Retro Game Challenge (DS) $12.98 shipped or $9.99 with in-store pickup at

I get to be the curmudgeon. I pretty strongly disliked it. I'm a huge fan of (good) NES games, but these are like really crappy frustrating NES games, at best.
Cool little game, great price! I like how the story links the different games and harkens back to the days of us older gamers.
oh eff yeah! Great day for CAG!! Tekken 6 for $10, now this for $10!! Just when I was getting a little sad I hadn't picked anything up since DJ Hero on Monday..thanks OP! been wanting this forever :D
[quote name='AwRy108']If you have a DS, GET THIS GAME. Same goes for Henry Hatsworth.

Thank you, that is all.[/QUOTE]

You must be a fan of challenging games. Personally, I found Henry Hatsworth infuriating in later levels.
[quote name='AwRy108']If you have a DS, GET THIS GAME. Same goes for Henry Hatsworth.

Thank you, that is all.[/QUOTE]

Does that mean I'll hate Henry Hatsworth? 'Cause I was wanting to try that but never got around to it :lol:
No Henry Hatsworth is a good game. Platformer + Puzzles = awesome.

The problem with Retro Game Challenge is that the games themselves just aren't very fun. The premise is good but you wish they could have licensed a few games.
damn, if you guys want this, definitely check the store locator (duh!) b/c it's pretty scarce. Only 2 out of 25 stores in the Houston area have it, and of course they're all far away from me :cry:..may contemplate ordering online, but that sucks the fun right out of it..

[quote name='confoosious']The problem with Retro Game Challenge is that the games themselves just aren't very fun. The premise is good but you wish they could have licensed a few games.[/QUOTE] the platforming level like the Goonies? b/c that's what I'm reminded of w/ the me, that alone would be worth it! The Goonies (II) was the most mind-fuck-ing platformer ever that I can recall growing up (excluding any really crappy ones of course)
Loved this game, and this is a good price for it. I didn't love all of the games it contains, but overall it was a lot of fun. I really liked digging through the fake game magazines and finding codes and hints to beat (or cheat at) each game.
[quote name='token2k6'] the platforming level like the Goonies? b/c that's what I'm reminded of w/ the me, that alone would be worth it! The Goonies (II) was the most mind-fuck-ing platformer ever that I can recall growing up (excluding any really crappy ones of course)[/QUOTE]

No, it's nothing at all like that. Like I said, these could arguably be said to be like NES games...but not NES games you would have actually wanted to play. Low end crappy stuff. They don't look sound or play anything like the dozens if not hundreds of NES games we actually like.

And yeah, I was just thinking about The Goonies II the other day! I wish I owned that...
The premise sounds too good to pass up for that price...I'm amazed I've never heard of this game before. Had a copy shipped to me.
[quote name='Wolfpup']I get to be the curmudgeon. I pretty strongly disliked it. I'm a huge fan of (good) NES games, but these are like really crappy frustrating NES games, at best.[/QUOTE]

That's pretty much how I felt about it too. Figured I'd give it a go since it seemed to channel the old school NES days, but I felt like it channeled the old school "3rd party unlicensed" games from the early days of the system. Captain Comic anyone?! :roll:
If you don't buy this game now, you're a fool. Anyone visiting this site that owns a DS and doesn't get this is a fool. Period, done.

[quote name='Jesse_Dylan']I want the sequel. :( But nobody bought this damn thing when it first came out.[/QUOTE]

It's unfortunate. I'd theorize that there's a lot of overlap between the crowd that liked RGC and the crowd that pirates games.
Okay, so I'm curious, for those of you who like it, why do you like it?

I get that the IDEA is cool, and that playing new NES games would be cool, but thankfully it turns out I'm not alone in thinking the games in this are really bad, so what did you guys like about it?
Seriously, one of my favorite DS games. It's not just that it recreates NES games; the whole game has this great feeling of being a kid, looking at game magazines to get the latest news, sitting on your living room floor playing the newest games with your friends. The conversations between games and the magazines you can read funny and filled with references to that era of gaming. All of the games are great, although IMO the racing games were sort of weak. Guadia Quest would be worth this price alone if you're a fan of old-school NES RPGs.
If nothing else, it's definitely a cool idea! (I wish the kids were cuter though too...or something.)
Blast, is this an online only price? My Best Buy just opened TODAY and it doesn't show up on the site. Likely wouldn't have the game anyway. Oh well, at least I can take advantage of these deals now. If only K Mart was still around...
[quote name='JohnDM']Blast, is this an online only price? My Best Buy just opened TODAY and it doesn't show up on the site. Likely wouldn't have the game anyway. Oh well, at least I can take advantage of these deals now. If only K Mart was still around...[/QUOTE]

