Revolution DS Player

Three Dollar Hooker

I thought of this in another thread and thought it deserved some discussion.

With the input methods we've seen displayed for the Revolution would it be possible or likely we see a DS player for the Revolution? They did the GBA player for the Cube would doing this really be so different or hard to do?
i say we dont see one ... the next system after the Revoltion will have one if nintendo keeps up the pattern LOL

Super nintendo yes
Nintendo 64 NO
gamecube Yes
Revloution No
Next system yes

really though.. i dont think it will have an add on since it will be able to download many older games why would you need to play Ds games on it
I'm not sure how simple it would be simulate dual-screens on your TV, and interpret the Rev controller pointed at your TV as the stylus touching the touch screen.
That's what I was wondering, how hard would it truly be to use the Rev controller as a stylus?

It seems the two handed controller wouldn't make it that difficult to do from a technical standpoint. I guess the big question is would it be friendly enough from a gamers standpoint to play with.
I have a gameboy player and I think its great. The thing is though when I'm home I rarely want to play my handheld games because I can play my console games. I think if they do make a DS player I won't be getting one.
I wouldn't be that interested, though I guess they could manage it. I'm more interested in seeing many of the DS titles getting new versions on the Rev since it seems designed for similar play. Titles like Trauma Center, etc.
My hope is for some way to play the game on the DS through the Revolution onto the TV. Certain Stylus-heavy games would be rough unless you could get it going blind, but NSMB, Castlevania, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing all would work well with such a setup.
They could just use the wireless capability of the DS and allow you to use the DS as a controller while displaying the screens also on the big screen.
it's not even worth it since most TVs wont increase the screen size due to the two screens needed to be seen. Either that or you will need to play on two TVs >_
bread's done