Revolution old-school Nintendo downloads to be FREE


Here's what I need you to do, click on this

and read up until about the 8th paragraph. Go ahead... I'll wait. Yeah so it began with the standard dribble about the Revolution... we've heard this all before... but then comes the good stuff.

Thats right, Nintendo's old school Nintendo games are going to be downloadable for FREE on the Revolution. So after making you buy their old games two to three times already... they're finally ready to give em to you for free.

I'm forseeing a "Game of the Week" type deal here... probably streaming old school games as well. Certainly exciting news!
[quote name='evilmax17']Cool news, but what about SNES and N64?[/QUOTE]

If that's the case, and Nintendo is offering a good sized amount of free downloads, I'm buying a revolution!
[quote name='evilmax17']Cool news, but what about SNES and N64?[/QUOTE]

I got the impression from the article that they will be offering ALL past-gen Nintendo game downloads for free, not just NES.

[quote name='Article']Harrison then confirmed that past-gen, Nintendo-created titles will indeed be downloadable for free.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='phatbunbao']Hot damn! I hope the system doesnt cost a buttload[/QUOTE]

It's Nintendo. It'll probably cost 150 and include a coupon for a free blow job from Reggie.
buy castlevania revolution and get castlevania II NES free! etc.. this will certainly help boost third party

edit: nintendo can just pay the royalty fees if third parties want compensatiog for the classic titles.
Surprising article, especially sicne during the E3 presentation Nintendo used the word purchase when talking about downloading these old-school classics. This is a great move by Nintendo, and hopefully it will lead 3rd parties - who no doubt will want some profits from their old games - to sell them at a very low price. I think that maybe even offering the old-school download for free with the current-gen version of a game will help to move software, especially at the $50-60 price point where a lot of gamers are unsure if they want to wait for a price drop or not.
[quote name='Quackzilla']Only Nintendo created titles, bummer.[/QUOTE]
Well, they can't just go around giving away all other companies games for free, as well. But that doesn't mean they won't be happening. As the article states, other companies will have the choice of giving their games away, or charging for them, at their own choosing.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Well, they can't just go around giving away all other companies games for free, as well. Duh. But that doesn't mean they won't be happening. As the article states, other companies will have the choice of giving their games away, or charging for them, at their own choosing.[/QUOTE]

Nintendo should offer a discount on the licensing fees to develop for revolution in exchange for offering classic titles for free over the internet...
Imagine if the Revolution controller does have a touchscreen. Now imagine if the revolution controller had an internal memory of some type or the ability to house a memory card. Now imagine downloading all of these classics to play at home on the TV or on the go with just the controller. This would be nuts.
WARNING:They got the info for that GameSpot and Twisted the words.

Read the real story @

Well, we can use it in a variety of ways. We've used some of the older games already as little bonuses, either as bonus gifts or hidden in levels of games. Certainly for the first-party titles we'll be making some of those available. We haven't really talked about whether we would sell them. The third parties can make their own decision whether they want to sell them, or maybe they will add it on as sort of a free benefit when you buy a current version of the game.

Gamesradar says:

he mused, going on to point out that now the company has more to offer besides online gaming. Harrison then confirmed that past-gen, Nintendo-created titles will indeed be downloadable for free.

Gamesradar is just starting Rumors!
[quote name='Chris in Cali']Nintendo's going to make back all that money on the massive amoutn of memory cards we'll be buying for the games.[/QUOTE]

if you mean on the classic games, they've already made the money-- it's almost pure profit, besides bandwith.
[quote name='Tromack']It's Nintendo. It'll probably cost 150 and include a coupon for a free blow job from Reggie.[/QUOTE]
Nintendo is currently charging $20 each for their GBA NES Classics line, and given that these games have next to no new updates, additions, extras, etc. for the money, I can't imagine Nintendo will suddenly become generous and give away these very same games free through online downloads.

The Revolution itself is probably still over a year from launch, so I wouldn't begin to put tremendous faith in any such claims made by third parties on how Nintendo will handle its downloads and how much they might charge per game.
yeah, I doubt they'll just throw up a server with all the free games you want. Like he said, this could be pulled off a number of ways.
Well I think I will wait and see with this one.

It would however be a smart move by Nintendo. If they offer the system at an affordable price with free games it will get a lot of systems into households. If the system does well 3rd parties will lineup to support it. 3rd parties will also like the lower development costs for games. People may be more inclined to buy 3rd party games for the Revolution if they include a freebie old-school game. The DS could also tie in well as both are wireless out of the box.

