Resonance of fate GS price drop new 19.99/17.99 used 360/Ps3

I put about 70-80 hours into it and enjoyed it a lot. The combat is very unique and interesting and its got some other cool features such as customizing your weapons. On the negative though, it has a fairly brutal learning curve and the in-game tutorials are crap too. Once you get the basics of combat down though it is very fun. Also, its one of the JRPGs where you will scratching your head trying to figure out the story pretty much the whole way though.

With all that said, I'd recommend it to RPG fans who want to try something a little different.
This is a great price for this game. There is a steep learning curve but once you get past that the gameplay is very rewarding. Think Valkyria Chronicles almost in terms of combat turns, but alot more stylized and wayyy faster. The setting and wackiness of the plot is more in line with a game like Shadow Hearts though. Very steampunk. The game is kind of hilarious also. I had a great time with it. Not your typical JRPG though, thats for sure. And it will kick your ass at times. Reccomended definitely. I bought it brand new. Its worth about 30 or 40 dollars to be honest. At this price you can't beat it though.

Buy if you are a fan of rpgs, want something a little bit different, or are a fan of tri-ace.
Any help would be appreciated! Also, thanks for the heads up. I have been looking forward for a price drop on this.
[quote name='FlamingMoogles']This is a great price for this game. There is a steep learning curve but once you get past that the gameplay is very rewarding. Think Valkyria Chronicles almost in terms of combat turns, but alot more stylized and wayyy faster. The setting and wackiness of the plot is more in line with a game like Shadow Hearts though. Very steampunk. The game is kind of hilarious also. I had a great time with it. Not your typical JRPG though, thats for sure. And it will kick your ass at times. Reccomended definitely. I bought it brand new. Its worth about 30 or 40 dollars to be honest. At this price you can't beat it though.

Buy if you are a fan of rpgs, want something a little bit different, or are a fan of tri-ace.[/QUOTE]
Sounds right up my alley, going to buy it right now. Thanks. :D
I got this game on a whim and it's amazingly fun and addictive. I platinumed it in less then a month, or right around a month. I just couldn't put it down. The story is pretty much crap, but the dialog is great.

A friend of mine on XBL had this game since it came out and I kept telling him to play it, about a week or so ago he finally tried it out and he plays it every chance he gets. The combat is really 2nd to none in an RPG. It's fast, real time, turn based, and tactical all at the same time. Plus it has guns :p

I really recommend getting this if you're a fan of RPGs. I am even tempted to get it on 360 so I can 1000 it.
[quote name='Yanksfan']Nice, thanks for the heads up. I hope Amazon will follow suit.[/QUOTE]
Where were you guys when Amazon was selling this for $15.99 for like six months? (PS3 version was not as consistent, but it's also been under $20 at various times since the start of the year.)
I'm actually playing Nier right now and loving it, and this seems in the same vein of "underrated, not necessarily polished" Square-Enix RPGS.
I'll probably grab it. Thanks, OP.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Where were you guys when Amazon was selling this for $15.99 for like six months? (PS3 version was not as consistent, but it's also been under $20 at various times since the start of the year.)[/QUOTE]

I doubt that the price was actually $15.99 that whole time. The straight line probably means that Amazon's price for this item wasn't pinged for a while.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Where were you guys when Amazon was selling this for $15.99 for like six months? (PS3 version was not as consistent, but it's also been under $20 at various times since the start of the year.)[/QUOTE]

Some of us don't support Amazon? Everybody has different places they shop. I avoid Amazon as they have never hired a single person in my community where other retailers have.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Where were you guys when Amazon was selling this for $15.99 for like six months? (PS3 version was not as consistent, but it's also been under $20 at various times since the start of the year.)[/QUOTE]I would rather buy B&M then online. Plus I actually did not know it was not on sale.

Grabbed a copy either way because this looks really cool.
This is for sure worth the price, i picked it up a few weeks ago using a B2G1 coupon and it was the best pick of the bunch for me.

One of the better and different RPG's that i have played in a few years. Like everyone said, story not the best but dialog and gameplay is great.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Where were you guys when Amazon was selling this for $15.99 for like six months? (PS3 version was not as consistent, but it's also been under $20 at various times since the start of the year.)[/QUOTE]

Actually, I ordered at that price. But after several shipping delay notices, I cancelled the order because the service I was given when I inquired about it was uninformative and just poor overall. I am hoping if the price comes back down to that level again, I can have better luck this time.

Why does it matter to you anyhow? Maybe I didn't have a console then? Maybe I didn't have the cash? Maybe I didn't have an interest in the game at the time? This deal is now and there may be some people that want to get it at that price through Amazon with some of their credit.
My opinion might not mean much to you guys but here are pluses:
+Matrix gameplay that is addicting/fun
+HILARIOUS cutscenes
+Gread voicework IMHO

-Story is pretty hard to follow (as mentioned earlier) and makes no real sense and isn't memorable
-The world map is either love or hate...usually hate at first sight but can become love (it works though)
-STEEP learning curve - took me 10 hours to get under control and understand
-You REALLY won't be able to do the insane 1000hit combos until about 20 hours patience is needed.

It is sad people overlooked it due to being released like the same day as FF13 but I really think this should have taken precedence. I love Tri-Ace because of Star Ocean and you know the battle system is always important to them with their games. Anyways this was a cold hit for me that still is frozen in my to-do list as I was on Chapter 12 and finals busted my chops...should get back into it :bouncy:

I give it about a 8-8.5 and in that rating for me, $20 is MORE than reasonable.
This game has been on my Gamefly for over a year now. Maybe it's time I finally pick it up and take it off my queue.
It's hard because past a very very vague similar system in valkyria chronicles, around a kind of turn based system with real movement but very much jrpg style attack turns, it's not like any other game.

You can go into 95% of any jrpg and feel familiar. "Ok attack, attack spells, buff spells, debuff spells I won't touch you unless playing megaten, potion, mana recovery items, got it, lets go." It's hard to learn here because you're actually learning, not just tweaking what you remember of that jrpg system 20 years ago you first played.

The arena, where the tutorials are at, is like a .5 second travel time from town. Since the world map is so weird looking and I didn't know I was actually traveling on it, I moved around for a second before going to the arena and got into a fight. That fight REALLY pissed me off because nothing I tried worked and I almost died without any knowledge of how to play against these like level 1 piss ant enemies in the beginning of the game. Was seriously "f this, what the hell man" because it was just not fun being completely ignorant.

I felt comfortable about an hour in, game got really tough like 2 other times and after about 10 hours I felt truly "in the zone". I might not be able to play on the toughest difficulty in game(aren't there like double digits? or close to), but at that point I had it down.
bread's done