Ring of Red any good?


8 (100%)
I keep seeing this game at the FYE near my school and keep wondering whether I should get it or not. How does it compare to other strategy games like Front Mission 4 and the FF Tactics games? Better than FM4 or worse?
I liked it although the battles are long. The battle system is pretty unique.

Its an older PS2 game with an interesting story, if its under 20 I say give it a shot if you like mech games.
Yeah, that just reminded me I should have been more specific about the price. The FYE that has it is selling it for $40. So I should be asking others if they think it's worth it at the price or not.
First PS2 game I ever played. Battle system is pretty nifty, but the battles themselves can drag after a while.

It's totally worth playing at least once though, just to see the bitchin' super-imposed mechs in old WWII footage.
I found the controls cumbersome and turned it off after the first fight. I just couldn't get it to control correctly.
[quote name='t65will']Yeah, that just reminded me I should have been more specific about the price. The FYE that has it is selling it for $40. So I should be asking others if they think it's worth it at the price or not.[/quote]

I would say its not worth it at $40 mainly because any video game store that has it used has it for around $15 maybe less. My EB has a copy for $12 or so that has been sitting there for months.
I have a copy of it new/sealed. I'll sell it for $30 shipped 1st class with DC. Let me know if you're interested. Thanks!
Never played FM4 so i couldnt compare but it plays like Advanced Wars in that its turn based, though the figthing is real time (meaning you physically move, aim, and fire your mech). You also get to add 2 squads of men to accompany your mech which grant a variety of off. and def. attacks. Not the deepest game in terms of strategy but I found it fun. Def worth getting if its at or around $10
Its pretty fun. gets really really easy if you can find the patterens to the mechs. If not then it can be a ok challenege. I found this patteren and you can beat practically the whole game without gettting hit.
[quote name='MightySlacker']GAME....SO.....LONG....AND......TEDIOUS

Front Mission 4 kicks the shit out of it


Geez, if that's the case then it sounds unbearably boring. I thought FM4 was kind of boring as well although I've only watched my roomate play it. And even he gave up on it after a while which is surprising because all he plays are long ass rpgs.
[quote name='MightySlacker']GAME....SO.....LONG....AND......TEDIOUS

Front Mission 4 kicks the shit out of it


Wait, didn't you "leave" this site or something?

Anyways, back to subject. I bought this game from my local GameRush a few months ago and I have yet to play it. I got to the tutorial mission, got hooked on some other game, and never tried it again. I plan to try it sometime, but with all these good Xbox games coming out, I doubt I'll ever play it.
I got it for $29.99 new a while ago off some internet shop... it takes a while to beat... because you cannot skip any of the animations... they are ok to watch the first time, but after watching the same text and same animations that are hella long over and over and over again it sucks (I think it uses the suikoden III engine, and it came out in 2001, so maybe Konami was trying to show off the graphics or something)... the battles can last up to 4-6 hours, if you die you gotta start all over again...

if your support troops die they are gone for good...

the graphics aren't all that great... the story is a what if scenario of post wwII... if you do get this make sure you have two memory cards so that when you quit and save during a battle you can copy to the other card, because once you load a save it deletes your temporary battle one... so you could be 4 hours into a battle, die, and have to do that all over again...

you can customize your afw's by changing what kind of crews they have, each can have three support units, one riding on the afw and the other two support. there are several different troop types, giving your afw various abilites like different types of shells or other specials. plus you can issue commands to the other troops to ensare the enemies afw with wire, or plant mines, or fire off illumination shots or attack the enemy afw or blast their troops...

overall I'd give it a 7.8/10, but if I rated it while factoring in how old it is, I'd give it an 8.4/10

it is kinda cool having some dude named Masami von Weisegger take out a bunch of the enemies later on in the game though, the main character may seem a bit overpowered, but considering the sheer amount of eneimes and a few bosses, he needs to be...
I bought this game used for $15 and felt I (barely) got my money worth. The battles aren't as tactical as FM4 and take much longer then FF Tactics. I wouldn't spend $40 on it but it was worth $15 used.
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