There are a lot of possibilities. Nintendo should use them to their advantage.
In China when Nintendo released the Ique(only way to play games on it was via download) they charged $8 usa dollars for each n64. This was like 2yr's ago.
These were major games like Zelda,Sin & Punishment, etc....

Also if i recall those E-reader cards were fairly cheap.
I don't want to download them. I want a hard copy. I want a disc. I want a compilation disc of all 750+ nintendo games on it. Same for SNES, N64, Gameboy.
I just want the damned thing to come out so I can buy it! The Revolution is still the only console I'm 100% sold on thus far. I get Xbox 360 if it had backwards compatiblity, and the PS3 I haven't heard shit about that makes me even look in it's direction.
[quote name='MaxBiaggi2']Nintendo is currently charging $20 each for their GBA NES Classics line, and given that these games have next to no new updates, additions, extras, etc. for the money, I can't imagine Nintendo will suddenly become generous and give away these very same games free through online downloads.[/quote]
Manufacturing a cartridge costs money (though not much). Providing downloads that should take mere seconds would cost essentially nothing.

And so what if they charge for the NES Classics? That doesn't guarantee anything regarding the Rev.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Manufacturing a cartridge costs money (though not much). Providing downloads that should take mere seconds would cost essentially nothing.

And so what if they charge for the NES Classics? That doesn't guarantee anything regarding the Rev.[/QUOTE]
Did anyone not read post #18 of this thread?

Do some research folks.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']Did anyone not read post #18 of this thread?

Do some research folks.[/QUOTE]

I must be on everyone's ignore list. ;)
[quote name='Ugamer_X']Did anyone not read post #18 of this thread?

Do some research folks.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, and? What does the paragraph that spoo quoted prove? Nothing.

It's still up in the air, it seems. Could go either way. We certainly have no more reason to believe there would be a fee than reason to believe there won't be a fee.
[quote name='captaincold']In China when Nintendo released the Ique(only way to play games on it was via download) they charged $8 usa dollars for each n64. This was like 2yr's ago.
These were major games like Zelda,Sin & Punishment, etc....

Also if i recall those E-reader cards were fairly cheap.[/QUOTE]

That was in one of the most piracy ridden markets in the world and imposed a lot of security restrictions. The downloads had to be done to an approved memory card at a secure station, not online.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']Nintendo's going to make back all that money on the massive amoutn of memory cards we'll be buying for the games.[/QUOTE]

They've already said there will be a standard SD card slot on the Revolution. A $30 256 MB card could just about every first party Nintendo cart ever produced. The biggest is only 32 MB.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Yeah, and? What does the paragraph that spoo quoted prove? Nothing.

It's still up in the air, it seems. Could go either way. We certainly have no more reason to believe there would be a fee than reason to believe there won't be a fee.[/QUOTE]

It proves that the site is engaging in fantasy and grossly distorting the quote in pursuit of a sensationalistic claim.

I find it extremely unlikely Nintendo is just going to give away a pile of their most important assets to anyone buying the base hardware. Once you devalue something it is very difficult to go back. Nintendo would be setting a precedent that said from here on in, all of this stuff is worthless. You can't just copy it at will but we can't do anything more than give it away.

How many buyers would the DS have lost at launch if its best game at launch was a rehash of something the company just gives away to console buyers? There will always be conditions attached to anything seemingly given away. Saying the past Zelda titles are free if you pre-order the Revolution Zelda is a misnomer. It makes the pre-ordered game a better value but none of the goods involved free of charge and obligations.

They may charge miniscule amounts but it will still be serious money if aggregated from millions of Revolution owners. There is a lot of money in the bubble gum by the cash register.
[quote name='b3b0p']I don't want to download them. I want a hard copy. I want a disc. I want a compilation disc of all 750+ nintendo games on it. Same for SNES, N64, Gameboy.[/QUOTE]

Sure... no problem. We'll just call all the copyright holders, including companies that were sold or no longer exist, copyright holders of movies and TV shows that games were based on, and a few lawyers to hash out payment details.

Not gonna happen, ever, until the copyrights expire and you (well, your children) can burn the disc themselves.
This sure is great news. I already knewe I was gonna get the Revolution, but I'm still not sure when I'll be able to get it (with all this new hardware out)!
[quote name='epobirs']That was in one of the most piracy ridden markets in the world and imposed a lot of security restrictions. The downloads had to be done to an approved memory card at a secure station, not online.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, those fuckers get DVDs for the equivalent of US$3 for all the piracy they have! What do we get? Jail?

