Resistance Retribution


6 (100%)
UPDATE 3-13-09: Gametrailers has awarded this a 9.4/10. See the video review:

Surprised noone mentioned Resistance Retribution coming to PSP yet. Please post all news and discussion here. I'd like to learn more about this game. Awesome that another AAA game is coming to PSP soon.
The scale of the game is certainly impressive for a PSP title, with lush details lining massive objects that fill the screen. Sony Bend has a visual powerhouse coming with this one, and it may wind up being the high watermark for the system.



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[quote name='The Mana Knight']I'm happy because Sony Bend is making this, who made Syphon Filter.[/quote]

Me too. I just hope the online isn't filled with hacks and cheaters like it was for the first game.
I'm looking forward to it and I'm also glad they made it a third person shooter. I hope it plays like Killzone Liberation. That was a great example of turning a FPS into a third person shooter.
I still haven't tried the Resistance series yet. I just got my first PS3 when the Metal Gear bundle came out last month. Just waiting for the Greatest Hits price cut to occur so I can try the 1st Resistance game. I'm pretty sure I'll love it and then start looking forward to this one.
[quote name='Mr. 420']This game might end up playing better and looking better than most wii titles.[/quote]
Hahaha so true.
Resistance is a flat out shooter. Don't the Syphon Filter games have sort of a stealth aspect to them? I could see this game getting very repetitive with the PSP one joystick control, But we will have to see. Possible PSP 2 release???
[quote name='JMEPO']Don't the Syphon Filter games have sort of a stealth aspect to them?[/quote]
AFAIK, a couple of Syphon Filters have the "Raped-if-encountering-multiple-enemies" variation to stealth.

Video walkthrough is in the article itself.
In case you guys haven’t heard, Resistance: Retribution is coming to the PlayStation Portable, and has been making it’s way around the world from E3, to Leipzig, to PAX; gathering awards everywhere it goes (we’re up to 23 now!). We recently had the opportunity to catch up with Co-Directors John Garvin and Chris Reese to give you a look into what we’ve been showing, where the game is headed, and more.

And John Garvin helps round out the story by answering these questions:
1. How will you translate the PS3 Resistance experience onto the portable screen?
  1. For us, Resistance is all about killing powerful aliens with powerful weapons in a cool alternate-history 1950’s setting. Our goal from the beginning was to capture the essence of Resistance’s core gameplay, while at the same time putting our spin on it. The “Bend Game Studio” spin is all about creating a fun game that is also a dramatic, in-depth story. We knew we wanted a sequel that took place right after Resistance: Fall of Man, but before the events in R2. While playing through RFOM I had discovered a few elements that I thought were great story hooks — things like the Cloven, or the fact that we never saw any female Chimera, so I spent some time talking to Ted Price and the guys at Insomniac, pitching ideas I had about where we could take the Resistance story on the PSP. They loved our story so we just went with it. The PSP game is probably a little more “intimate” — if you can use that word on an experience where you’re blasting the hell out of aliens — because the game focuses on the personal story of a new character we created — a British private named James Grayson. After a personal tragedy, Grayson goes on a vendetta to destroy every Chimera conversion center he can find. Eventually he learns that his efforts have been futile… in France, Germany, the Netherlands, the Chimera have evolved and now use a new method of converting humans to aliens. The French resistance, called the Maquis, enlist Grayson’s help, and he joins Cartwright and Parker in Operation Overstrike — the beginning of the war to retake the European continent. So we have a great personal story, as Grayson tries to come to terms with his own demons, set against the backdrop of a horrible war fought in places like Rotterdam, Luxembourg, Bonn and Paris.
2. What is the best thing about developing for PSP?
  1. The thing I like best about PSP is the team size. At Bend Game Studio we have about 40 team members, which is a great size for a team. We have enough key talent to make AAA games that have high production values, but we’re small enough that everyone knows everyone and we get stuff done without a lot of middle management.
3. What is your favorite game on PSP?
  1. My personal favorite is still Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror or Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow, mostly because I poured so much creative energy into them. Two games that I finished this year, and really loved, were God of War and Patapon. Two really different games in terms of subject matter, genre, and style, but each a lot of fun in it’s own way. In fact, these two games are really good examples of why the PSP is such a great hand-held platform. You have a quirky game like Patapon that sort of carves new territory in the “rhythm / action” genre, and a really good translation of a hard-core console action title, side by side on my gaming shelf. And you won’t find a game like GOW on competing hand-helds anytime soon.
4. What is one of your guilty pleasures when it comes to PSP games?
  1. Playing games late at night while in bed. Seriously. It seems like the only time I can find to catch-up on my PSP games is late at night and there’s no more comfortable place to kick back than in bed. With the headphones on, I don’t keep my wife awake, though she was getting irritated when I was playing God of War because it’s hard not to get vocal when you die. To me, portable doesn’t just mean “play on a bus or an airplane,” it means, “play anywhere that isn’t your couch in front of your PS3.”
5. Where is the weirdest place you have ever played your PSP?
  1. See above.
6. What is your favorite non-gaming PSP feature? Why?
  1. Probably the web stuff. The PSP’s a pretty good platform for checking news… the screens a little bigger than my Blackberry’s, and websites are easier to navigate. Next would be the ability to watch movies on it — while flying, it’s a lot more convenient to watch a movie on my PSP than on my laptop.
7. How will you push the PSP hardware with Resistance?
  1. We’re pushing it pretty hard. As you know this is our third game on the platform and we’re constantly making improvements to our engine. Chris Reese, the Technical director and co-studio director, pushes his tech team pretty hard. We’ve done a complete upgrade on our animation system, adding support for multiple skeletons so we could implement all the different types of Chimera; we’ve upgraded our character system, adding specular highlights so you can see light reflecting off of Grayson’s leather jacket; we’ve also upped the size of our character textures so everything looks crisp and clean; we’ve put in a more robust streaming system so we can have more detail in the levels, more sounds, more character models, more animations; we’ve created an entirely new enemy system so that we can have more of them on screen at once — in Logan’s Shadow, you might see 4-6 terrorists at a time, not in Resistance: Retribution, you can see 15 Leapers at once. We’ve also optimized a lot of systems in order to push out our drawing distance so we could attempt to capture the sheer scale of the Resistance vistas. So far the team is doing a great job capturing the Resistance look and feel.
8. This is your third PSP game; what have you learned over the last two projects that you can apply to Resistance?
  1. Aside from all the technical and engine enhancements noted above, we’ve learned a lot about making shooters fun on the PSP. We’ve taken the aiming system that we refined in Logan’s Shadow and Dark Mirror, and we’ve simplified it into an aim assist system that we think is pretty revolutionary on the PSP — we wanted to make the game as easy to play as we could by reducing the reliance on using the four face buttons to aim — but at the same time, not take away the sense of “skilled” shooting that a game like Resistance provides. The other thing I think we’ve learned how to do well on the PSP, is crafting a compelling player experience. For us this is a combination of challenging combat scenarios, creative level design, and dramatic storytelling. We don’t want the game to get repetitive, so we break up the pacing of the game play, we add new challenges, we create unexpected story hooks, we give the player reasons to look around, we create areas where they have to use their heads as well as their weapons. As long as we end up with a game that we want to play ourselves, we’re pretty happy.

