Returns without receipts

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CAG Veteran
Well since the thread with store return policies does not want to list stores that will take items back without reciepts I though I might as well start a new thread for that. So here it is.

The only store that I know of off hand that will accept returns without a receipt is Walmart. I also believe it is only three returns per year per id. You only get store credit, but people I know have managed to get a gift card full of credit one day and then come back the next day and have someone working there refund the value of the gift card in cash.

Please list any other stores that you know that will take returns without receipts.
Actually, I went to my Wal-Mart yesterday, and they had some new signage/stickers up saying that they'll only take game returns now if they have a receipt.. unopened gets store credit, opened means exchange for the same item.. YMMV, of course..

I'm not about to participate in this discussion about who and what chains will do returns on a generous basis. Every time I post stuff like that enough people go out and abuse said chain/store so bad that they discontinue it. I only know of three anymore, one of which you already mentioned and I'm not about to give you the other two I'm aware of, in fact, there may be 4 that are still doing it.

It sucks when you get stuck with a duplicate game and can't even get store credit for it even if it's sealed, stickers on the cases under the shrink wrap to show the seal wasn't broken etc. Even stores the games were purchase from, Target & Best Buy I'm looking in your direction, are advising people to take stuff back to Wal Mart because they don't require receipts.

My advice? Do your own research.
[quote name='Scorch']In other words.. "STOP BREAKING THE LAW, ASSHOLE!"[/quote]

returning something without a receipt is not breaking the law. Depending on the situation can it be a question of morals or ethics. It is the same as using the Target subsitute slips of old or flipping at Gamerush. It has nothing with breaking the law just a question of your own morals and ethics.
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