Rez: Sonar says F U Reprints

Your complaint is equivalent to someone saying, "They devalued my original 1980 videocassette of Star Wars by releasing new versions on VHS in 1997 and DVD in 2004." Nonsense. Entertainment companies are not in business to sell rare items to a few wealthy customers. Nor are they in business to provide a way to store wealth. NO.

Entertainment companies are in business to sell as many copies as possible to as many people as possible (hence the term mass media). Instead of complaining about spending $60 on my Rez copy, I'm happy. It means tons more people get a chance to play this awesome game!

I wish they'd do reprints of Ico and Suikoden too! These games deserve to reach as many people as possible. (And yes, same applies to Star Wars... great movies & games deserve to be reprinted again & again until they are seen by everybody.)

If you want a way to invest your wealth that will not become devalued, look at buying precious metals, not games.

[quote name='electrictroy']Your complaint is equivalent to someone saying, "They devalued my original 1980 videocassette of Star Wars by releasing new versions on VHS in 1997 and DVD in 2004." Nonsense. Entertainment companies are not in business to sell rare items to a few wealthy customers. Nor are they in business to provide a way to store wealth. NO.[/quote]

Of course not. But shouldn't they be using their resources to promote their current games? It's their abysmal lack of marketing that is causing everything they release to flop like a beached hammerhead. Instead of reprinting the one game of theirs that people cared enough to spend $50 or more on, why not try to get their current stock off of store shelves?

Entertainment companies are in business to sell as many copies as possible to as many people as possible (hence the term mass media). Instead of complaining about spending $60 on my Rez copy, I'm happy. It means tons more people get a chance to play this awesome game!

Anyone with a modchip could play Rez for $15. Always could.

I wish they'd do reprints of Ico and Suikoden too! These games deserve to reach as many people as possible. (And yes, same applies to Star Wars... great movies & games deserve to be reprinted again & again until they are seen by everybody.)

Neither of those games are particularly rare. I bought a disc-only Suikoden for $20 just last week.

If you want a way to invest your wealth that will not become devalued, look at buying precious metals, not games.


Noted. This was the first and last time I spent big money on a video game.
Stop whining, games aren't designed to be investments. God forbid a company give consumers what they want or ask for. Game companies don't owe anything to people like you, get over yourself
150 because that's what I paid for it. :/ I would let it go for 50, though. That's why I have the offer option.

Also, I don't care if you lash out at me - but at least be a little creative about it, like this:

Item number: 8245463686
Dear sonarrat,
captbunbun has made the following offer for your item.
Offer price: US $3.84
Buyer message: take it you cat fucker!
Buyer: captbunbun
Current price: US $149.99
Current offers: 1
End date: Dec-28-05 16:01:25 PST

I think we can all agree that's pretty funny.
[quote name='electrictroy']

I wish they'd do reprints of Ico and Suikoden too! These games deserve to reach as many people as possible. (And yes, same applies to Star Wars... great movies & games deserve to be reprinted again & again until they are seen by everybody.)


Don't know about Suikoden, but Ico has been reprinted many times over.
Good! Ico used to be rare & cost ~$70 on ebay, so I'm happy to hear it's been reprinted. That way more people can enjoy that masterpiece.[quote name='sonarrat']Of course not. But shouldn't they be using their resources to promote their current games? [/QUOTE]
NO. It's cheaper to dust off old movies/games & reprint them. No employees to pay developing new material = almost no dollars to spend. It's like pure profit.
Instead of reprinting the one game of theirs that people cared enough to spend $50 or more on...
If people love Rez that much, that's yet another good reason why they SHOULD print extra copies - easy money.

It's obvious from your comments you lack business sense (knowledge of how to make money off other people). If you DID have business sense, you'd recommend Sony run reprints of ALL their rare, but popular games, because lots of profit can be made off Rez, Ico, and other rare commodities.

And again, if you want to invest w/o fear of future loss, don't buy games. Buy platinum, gold, or other precious metals.