The upcoming PSP game will utilize a newly developed technology called "PSP Plus." The feature will allow players of Resistance Retribution to connect their systems to the PS3 to enable use of PS3 wireless controllers. Using the DualShock will enable dual-analog control in the game. In addition, rumble will be supported. This potential use of connectivity was hinted at in a patent filed over a year ago.

Other games may be able to potentially utilize PSP Plus -- however, it is currently a Retribution-only tech. Stay tuned as we reveal the exciting additions connecting PS3's Resistance 2 and PSP's Resistance Retribution will bring.

Kotaku mentions that this is only available for those with 2000/3000 PSPs and a copy of R2, as well.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']so you play off the PSP screen or PS3? I'm slightly confused.[/QUOTE]You can play on the TV if you have cables to connect your PSP to the TV. PSP works too. You PS3 has to be on to use the controller though. I hope I got that right.
This game looks really cool. I don't even normally play first- or third-person shooters and I'm getting kind of pumped for this.

What's the status on the demo? You have to preorder the game to get it? That's unfortunate if true, I'd like to check out the demo but I have no intention of paying MSRP on release.

It'll be out on March 17 and Nam posted in the R2 thread what you'll get for Retribution if you have both R2 and Retribution:

Fresh off the CES, Sony Computer Entertainment unveils its new Infected Mode for its PSP shooter, Resistance: Retribution As it turns out, even the games can infect each other, giving us more bonus features for us to spend more hours in front of the livingroom.

Connect a PSP to a PS3 with a copy of Resistance 2, then it'll hook Resistance: Retribution up with the new Infected mode, which comes with a few cool features. Check them out:

* New storyline: play as "infected" James Grayson, which comes with swimming skills, health regeneration and increased strength. Sweet.
* New Spectre uniform
* New R2 weapon: HE .44 Magnum
* Access to new single-player areas.

Don't forget, you need both Resistance 2 and Resistance: Retribution to be able to do this.
Didn't know what the hell you were talking about, but checked the GameStop site to see that they're offering early access (two months early) to the demo for pre-ordering. Sounds like it'll be out before launch anyway from that wording.
[quote name='bornrunnin31']Was at Best Buy yesterday and they are also offering a demo for preordering. Not sure what the details are though.[/quote]
In the preorder box there is a card with a code. Demo goes live on Jan 15th.
Can someone post when amazon sends them the demo code? We should have it before the 15th right?

Still nothing...
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Just finished the demo, considering the psp's limited controls for shooters I thought they did a pretty good job. Couldn't find a way to cycle between targets though. Accidentally skipped a cutscene near the end too so I'll play it a few more times. If I can rent this and Resistance 2 at the same time then I'll be set for controls.
Yeah, got my demo code yesterday from Amazon and played through it twice. Nice. It does remind me of their other games (the Syphon Filters), but that is a good thing. It was a little weird playing a Resistence game on the PSP at first, that is the controls and style of play are different than the PS3 versions...for example, God of War PSP did not have that same feeling for me, GoW seemed just like any other GoW game...this game felt different than the PS3 versions, the pacing, etc. But, do not get me wrong, I loved it and am super excited for the full game!
bread's done