus.

Bronze Trophies

  • Army of One - Win 30 matches in Slayers.

  • Eye of the Tiger - Win 30 matches in Survivors.

  • Keep the Good Times Rolling - Chain a 20-defeated combo in Slayers.

  • It Takes Two to Tango - Chain a 40-defeated combo in Team Slayers.

  • It’s All About the Points - Score at least 40,000 points in Survivors.

  • There’s no “I” in Team - Score at least 80,000 points in Team Survivors.

  • Let’s Get This Party Started! - Unlock all selectable characters in Versus.

For more in-depth information: EltoniaX's FAQ (I take no credit in developing this FAQ)

Respective Threads: Xbox 360/PS3

Purchase it the CAG way: Xbox 360

First of all, this is my first attempt at a review (so bare with me) and it's for those who are on the fence about purchasing this content. Much has been said about the controversy behind it and has been debated about to death in various forums. Please leave that type of discussion in their respective threads. I am well aware that it is just an "unlock code," (the Versus mode was already described in the Limited Edition Strategy Guide) but for people who are interested in this content here is an honest review coming from a CAG:

After about 20 ranked matches or so yesterday trying out all the different modes, I have come to the conclusion that my favorite mode is Slayers/Team Slayers. Everything in this mode is exactly the same as in Mercenaries (weapon spawns, time bonuses, combo bonuses, & character weapon layout) with the exception of another team competing against you. Surprisingly, matches can be intense if you're playing with people who actually play according to the game type. Racking up a high combo and seeing who can kill the level boss gets pretty hectic since the other players can kill you at any given time. However, that's where everything stops.

The characters and their weapon layouts are still too unbalanced (in Slayers/Team Slayers) when you throw in actual players into the mix. For example, I mainly just use Jill (BSAA) and I'll be trying to kill a level boss with my Px4/MP5/Grenades then another player out of nowhere uses his/her magnum, rocket launcher, etc. and destroys it getting the points in the process. "Then just use Wesker or any of the more powerful characters available in the game." Yes that is a viable response, but I like to make it more challenging for myself than just using the strongest characters in the game. Using characters such as Tribal Sheva, Wesker (Midnight/S.T.A.R.S), Battlesuit Jill, etc. doesn't always guarantee you an automatic win, but you will be at a slight disadvantage when it comes to sheer firepower killing bosses and/or other players during crunch times (note: Survivors/Team Suvivors weapon layouts are changed to make more of a balance between characeters).

With that in mind, I still had a fun time playing Slayers/Team Slayers. Running circles (with Jill's speed) around people while they are trying to shoot at you never gets old.:lol: And just having a good competitive match with other people is all I could ask for. On the other hand, you'll more than likely run into situations with people who don't understand the mode.

For instance, most of the time I got paired up with people who just think every mode is Survivors/Team Survivors, killing only the players when in fact you get more points by killing Majini (heck even the chickens give you more points). This, which I believe most you will agree, is very aggravating as it ruins the experience for everyone as well as the concept of the entire mode. Yes, there is actually a strategy behind killing other players in Slayers/Team Slayers, but only if you tie in the kill within your combos will it garner any advantages. As with most online games, it is expected to come across players such as these, it just gets annoying dying every minute since they think it's "funny." Then just play with your friends. I honestly would, but the difference between playing ranked matches as opposed to player matches makes the difference for me here. I like to have my scores posted on the leader boards, so I can keep track of my progress. On a side note, many of you would know this, but to reiterate, you cannot invite people to ranked games.

