Reuters, NBC Staff Abused by U.S. Troops in Iraq


35 (100%)
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. forces beat three Iraqis working for Reuters and subjected them to sexual and religious taunts and humiliation during their detention last January in a military camp near Falluja, the three said Tuesday.

The three first told Reuters of the ordeal after their release but only decided to make it public when the U.S. military said there was no evidence they had been abused, and following the exposure of similar mistreatment of detainees at Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad.

An Iraqi journalist working for U.S. network NBC, who was arrested with the Reuters staff, also said he had been beaten and mistreated, NBC said Tuesday.
Two of the three Reuters staff said they had been forced to insert a finger into their anus and then lick it, and were forced to put shoes in their mouths, particularly humiliating in Arab culture.

All three said they were forced to make demeaning gestures as soldiers laughed, taunted them and took photographs. They said they did not want to give details publicly earlier because of the degrading nature of the abuse.

The soldiers told them they would be taken to the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, deprived them of sleep, placed bags over their heads, kicked and hit them and forced them to remain in stress positions for long periods.

I'm sorry, but I have to admit that I laughed when reading the part about the anus licking. Not so much that I thought it was funny that the soldiers made them do that, but honestly, who thinks of things like that? What person in their right mind would think "Hey, I'm going to make this guy stick his finger up his butt and then lick it."? It just boggles my mind.
Actually, the Sigma Nu fraternity used to haze pledges that way. They had a set of stairs going up to thier ritual room, and they called it the elephant walk, and a pledge would have to stick his thumb up another pledges ass and walk up the stairs. If it fell out, he'd have to lick it and then start over.

Dumb frat guys > dumbass soldiers

Dave Olson
I don't care who it is, if someone made me lick my dirty poo-finger, I'd be telling somebody.

These guys just decided to make it public after the military said it didn't happen? WTF? They're reporters, God damnit! Reporting is what they get paid to do!

Because of the recent events regarding the abuse of Iraqi prisoners, I'm more open to believing them, but why wait? I can understand their embarrassment, but it doesn't seem like they were doing their jobs very well.

I'd personally make sure those who did it would be punished.
[quote name='PsyClerk']Note to self: Sigma Nu fraternity full of homosexuals.[/quote]

Seriously what IS the deal with the stories of fraternaties and their blatantly homosexual rituals?
1. Just because you are a reporter doesn't mean you are not a terrorist or have terrorist connections. Not too long ago a college professor here in Miami was arrested for collecting money for terrorists.

2. Where they hell where these guys that got them arrested in the first place. I seriously doubt the US army raided the local news station and started arresting reporters :roll:

3. If they are innocent reporters why didn't they show their credentials that ALL reporters carry that identify them as such - especially in a fucking war zone.
[quote name='Scrubking']3. If they are innocent reporters why didn't they show their credentials that ALL reporters carry that identify them as such - especially in a shaq-fuing war zone.[/quote]

Who's to say that they didn't? For all we know, maybe they showed the credentials and were ignored. Considering how the other prisoners were treated, ignoring someone's pleas to be set free doesn't seem like an unlikely possibility.

In any case, I can't help but think that with every new story like this, Bush's chances for reelection grow slimmer and slimmer...
man,wtf r these soldiers thinking over in iraq. i don't know one person here (civilian or soldier) that would do things like these, what'd v just stick all the retarded ones together? this gives such a bad rep to americans, no wonder those people hate us.
man,wtf r these soldiers thinking over in iraq. i don't know one person here (civilian or soldier) that would do things like these, what'd v just stick all the retarded ones together? this gives such a bad rep to americans, no wonder those people hate us.
It's been demonstrated time and time again that war can seriously screw people up. Command has to maintain morale and discipline among the troops, especially the longer troops spend away from their home, families, ect. If they don't, stuff like this is inevitable, in any military.

War is Hell, that's all there is to it.
[quote name='Scrubking']1. Just because you are a reporter doesn't mean you are not a terrorist or have terrorist connections. Not too long ago a college professor here in Miami was arrested for collecting money for terrorists.[/quote]

Does it matter? I thought the reason the US was over there was to stop the abuse of people who thought differently of the then current leader (Saddam). Now we are committing abuse as well, albeit not half as bad as Saddam did, but abuse nonetheless. We are better than that. Plain and simple, the United States has moral integrity or should have moral integrity, we don't do crap like this. When things like this start happening I wonder why we still think of ourselves as the moral compass of the world. It's funny, all of the talking heads who said GWB went to Iraq to ensure fair treatment of the Iraqi people, now say "Well, these people who are being abused are probably terrorists."

I'm sorry but Iraq is messed up, there were no WMD (reason 1 we were there), and there is still abuse being committed (this time by us), so why are we there again? Oil...that and the bruised ego Saddam gave daddy Bush when he couldn't finish the job.
bread's done