Resident Evil, Metroid, Zelda, and the future of the GCN

[quote name='weaponx666']First, don't try to talk all high and mighty b/c u think u know something. Your post is the dumbest all year and exists for no reason other than to waste space.

The "purple" GC is still readily available. Strike one. The primary color of the GC when it launched was the indigo and that is the color you see in the ad campaigns.[/quote]

He talking present not 2001-02. So yes I have not walked into any store and found indigo "purple" gamecubes for sale, and not found black or platinum available.

They stopped indigo production, and black is the color the new commercials show not indigo. You must be watching old commecials. So no you wouldnt be forced to pick up a "non adult friendly purple" gamecube. Hes making it seem as though no choices are available. How is this "Strike one"? Get off you horse buddy.

[quote name='weaponx666']As to the software medium, you agreed with the previous post. We know Nintendo has always used odd formats in the name of anti-piracy. But have any studies been done showing proprietary formats prevent piracy?[/quote]

Lets take this same example. Have any studies been done to show they DONT? I for one know its easier to get PS2 and Xbox bootlegs. Shit I have come across them not even looking. Not once have I come across Cube bootlegs. The disc is smaller and the cube reads them backwards. its a hell of a lot harder to get them. I have no idea where you come off saying its not.

[quote name='weaponx666']Those in the know can still pirate GC games. Those in the know are a small minority so it does not have as major effect on software sales as Nintendo would have you believe. If it did, don't you think MS and Sony would have chosen proprietary formats for their software?[/quote]

As I just stated I didnt get the info from Nintendo. Heres your "Strike one" The question your asking here about Microsoft and Sony is not relevant. Does the music industry change formats due to piracy? NO. Can I burn almost 95% of my bought music for someone else? Yes I can. What about the other 5% can it be burned? Yup.

Sony and Microsoft products are easier to copy than Nintendo's is. They decided not to go with it for their own reasons. They also wanted to have DVD capabilites built in, and wanted to have the hardware be very cost effecient at the same time. Cant do both or gamecube would have played DVD's. Microsoft and Sony are after the home entertainment sector.

Nintendo is after VIDEO GAMES ONLY. They dont need to go with a standard. Why the hell didnt Sony run with Mini DVD's for PSP instead of UMD then? Maybe iut has something to do with piracy and $$. you do remember Dreamcast right and all the pricay that happened there.

[quote name='weaponx666']The GC controller is sufficient, but not as good as the PS2 or Xbox controllers..[/quote]

Now here comes an opinion and your stating it as fact. Wow. Lots of "studies" like you seem to want me to show prove your valid point here dont they? I get cramps playing with the PS2 controller and dont with the Cube so how is it not as good. This is all preference.

[quote name='weaponx666']Nintendo execs have admitted in interviews that it was designed specifically for one or two games with no thought to third party support. This is a fact.[/quote]

Really? Show me the quote or a link to this?

[quote name='weaponx666']Our point is that Nintendo should be cooperative and welcoming to outside software developers, not arrogant and believing that they don't need them. I admit I love the way the GC controller feels and fits in my hand, but the button placement is awkward. I make due.[/quote]

Now its become 'Our point" I didnt see you anywhere in there the first time through.... But thats ok. First off Nintendo has changed their relationship with thrid party developers. They are continuing to change this relationship. If you follow the news at all you would know this. So how the hell is this not welcoming the outside developers? They are not arrogant any longer.

Even you like the way it feels. I myself do also and anyone I know thats given it some play time prefers it. If you are talking about 'Fighter" games then yes it does have some complaints. But as I stated earlier it shouldnt be hard to figure out for any other game. Maybe you are more used to the PS1/PS2 type controller because its been the same for two generations?

The original complaint was the yellow stick being to small. Ok for him maybe. Again thats all preference. If it was the size of a pencil tip I could still put my thumb on it and move it?!? And his second complaint was to sensitive. I prefer my buttons to be sensitive..move it less. All motor skills here, all motor skill problems. Most the games I have played use more than the A,B and shoulder buttons and I get through them fine. Shit my 5 year old relatives get through them just fine.

[quote name='weaponx666']YOUR logic is flawed. The Controller S was the only controller ever available for Xbox in Japan. That's not the reason the Xbox has not done well there. [/quote]

I never said it was. What I was making a point of redesigning controllers doesnt mean increased sales like he was leading on about.

