Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City


21 (100%)
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I might. The multiplayer looks like it could be interesting. Then again, I've always been into shooters online. Plus I've always liked the RE series so it kind of works out.

I never played Socom Confrontation so I'm not sure how Slant Six's work was in that game. I think it was generally poorly received so I'm skeptical. Definitely looking forward to reviews and first impressions from people before deciding on it.
yeah same here ive always wanted to play a re game like this one and from the few videos ive seen its sounding good especially with the 4 player co-op. still not sure where to preorder seems like each of the major stores has its own 2 weapon 6 player skin bonus. not to mention itll be interesting to see what bits from re2 and re3 you will experience in the game.
From the pictures you see jill walking around obviously leon and clarie in the cop car -- nemesis and mr.x so pretty much it seems like the whole story line from beginning to end
Apparently I preordered the CE on Amazon.. I have no recollection of it. Kind of excited. Love how it takes place during the time or RE2.. that was my favorite RE. Haven't seen much in the way of gameplay though, gonna stay in the dark.
[quote name='Scorch']Apparently I preordered the CE on Amazon.. I have no recollection of it. Kind of excited. Love how it takes place during the time or RE2.. that was my favorite RE. Haven't seen much in the way of gameplay though, gonna stay in the dark.[/QUOTE]

yeah re2 was my fav re games as well still hoping it gets a full remake someday.
Ill be grabbing this. /6 did a great job going back to the roots of Socom with Confrontation, just had a terrible launch and bad network problems for a while. I expect the gunplay in this to be great
Game looks great. A friend and I were talking about it and I said that this what Nazi Zombies story mode would be like if it was made. I will get it once the price comes down. Gaming urges have been quite low recently.
After watching some of the Gamespot tournament I was starting to think the game wasn't as interesting as I had hoped it would be. Also I was disappointed hearing the PS3 version isn't getting Nemesis mode. I'm thinking about cancelling my preorder, but I'm not sure yet.
I was going to pick it up after a patch and a $40 price point, but with nemesis mode being Xbox exclusive(for some time anyway) I think I'll just wait and see what happens.
ok for anyone who was considering picking this up wait the game has issues its not the experience you may have been hoping for or what it looks like in the videos. it may look smooth and fun but when you control it for yourself its bad .rent it if youre really curious but if not itll end up being 20 in a month or so if they cant patch up all the issues.

the game freezes regularly while playing online youll be in the middle of shooting someone then it pauses for 3 or 4 seconds only to start up again. ive only played 3 or 4 matches and the game froze up completely on my last match had to hard reset.
:lol:What is with companies releasing essentially broken games nowadays? Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim and so on.

If companies expect you to pony up $60 at launch for a game, the least they can do is make a game that actually fuckin' works and doesn't freeze up or have tons of glitches in it.:roll:
i dunno but this is some horrible shit i cant believe they let this go gold its beyond rough and controls like shit. ill try a few more games but im looking at getting rid of this now while it still has any value. and that fucking mele instal kill was way over powerful. its like playing gauntlet but instead of mythical creatures youre surrounded by zombies but at least gauntlet had better controls.
[quote name='lokizz']i dunno but this is some horrible shit i cant believe they let this go gold its beyond rough and controls like shit. ill try a few more games but im looking at getting rid of this now while it still has any value. and that fucking mele instal kill was way over powerful. its like playing gauntlet but instead of mythical creatures youre surrounded by zombies but at least gauntlet had better controls.[/QUOTE]

The way I see it,Capcom just wanted to turn a quick buck on RE fans.They didn't give a shit that the game was being released even though it obviously needed a few more months work since they know it would because of the RE tag on the game.
bread's done