nope, not online only. I thought it was when I saw the shelf tag for $19.99, but it rang in at the register for $9.99 already.
I grew up playing NES games. Retro Game Challenge is awesome. Seriously, I have no idea what you guys are talking about when you say "these are like NES games, but crappy". The dragon warrior clone is much better than Dragon Warrior (I could recall the name if I wasn't drunk right now, lol). Almost all the games on there are really good, didn't much care for the galaga clone but I like very few shoot em ups. Really, if you grew up playing this stuff and STILL like it, I will guarantee that you will like Retro Game Challenge.
This game is so good. I really think all the games in it are fun (although I remember cheating to get past something I got sick of), and the RPG in it is phenomenal. It's a steal at $10.
[quote name='InFlames215']I grew up playing NES games. Retro Game Challenge is awesome. Seriously, I have no idea what you guys are talking about when you say "these are like NES games, but crappy". The dragon warrior clone is much better than Dragon Warrior (I could recall the name if I wasn't drunk right now, lol). Almost all the games on there are really good, didn't much care for the galaga clone but I like very few shoot em ups. Really, if you grew up playing this stuff and STILL like it, I will guarantee that you will like Retro Game Challenge.[/QUOTE]

What NES games did you play that you thought these were good? I honestly don't mean that as a put down, I'm just curious. I mean the Megaman series, Zelda, Mario (even Super Mario Bros. 1), Faxanadu, IMO Dragon Quest/Final Fantasy series, Bionic Commando, the Castlevania games, Goonies 2...well you could go on forever with a list.

These seem like Atari 2600 games. There WERE games this bad on the NES, and I'm not sure the 2600 could do these graphically, but these just aren't what you think of when you think NES...I mean there are NES games that are incredible today, and these I wouldn't have liked in 1988.

EDIT: It's like...that MM3 or whatever chip they used in tons of more modern NES games...stuff running on that almost always looked, sounded, and played what feels like a generation past the low end NES stuff or these games.
Dan Sock FTW!

anyone in their mid-late twenties needs to own this game. If you're younger, you may not really get the "feeling".
[quote name='smoger']Dan Sock FTW!

anyone in their mid-late twenties needs to own this game. If you're younger, you may not really get the "feeling".[/QUOTE]

What he said.

It could be because of my age (late twenties) but I had such an incredible nostalgia feeling playing this game and I considered it worth all $30 I paid for it on release.
Too bad the sequel won't be released in America due to low sales.
If you can pick it up at this price, do it.

I also bought it based on praise from a thread here, but was kind of disappointed. The games aren't bad, but they're nothing great, and get boring, especially for some of the tasks they have you do. The game magazine idea was cool, but I thought they were a waste of time and laborious to go through.
[quote name='token2k6']damn, if you guys want this, definitely check the store locator (duh!) b/c it's pretty scarce. Only 2 out of 25 stores in the Houston area have it, and of course they're all far away from me :cry:..may contemplate ordering online, but that sucks the fun right out of it.. the platforming level like the Goonies? b/c that's what I'm reminded of w/ the me, that alone would be worth it! The Goonies (II) was the most mind-fuck-ing platformer ever that I can recall growing up (excluding any really crappy ones of course)[/QUOTE]
you better not be heading to the willowbrook location to pick up my copy!
[quote name='manasteel88']you better not be heading to the willowbrook location to pick up my copy![/QUOTE]

Lol, this made me think of Wombat's "I got the last one, sucka" story.

The nearest copy of this game is too far. I'm guessing it would be better to add it to my goozex queue.
[quote name='smoger']Dan Sock FTW!

anyone in their mid-late twenties needs to own this game. If you're younger, you may not really get the "feeling".[/QUOTE]

What if you are older? Do they have one with Atari games in it? ;)
THOSE are the games I read about in magazines and catalogs and pined about owning...

Anyway, I don't even see a store locator check on this - it just gives me "ship to store" options for all the local stores. I guess that means it is OOS everywhere around here. Oh well. I do have a $10 RZ cert to burn and this would be perfect though... Do they charge shipping for the ship to store option as well? It isn't available (any more at least) for regular shipping.

Edit: D'oh! The whole ship to store thing seems broken. It tells me it is available to ship to stores near me but when I actually choose a store it says the item is not available.
[quote name='Wolfpup']What NES games did you play that you thought these were good? I honestly don't mean that as a put down, I'm just curious. I mean the Megaman series, Zelda, Mario (even Super Mario Bros. 1), Faxanadu, IMO Dragon Quest/Final Fantasy series, Bionic Commando, the Castlevania games, Goonies 2...well you could go on forever with a list.

These seem like Atari 2600 games. There WERE games this bad on the NES, and I'm not sure the 2600 could do these graphically, but these just aren't what you think of when you think NES...I mean there are NES games that are incredible today, and these I wouldn't have liked in 1988.

EDIT: It's like...that MM3 or whatever chip they used in tons of more modern NES games...stuff running on that almost always looked, sounded, and played what feels like a generation past the low end NES stuff or these games.[/QUOTE]

As a man who is crusading through his own Game Center CX/Retro Game Challenges (seriously, find the subs of Game Center CX- they are incredible), it's really quite an eye-opener trying to play through his old NES games again. Seriously. Go back to playing Ninja Gaiden. Castlevania. Gradius. Tell me with a straight face that those games look and play as wonderfully as you remember them. Because I can tell you those games are balls-hard, crudely designed, and, to be honest... didn't age very well.