[quote name='weaponx666']Also, you blame poor Japanese Xbox sales on the controller. People don't buy a systm based soley on the controller. The Xbox has not done well in Japan b/c it's an American system designed for the US and doesn't have much support from the Japanese game developers. Also, 90% of the people you see is not a large number consider gamers number in the millions worldwide.[/quote]

Wow. Lots here. So people dont buy a system based on the controller.... BUT farther down in your post you state its ONE of the reasons Gamecube is in thrid place...

That in itself should show exactly how reliable your info is shouldnt it.

So poor Xbox sales in Japan has a lot more to do with than the low support form Japan companies but thats one reason. Also the system size is to big, they tend to shun our American electronics in general etc.

So 90% of the people I see dont count for more than your preference.? Somehow that doesnt make your argument viable. Shit if I saw three people thats still more than you and your single minded ideals.

[quote name='weaponx666']If the redesign was so horrible, why is it that the S is what comes standard with the Xbox now? No one said GC is third b/c of controller design, if you would actually read before you posted your opinions.[/quote]

\/ Look down you just did. I never said he said that. He makes it sound as though the Gamecube needs to be redesigned to sell more. which isnt necessarily true.
And I never said the controller S was horrible. It was a smart move due to size. Your complaint has nothing to do with gamecubes controller size, its about button placement. Some people even prefer the original Xbox controllers button placement compared to the white and black buttons being out of reach on the controller s.

[quote name='weaponx666']But their controller design does show that Nintendo is not willing to think of outside software developers, which is a mistake. That, among others, is one of the reasons why they are in third.[/quote]

How the heck is this true? That has nothing to do with why they are in Third (in the US only mind you).
[quote name='Snake2715']

As I just stated I didnt get the info from Nintendo. Heres your "Strike one" The question your asking here about Microsoft and Sony is not relevant. Does the music industry change formats due to piracy? NO. Can I burn almost 95% of my bought music for someone else? Yes I can. What about the other 5% can it be burned? Yup...


Okay, you're an idiot. You try to argue with my points but aren't even really responding. U say I said stuff that I DIDN'T actually even write. I'm on lunch at work now (do you know what work is or are u still in your parent's basement?) so I'll respond in more detail later. Regarding my original post, it's on Page 2, jackass. Also, your grammar sux0rs.

Why r kids allowed to use the internet? :roll:
[quote name='weaponx666'][quote name='Snake2715']

As I just stated I didnt get the info from Nintendo. Heres your "Strike one" The question your asking here about Microsoft and Sony is not relevant. Does the music industry change formats due to piracy? NO. Can I burn almost 95% of my bought music for someone else? Yes I can. What about the other 5% can it be burned? Yup...


Okay, you're an idiot. You try to argue with my points but aren't even really responding. U say I said stuff that I DIDN'T actually even write. I'm on lunch at work now (do you know what work is or are u still in your parent's basement?) so I'll respond in more detail later. Regarding my original post, it's on Page 2, jackass. Also, your grammar sux0rs.

Why r kids allowed to use the internet? :roll:[/quote]

Yeah I live in my parents basement alright. My fathers dead and I have been gone for 8 years now. Married own my own house and do have a job.

As far as my Grammer. I could care less. This is a video game board nothing more. Half the time I dont even proofread what I type. You will see tons of grammer, comma, and runon sentences. If that ends up being all you can comment on then forget it its not worth it.

Actually argueing on here isnt worth it. Are you the the person I responded to originally? No. That last response took more time than I wanted so figure my future responses to be much shorter.
This crap about the GC controller being the worst is funny.

I have a PS2, PSone, GC, SNES, NES, Saturn, Genesis, Dreamcast, and a few others I can't remember off the top of my head.

The GC controller is my favorite to date - its only competition being the Sega Saturn pad for fighting games. It is comfy, hand strain reducing, and ergonomic (helpful if you have joint problems like I seem to have developed somewhat). The buttons are arranged differently but work very well after a little bit of adjustment - although indeed they aren't so great for fighting games. The Z-button is the only really badly positioned button on the GC controller, and the D-pad is a little too small. Hopefully they will add one more button on for multi-format games (being one short is probably annoying for developers) on the Revolution.

