Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena $10.08 @Amazon

Everyone should buy this. Butcher Bay is worth around 40 alone, and Dark Athena was great IMO.
Normally I'd bite but I'm still knee deep in New Vegas with a large backlog of DLC and games waiting after that. $10 is a great price but I'll just save my $10 this time instead of spending it on a game that there is the strong possibility I won't ever seriously play.
[quote name='silentbobfan']Normally I'd bite but I'm still knee deep in New Vegas with a large backlog of DLC and games waiting after that. $10 is a great price but I'll just save my $10 this time instead of spending it on a game that there is the strong possibility I won't ever seriously play.[/QUOTE]

Good for you, great discipline :applause: Wish I was as disciplined.

In 4 for my 39th backlog game. Thanks OP!
This is a YMMV but I've seen a couple Best Buys selling the 360 version of Riddick for $7.50 in their clearance section. It may be worth a look for some.
I really have never been sure if I wanted this or not, but I needed something cheap to go with the $16.99 Eternal Sonata (PS3) so that I could get free shipping.
I had second thoughts on this (trying to budget a little harder). So I missed out and it went back up to around $13 (X360). Still "cheap", but I suppose not "CAG Cheap" :) Thanks for the post regardless, OP!
[quote name='rapsodist']I went ahead and picked this up. I know Dark Athena's not supposed to be any good, but I never played Butcher Bay.[/QUOTE]

Even though it's a remake it's one of the best games on the 360. AoDA was alright, it was a pretty dark story though. I understand the inmates aren't supposed to be jolly, but there is a certain scene that's just extremely cold and hard to stomach IMO.
Got a used copy of this for $15 from Gamefly. It's good but Butcher Bay definitely shows some of it's age gameplay wise and can be confusing on where it is you need to go. I'm probably 3/4 of the way through it though and it's worth the $15. Haven't touched Dark Athena of Multiplayer yet but I'm sure those will be worth checking out.
I picked this up for $10 at BB on Black Friday last year and its a pretty solid game. I've always been a fan of the Riddick movies.
Butcher Bay was one of the better titles I played on the original Xbox. Haven't played the newer one yet though. Too much backlogged games.
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