Even SMB3, one of the last games of the NES' production cycle, is a bit rough around the edges in terms of difficulty (WORLD 8, ANYONE!?).

And this is a guy who beat Krusty's Super Fun House for the SNES, some form of alternate torture and punishment when I didn't do my homework when I was ten.

The reason I enjoy Retro Game Challenge is it deals with the other 80% of the games that came out during the NES' life cycle- relatively unknown, flawed in numerous ways, and most importantly- surprisingly difficult.

With all things considered in this time where retro is the new black and people will charge a premium for games if there's a market for it (come on, $12 for the Adventures of Bayou Billy!? REALLY, GUYS!?), Retro Game Challenge is a STEAL at $10. I thoroughly recommend it.

Also, for fans of the show, the only Arino-like challenge is the very last one. Have fun with that.
[quote name='Sushi7065']it's really quite an eye-opener trying to play through his old NES games again. Seriously. Go back to playing Ninja Gaiden. Castlevania. Gradius. Tell me with a straight face that those games look and play as wonderfully as you remember them. Because I can tell you those games are balls-hard, crudely designed, and, to be honest... didn't age very well.[/quote]

I completely disagree-for me at least. I fairly regularly play NES games, and the ones I liked back then I like now...nothing's really changed. Heck, I only beat Castlevania 2 a few years back for the first time.

Yeah, I doubt I did either. Bought it used from a video rental store (one of probably like 2 games I've ever bought used LOL). It was fairly fun though, though I haven't played it in quite a while. Not sure if I still have my zapper.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Okay, so I'm curious, for those of you who like it, why do you like it?

I get that the IDEA is cool, and that playing new NES games would be cool, but thankfully it turns out I'm not alone in thinking the games in this are really bad, so what did you guys like about it?[/QUOTE]

LIKED: The retro games had a great rule set and they didn't seem too shallow. Also, there was a lot to do so you weren't finishing the game in one or two long sittings. Lastly, the in-game magazine having hints and cheats felt nice. It really had a nice retro feel.

DISLIKED: The story and humor is taxing. The audience for this game is not pre-teen, but I felt the humor was aimed there. I'm 38, but I even doubt a teen would smile at some of the punny humor.
Just want to bump this thread and let you all know that Retro Game Challenge (DS) is back in stock at The warehouse must have gotten more copies. It's still on sale for $9.99, (for those of you who couldn't find a copy at a nearby store).

I just put in an order myself since I didn't want to drive 45 minutes up north to the nearest Best Buy that has one.
Thanks for the heads up on being back in stock. I could be wrong but I'm thinking that RGC could be restocked in stores as a holiday bargin bin game.
I have this game already and was playing it today while waiting for the tires to get put on my fiancee's car. It's the perfect pick up and play game and is essentially like buying a legal multicart with some awesome games.

If you don't buy this and you own a DS, you aren't fit to call yourself a gamer.
Weird offer but I'm a RZ Silver member so I get shipping for free from I wouldn't mind helping some people who can't find this in their local stores and have it shipped to their house. PM me if you're interested.
[quote name='AwRy108']If you have a DS, GET THIS GAME. Same goes for Henry Hatsworth.

Thank you, that is all.[/QUOTE]
Both games have something in common, you're right: they fail to answer why I should give a sh^t! I.e. the story/motivation for playing through are pretty weak. RETRO had a mediocre, fill-in-the-blank story that obviously made more sense if you recognize who the nerd character is supposed to be (i.e. you're Japanese). Meanwhile, Hatsworth seemed to have a good story, but the game felt so generic it was hard to actually keep playing.

At least RETRO has some great games built in... but Hatsworth combines two things that sound good on paper, but play horribly in real life. I've never once stopped a platformer and said, "Hey, this is fun. But you know what would make this fun game better? Stopping my platform rhythm for some inane puzzle action! Woo."

[quote name='confoosious']No Henry Hatsworth is a good game. Platformer + Puzzles = awesome.

The problem with Retro Game Challenge is that the games themselves just aren't very fun. The premise is good but you wish they could have licensed a few games.[/QUOTE]

RETRO has fun games... but the story is pretty weak. The whole thing felt pretty lonely to me... I liked the game, but it felt kind of sad. Some kid, sitting all alone in his room playing with a time traveler kid... The game captures that great 80s/90s gaming spirit... but the mood is very FF.:roll:
Thanks for the heads up.

I ordered this for in store pick up at my nearby Best Buy. It showed in stock, but sure enough I received the not in store email a little later. This is the second time I've ordered a game for in store pick up that showed in stock, and received a not in store email (Bayonetta a week or so ago).

I just had a feeling, so I went to the store, and sure enough the game was there, right where it was supposed to be under the tag. I don't know if the employees aren't even checking or it just happened to be back in stock, but it sure seemed like they didn't even check.
bread's done