Then again, Xbox and PS2 aren't so great for fighting games either. You really need a specialized oldschool Saturn-style controller for fighters :D The recessed D-pad on the PS1 controller sucked for fighing games and other games needing diagonals - the PS2 controller got a bit better but still isn't that great.

The analog stick "too sensitive" and "too small"? I find it just about right, as I feel about the xbox controller S and logitech cordless rumblepad for PC. Trying playing some Super Monkey Ball for a while to learn how to properly use a responsive analog stick. :D

The sticks on the PS2 are the ones I can't stand - floppy and weird response range on them - and too big.

And this is from a tall skinny guy with really long fingers (I find the GBA SP very cramped to play).
Wow. I knew RE4 was good after playing the demo, but actually diving into the game? fucking incredible is all I can about it. If you have a Cube, buy RE4 NOW! If you don't have a Cube, buy a Cube and RE4 NOW!
I'm not sure what all the fuss about the GC controller is. I'll admit it looks really funny but I find it to be comfortable and easy to play with. It's funny because everytime I play a PS2 demo I see all the controls come up and see all the things they do and I start to do I really need all these buttons? Not that the GC has any less it just makes me laugh. I guess that is the 8-bit nintendo kid inside of me. :)
[quote name='jkam']I'm not sure what all the fuss about the GC controller is. I'll admit it looks really funny but I find it to be comfortable and easy to play with. It's funny because everytime I play a PS2 demo I see all the controls come up and see all the things they do and I start to do I really need all these buttons? Not that the GC has any less it just makes me laugh. I guess that is the 8-bit nintendo kid inside of me. :)[/quote]

I agree it fits comfortably in your hands....very comfortably. But the button placement is very odd. It's way too easy to hit the Y when you meant to hit the X. The only buttons that can be reliably hit are the giant A and the small B.

And the little yellow C stick is horrid. I tried playing an FPS on the 'Cube -- Timesplitters -- and gave it up because the damned thing was too sensitive and overshot the target every time. (Lock-on prevented that problem in Metroid Prime.)

One thing I must say for the controller, however -- PERFECT for Viewtiful Joe. They really designed that game well for the controller.

But compared to the PS2 and XBox controllers -- it is crap.
[quote name='dennis_t'][quote name='jkam']I'm not sure what all the fuss about the GC controller is. I'll admit it looks really funny but I find it to be comfortable and easy to play with. It's funny because everytime I play a PS2 demo I see all the controls come up and see all the things they do and I start to do I really need all these buttons? Not that the GC has any less it just makes me laugh. I guess that is the 8-bit nintendo kid inside of me. :)[/quote]

I agree it fits comfortably in your hands....very comfortably. But the button placement is very odd. It's way too easy to hit the Y when you meant to hit the X. The only buttons that can be reliably hit are the giant A and the small B.

And the little yellow C stick is horrid. I tried playing an FPS on the 'Cube -- Timesplitters -- and gave it up because the damned thing was too sensitive and overshot the target every time. (Lock-on prevented that problem in Metroid Prime.)

One thing I must say for the controller, however -- PERFECT for Viewtiful Joe. They really designed that game well for the controller.

But compared to the PS2 and XBox controllers -- it is crap.[/quote]

I agree, mostly. The controller is very comfortable and button placement is awkward, but I wouldn't say it's crap. It's just in third place out of 3. For the record, I think the DC controller is worse.
So it took three pages until we finally got to the normal "Your dumb" "No your dumb" agruement.

How about you all grow the fuck up.
[quote name='weaponx666'][quote name='dennis_t'][quote name='jkam']I'm not sure what all the fuss about the GC controller is. I'll admit it looks really funny but I find it to be comfortable and easy to play with. It's funny because everytime I play a PS2 demo I see all the controls come up and see all the things they do and I start to do I really need all these buttons? Not that the GC has any less it just makes me laugh. I guess that is the 8-bit nintendo kid inside of me. :)[/quote]

I agree it fits comfortably in your hands....very comfortably. But the button placement is very odd. It's way too easy to hit the Y when you meant to hit the X. The only buttons that can be reliably hit are the giant A and the small B.

