Ridge Racer 7


CAG Veteran
Anyone know where I can find a copy of Ridge Racer 7 for $20 - $25?
I just got a PS3 and Ridge Racer is like the only racer for it I can tolerate but I can't seem to find it for less than $40-$60 and that's a bit much for a launch title.

Thanks if you can help

Don't feel bad if you can't, it's totally cool you can help next time \\:D/
Nope, I have a dislike of Sim-racers, after playing GT3A, for a while I felt that the amount of fun I was getting out of it was less than the total amount of work I was putting in on it. I'll admit I have a great deal of fun going from Point A to Point B really really fast.

Also, I really should have specified new, I don't trust most used games, especially not Gamestop used games, we've had a bad history together.
[quote name='justcruisin1023']Nope, I have a dislike of Sim-racers, after playing GT3A, for a while I felt that the amount of fun I was getting out of it was less than the total amount of work I was putting in on it. I'll admit I have a great deal of fun going from Point A to Point B really really fast.

Also, I really should have specified new, I don't trust most used games, especially not Gamestop used games, we've had a bad history together.[/quote]

Not sure if you are aware of this, but all PS3 games are on blu-ray discs, and all blu-ray discs have a protective coating on them. Basically, you can abuse the disc like crazy and it will read like its brand new. Buying used PS3 games isnt an issue at all, you will likely have no issues.
[quote name='blitz6speed']Not sure if you are aware of this, but all PS3 games are on blu-ray discs, and all blu-ray discs have a protective coating on them. Basically, you can abuse the disc like crazy and it will read like its brand new. Buying used PS3 games isnt an issue at all, you will likely have no issues.[/quote]

You see, that's exactly what they told me before I bought Stranglehold and I believed them, only to find out that when I actually played the game there were several scratches that prevented the last 3-4 levels from loading properly so I had to buy another copy of the stupid game to figure out how it ended. In addition to the many many frequent lock-ups and freezes (which I'm not sure who to blame it on, Midway said to blame the disc and so I will, but shoddy production values based on rushing it through the door didn't help much)

Umm I'm gonna stop here because it'll turn into yet another anti-gamestop rant and all I wanna do is find Ridge Racer 7 for $25 or less
bread's done