Item number: 8245463686
Dear sonarrat,
captbunbun has made the following offer for your item.
Offer price: US $3.84"

That is exactly why I don't even want to try Best Offer on my fixed price listings. You get idiots like that buyer who offer less than 10% of what the item is worth
Actually, that was someone I knew who was trying to mess with me. :p

I have an offer for $50.00 now, so if that's the highest offer then I will sell at that price. I'm just going to wait it out to see if anyone is feeling more generous. I doubt it, but you never know. It's a totally honest and informative listing - it's not like I'm trying to be deceptive or anything.
I took the $50 + shipping offer. This game has been like a curse for me, and I can be happy about at least getting something back in return for getting rid of it... (More than the trade with gamelotus, that's for sure. *grumble*)
[quote name='electrictroy']Your complaint is equivalent to someone saying, "They devalued my original 1980 videocassette of Star Wars by releasing new versions on VHS in 1997 and DVD in 2004." .[/QUOTE]

I wouldnt know how much that costed back in the day since I wasnt alive but they devalued it for a REASON, to make it a BOx Set with Extras on VHS, then they converted it to a new Media Format which has more space and includes extras and is compact and improves picture quality. They have no reason to re-release these games that cost above retail prices, they dont do anything to the game except make it cost cheaper(unless you think this is a reason).
To tell you the truth Rez isnt that great of a game, Gitaroo Man says bai bai compared to that trash game. Also Suikoden 1/2 isnt even that great either(though 2 is the best outta the series), most of the rare/uncommon games arent really that good, thats why they usually become rare, only a pinch of those games are good, lets take Gitaroo Man for example.
[quote name='electrictroy']Good! Ico used to be rare & cost ~$70 on ebay, so I'm happy to hear it's been reprinted. That way more people can enjoy that masterpiece.
NO. It's cheaper to dust off old movies/games & reprint them. No employees to pay developing new material = almost no dollars to spend. It's like pure profit.
If people love Rez that much, that's yet another good reason why they SHOULD print extra copies - easy money.

It's obvious from your comments you lack business sense (knowledge of how to make money off other people). If you DID have business sense, you'd recommend Sony run reprints of ALL their rare, but popular games, because lots of profit can be made off Rez, Ico, and other rare commodities.

And again, if you want to invest w/o fear of future loss, don't buy games. Buy platinum, gold, or other precious metals.


You sound like a very greedy person, glad Im not ur firend or I would be owing interest for the money I borrow, then when I wanna borrow a game I would have to rent it out with a fee.
Hey, wait a minute... the winner is electrictroy. I didn't even realize that was the guy I was arguing with in this thread. :D

Hope you plan on paying.
[quote name='gopro']They have no reason to re-release these games that cost above retail prices, they dont do anything to the game except make it cost cheaper(unless you think this is a reason). [/QUOTE]

PROFIT. Sega is in mega-debt, and re-releasing a rare but high-demand game like Rez allows them to reach new customers, collect more money, pay off that debt & avoid bankruptcy. I think keeping Sega from going bankrupt is a good enough reason.

As for lending money to friends & charging interest, no, I don't do that. But if it was a stranger, then yeah I would. Ya never know if the stranger will pay you back. AND I STOPPED LENDING CDS TO FRIENDS A LONG TIME AGO. I'd get them back & they'd be all scratched-up. I got a classic INXS cd that sounds like a record because it's so scratched..... not acceptable. So if my friends want to play a game, they get paid ~$30 an hour... they can buy it themselves & destroy their OWN property, not mine.

[quote name='electrictroy']Your complaint is equivalent to someone saying, "They devalued my original 1980 videocassette of Star Wars by releasing new versions on VHS in 1997 and DVD in 2004." Nonsense. Entertainment companies are not in business to sell rare items to a few wealthy customers. Nor are they in business to provide a way to store wealth. NO.

Entertainment companies are in business to sell as many copies as possible to as many people as possible (hence the term mass media). Instead of complaining about spending $60 on my Rez copy, I'm happy. It means tons more people get a chance to play this awesome game!

I wish they'd do reprints of Ico and Suikoden too! These games deserve to reach as many people as possible. (And yes, same applies to Star Wars... great movies & games deserve to be reprinted again & again until they are seen by everybody.)

If you want a way to invest your wealth that will not become devalued, look at buying precious metals, not games.


be my luck after finding a complete Suikoden 2 for 6 bucks at bb they reprint it... either way i wouldnt care cause even a reprint would cost more then 6 .. funny thing is i can still remember CC begging people to buy them at 10 and noone wanted them

Check out with a game

Cashier : you know we got Suikoden 2 for just 10 bucks
person: thats nice
cashier: come on its only 10 bucks

[quote name='electrictroy']PROFIT. Sega is in mega-debt, and re-releasing a rare but high-demand game like Rez allows them to reach new customers, collect more money, pay off that debt & avoid bankruptcy. I think keeping Sega from going bankrupt is a good enough reason.