And the little yellow C stick is horrid. I tried playing an FPS on the 'Cube -- Timesplitters -- and gave it up because the damned thing was too sensitive and overshot the target every time. (Lock-on prevented that problem in Metroid Prime.)

One thing I must say for the controller, however -- PERFECT for Viewtiful Joe. They really designed that game well for the controller.

But compared to the PS2 and XBox controllers -- it is crap.[/quote]

I agree, mostly. The controller is very comfortable and button placement is awkward, but I wouldn't say it's crap. It's just in third place out of 3. For the record, I think the DC controller is worse.[/quote]

100 percent with you on the DC controller. No second analog stick, and too few buttons. Great console, lousy controller.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']The DC controller was perfect for racing games and tony hawk, and that's all that mattered.[/quote]

You know... it didn't seem all that bad before, but playing it now. It hurts...
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']The DC controller was perfect for racing games and tony hawk, and that's all that mattered.[/quote]

Ahhh...Tony Hawk on DC.....I'm feeling the love......The only time I've ever played through TH multiple times to unlock hidden characters, etc.
[quote name='Smoke'][quote name='Rig']Millions of people are missing out on some of the greatest games ever made by skipping over Gamecube. Nintendo just can't get a break in this day and age... :([/quote]

I agree. its a shame people think the Gamecube is "kiddy" and just skip over it. Ive played some of my favorite games on the cube. RE4 included.[/quote]

I agree also. Resident Evil 4 is the best game I have played over the past 5 years. It was Ninja Gaiden for me, but RE4 took the title away. Hopefully Killer7, Zelda, and Geist can help the Gamecube for 2005. A pre-played gamecube is running for 60 bucks right now at, do yourself a favor if you don't have a cube yet and go out and buy a used one. You would just be paying $10.00 over MSRP of a new 50 dollar title game for a gamecube system.
[quote name='tenzor'][quote name='Smoke'][quote name='Rig']Millions of people are missing out on some of the greatest games ever made by skipping over Gamecube. Nintendo just can't get a break in this day and age... :([/quote]

I agree. its a shame people think the Gamecube is "kiddy" and just skip over it. Ive played some of my favorite games on the cube. RE4 included.[/quote]

I agree also. Resident Evil 4 is the best game I have played over the past 5 years. It was Ninja Gaiden for me, but RE4 took the title away. Hopefully Killer7, Zelda, and Geist can help the Gamecube for 2005. A pre-played gamecube is running for 60 bucks right now at, do yourself a favor if you don't have a cube yet and go out and buy a used one. You would just be paying $10.00 over MSRP of a new 50 dollar title game for a gamecube system.[/quote]

Hear, hear. As much as I've written about Nintendo's ineptitude, the truth is there are a bunch of great games for this system. MGS Twin Snakes, Mario Kart DD, Skies of Arcadia, Metroid Prime, Eternal Darkness, Zelda, Ikaruga, Star Wars Rogue Squadron and the Resident Evils all make the 'Cube worth having. (And as a bonus for us cheapasses, most of these games are now bargain-priced.)

Let's just hope that next time Nintendo won't let its personal quirks as a hardware designer interfere with creating a system that will inspire people to check out all these great games.
[quote name='zionoverfire']Great, poor sales often equal huge price drops which makes me happy.[/quote]

Yes, but huge price drops = companies dying. Getting BG&E for $5 was pretty sweet, but knowing that there will never be a sequal is rather sad.

As for MP2, well Metroid was never really a flagship franchise for nintendo, at least by sales figurea, so it should come to no ones surprise that MP2 didn't exactly go toe-toe with the M$ behemoth: Halo 2.

Now I absolutly love N, my gamecube and every last title they have made for it, but I can honesty admit that Big N's future isn't looking so bright. After 3 yrs of fighting M$ for the second place spot, they finally get permently droped to 3rd place(all due to H2). Likewise N's finally getting some comp in the handheld industry, an industry that N had a iron-like grip on. Yes DS blew the sales charts away, but the immediant furture of the DS lies in it's software, which is about as barren as can be. Factor in Sony's street cred and their smart marketing stradegies, PSP is looking to do PS2-launch-like sales figures. 2005 is looking to be quite the battle for Nintendo.
bread's done