I can't really say much about Survivors/Team Survivors mode since I didn't really like it that much. Pretty much what most people think the mode would amount to is whoever has the strongest gun during a firefight wins, right? But step back for a minute, and now factor in whether or not the player can actually aim well with the "stronger gun" and knows where the weak spots are (ie. shoot in the head). I can't believe how many times I killed someone with the Px4 handgun while they were blasting me with a shotgun, and the only difference was that I was aiming at the head and they were aiming at my stomach (the exception are those who get the magnum from a boss drop as those weapons drain your HP like crazy). You would think, "Man it's just going to be a rocket launcher, grenade launcher fest," however that is not the case since it's difficult to aim well with those guns if you have to stop, shoot, and aim while the other person is running away from you. Also, consider the fact that you turn much slower when you have your weapon drawn while aiming, making it that much more difficult to land a shot. Oh and don't forget about those times where you are technically invincible during enemy fire (performing melee actions and finishers).:roll: All in all, this mode can be quite fun at times, but if I had to choose a mode it would be any of the Slayer modes.

One nagging issue that came to mind was that when you try to join a game, but it's full or has been canceled, the game boots you back to the title screen of Versus. Now this happens numerous times (like in Mercenaries) while trying to find a game to join, and having to go through "Start-->Host/Join Game-->Quick Match/Custom Match-->Set Search Parameters-->Pick Game," every single time just because the game you selected was full. It can get frustrating and very tedious when all you want to do is play a match. The least Capcom could have done was fix this little issue. Then just host the game, problem solved. Easier said than done. During the time of writing this review (before it was released in Japan), it seems that most people have not gotten around to downloading the content or refuse to pay for an "unlock code." My thoughts are the latter, so it may take a while for people to join the game you hosted.

Now, is it worth you hard earned $5? If you have 3 other friends who are going to play it with you, then definitely yes. Having 3 other friends who have mics and play according to the mode type can make this a very entertaining and competitive experience. Nothing can aggravate a player more than a teammate who doesn't use a mic. In addition, to all you achievement/trophy junkies out there, Capcom really got lazy on the difficulty to gain those rewards since you can earn progress towards them in both player and ranked matches. So "boosting" is an option if you're really just buying it to get all the achievements or trophies in the game.

On the other hand, if you don't have anyone to play with then you'll be stuck playing with random people who mostly don't use their mics (doesn't the console include one?), but you'll also come across some awesome people who are actually quite good and know what's going on. So it's a 50/50 chance you'll either really enjoy it or regret you ever bought it. I'd suggest that this content is best played and at its highest value amongst friends. As with most games, the online community tends to degrade about a month into its release (unless it's an exception like Gears 2, CoD 4, and Halo 3). So having buddies to play this every now and then can add to the longevity of this content.

What is really boils down to is if you really like the game or not. I enjoyed Mercenaries in Resident Evil 4 & 5, so adding a bit of a twist in the game mechanics did it for me (even though I knew it was just an "unlock code").:bomb: I know, as members of the CAG community we should oppose and boycott practices such as this, but you don't have to purchase it at all. That's the key; end of discussion. Of course it's clunky and I am very disappointed that there are no new maps, weapons, and characters, but if you have fun with it then that's all that really matters in the end.

If Capcom added a new 4-player Co-op Mercenaries mode, new characters, and, maps then it would be an obvious decision. However, for now this is all I can tell you guys from what I have experienced in the game so far. I hope this review helps push you over, or off the fence in your decision towards purchasing this content.
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i was thinking of getting this. But those sounded just like Mercenaries mode but with another team. may be when they release DLC for more weapons/chars for Mercenaries mode.
Thanks for the review. I am just getting into the Mercenaries Mode and I was considering purchasing this add on to the game. I'm glad I read this review. I think I will remain on the fence and see if any additional DLC will be available later. But I guess by then the online players may have moved on to something else.
Sorry but this should have been included with the game. All I see out of this is Capcom nickel and dimeing on stuff like this. By supporting this with your money its telling companies that we are perfectly okay with having basic stuff not even part of the game but to have it as a separate DLC add on. Vote with your wallet by not buying this.
I am going to get it soon ... but i also think that it should have been included with the game....anyway nothing can be done so i am buying it soon

Vampire Knight
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