...crime pays, but not for you or me.
[quote name='b3b0p']I don't want to download them. I want a hard copy. I want a disc. I want a compilation disc of all 750+ nintendo games on it. Same for SNES, N64, Gameboy.[/QUOTE]
One word:

[quote name='mykevermin']Yeah, those fuckers get DVDs for the equivalent of US$3 for all the piracy they have! What do we get? Jail?

...crime pays, but not for you or me.[/QUOTE]

It's hard to shut down organized crime in China since most of it traces back to the Red Army. OTOH, it really keeps a lid on those considering their own entry into organized crime.
[quote name='tcrash247']As long as Goldeneye and Perfect Dark are available for download, I don't care, I'm buying a Rev.[/QUOTE]

Assuming the Rev is say, $150, you could get both those games, a 64, and the neccesary controllers for about $40, and that's going to play every N64 game.

Or you could head to your favorite Rom site and download them now for free.
[quote name='gamereviewgod']Assuming the Rev is say, $150, you could get both those games, a 64, and the neccesary controllers for about $40, and that's going to play every N64 game.

Or you could head to your favorite Rom site and download them now for free.[/QUOTE]

The first option involves having another system laying around, and the second option is illegal and depending on computer owned, crappy
[quote name='epobirs']It proves that the site is engaging in fantasy and grossly distorting the quote in pursuit of a sensationalistic claim.

I find it extremely unlikely Nintendo is just going to give away a pile of their most important assets to anyone buying the base hardware. Once you devalue something it is very difficult to go back. Nintendo would be setting a precedent that said from here on in, all of this stuff is worthless. You can't just copy it at will but we can't do anything more than give it away.

How many buyers would the DS have lost at launch if its best game at launch was a rehash of something the company just gives away to console buyers? There will always be conditions attached to anything seemingly given away. Saying the past Zelda titles are free if you pre-order the Revolution Zelda is a misnomer. It makes the pre-ordered game a better value but none of the goods involved free of charge and obligations.

They may charge miniscule amounts but it will still be serious money if aggregated from millions of Revolution owners. There is a lot of money in the bubble gum by the cash register.[/QUOTE]

Nintendo never rereleases games identically, they can still release updated versions like they always do.
there is no way Perfect Dark and Goldeneye are going to be available for download. Too many messy licensing arrangements seeing as Rare owns the rights to Perfect Dark and Goldeneye would be even more of a pain.
[quote name='epobirs']It proves that the site is engaging in fantasy and grossly distorting the quote in pursuit of a sensationalistic claim.

I find it extremely unlikely Nintendo is just going to give away a pile of their most important assets to anyone buying the base hardware. Once you devalue something it is very difficult to go back. Nintendo would be setting a precedent that said from here on in, all of this stuff is worthless. You can't just copy it at will but we can't do anything more than give it away.

How many buyers would the DS have lost at launch if its best game at launch was a rehash of something the company just gives away to console buyers? There will always be conditions attached to anything seemingly given away. Saying the past Zelda titles are free if you pre-order the Revolution Zelda is a misnomer. It makes the pre-ordered game a better value but none of the goods involved free of charge and obligations.

They may charge miniscule amounts but it will still be serious money if aggregated from millions of Revolution owners. There is a lot of money in the bubble gum by the cash register.[/QUOTE]

Actually just a question and not meant to be a smart ass comment.....Nintendo has already gone on to release some of our old NES games on the GBA. They didn't even do as well in the US. Other than in that area how is nintendo making money on these older games? I would think it wouldn't kill them to at least give away the NES games. SNES still hasn't been fully tapped with the portables. I see what you mean basically they won't be able to charge for these games but there is a huge used game buisness on which they aren't making anything from any way. I guess I'm asking what am I missing here?
[quote name='javeryh']Imagine if the Revolution controller does have a touchscreen. Now imagine if the revolution controller had an internal memory of some type or the ability to house a memory card. Now imagine downloading all of these classics to play at home on the TV or on the go with just the controller. This would be nuts.[/QUOTE]

Like the Dreamcast? Indeed that would be nuts.
Seems too good to be true. More realistically, I could see Nintendo giving away a free classic if you register five games you purchased already (similar to their promotion with the Metroid Prime 2 demo). Or possibly as a reward for completing a game / getting a high score.

Personally, I think an incentive or reward based download system is the most intriguing. I would like to get rewarded with a free download or two for spending 20+ hours getting through a game rather than just seeing scrolling credits... But that's just me.
bread's done