As for lending money to friends & charging interest, no, I don't do that. But if it was a stranger, then yeah I would. Ya never know if the stranger will pay you back. AND I STOPPED LENDING CDS TO FRIENDS A LONG TIME AGO. I'd get them back & they'd be all scratched-up. I got a classic INXS cd that sounds like a record because it's so scratched..... not acceptable. So if my friends want to play a game, they get paid ~$30 an hour... they can buy it themselves & destroy their OWN property, not mine.


Sega Sucks, I love Tenchu Wrath of Heaven then when Sega took it over and made Fatal Shadows it sucked they took out the 2 players. Sonic is probly their best game. They should go bankrupt anyway. Get them outta the business.
U get that problem too huh, when lending friends crap, somehow when they get returned back to you something is wrong w/the Disk or somethings missing.
Sega sucks??? Sega's made some of the best games this past generation. Sonic, Space Channel 5-1 and 5-2, Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution, Super Monkey Ball 1 and 2, Rez, and Skies of Arcadia RPG. (Plus many others I forgot.) Sega, like Nintendo, is one of those masterpiece companies that keeps churning out great games. They deserve to live & if reprints of rare games helps them pay off their debt, I say go for it. A world with Sega is better than a world without.

And yep. Last time I lent anything to anyone was 1991. They returned my music CDs all scratched-up so that my player could barely play them. At that point I decided "no more". I don't work my ass off at work, earning money to buy stuff, just to have my friends destroy it. Careless idiots.
I know this might get this thread going off topic, but I never really liked Sega.

Sonic was fine and swell. However, I disliked Space Channel, Virtua Fighter, Monkey Ball, Skies of Arcadia, and many others. There are a few Sega Gems from Genesis days and Master System, but only a few and not many more then that.

I'm sorry, I always wanted to like Sega. I even had a Saturn on Launch day and the Tower of Power. I just could not get into any of the games.
wow, i dont believe that you felt that Rez was such a worthwhile investment and were slighted because it was reprinted....
Sega games suck. Virtua Fighter Sucks, Tekken, DOA, Soul Calibur, Marvel Vs series own Virtua Fighter, Skies of Arcaida is one of the worst RPGs, well I played the Gamecube one but im pretty sure theyre practically the same, Space Channel dont know, Super Monkey Ball is not bad but I can live w/out it, Rez isnt that terrific, Gitaroo Man Is much Better.
[quote name='gopro']Sega Sucks, I love Tenchu Wrath of Heaven then when Sega took it over and made Fatal Shadows it sucked they took out the 2 players. Sonic is probly their best game. They should go bankrupt anyway.[/QUOTE]

Congrats, you just proved that FROM SOFTWARE sucks. Guess what? Publishers and developers - not the same thing! Sega publishes more games than Sega develops these days. Case in point: Tenchu: Fatal Shadows, Otogi, etc. Sega had nothing to do with making these games good bad or indifferent, they just fronted the money to bring it to the states.

[quote name='electrictroy']Sega sucks??? Sega's made some of the best games this past generation. Sonic, Space Channel 5-1 and 5-2, Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution, Super Monkey Ball 1 and 2, Rez, and Skies of Arcadia RPG. (Plus many others I forgot.) Sega, like Nintendo, is one of those masterpiece companies that keeps churning out great games. They deserve to live & if reprints of rare games helps them pay off their debt, I say go for it. A world with Sega is better than a world without.[/QUOTE]

I think you could have given a better set of examples than that. How about Shenmue, Jet Set/Grind Radio, Crazy Taxi, Panzer Dragoon, Shining Force (prior to Neo, that is), Dragon Force, etc. Sega has made some very well loved franchises. They were a driving force in the industry for years for a good reason.

However, as of late, Sega's been in a bit of a slump. The last decidedly good Sega game was F-Zero AX/GS, and before that it was Panzer Dragoon Orta, IMO. Sonic Team lost its edge. AM2, Smilebit, Amusement Vision, and Overworks were all dissolved, for the most part. Key players like Naka and Suzuki are still around, but teams like Smilebit and Overworks put out some of Sega's best work in the past 5 years. When Shining Force for the PS2 was announced to be action instead of S-RPG, I was heartbroken. I'm still hoping that Sega of America brings Dragon Force for PS2 to America, now that Working Designs folded. Sega was so great, and they're sitting on an amazing backlog of gaming gems, but they keep fucking up.
bread's done