Risen -X360 region free $20 at Play-Asia

[quote name='ElektroDragon']Play Asia has a weekly special of Risen Xbox 360 NTSC-J version, in English and region free, for $20 plus $3.99 shipping.

A great deal, but can anyone confirm if the Achievements are also in English? I don't want to earn Achievements I can't read! :lol:[/QUOTE]

I am a little curious about that as well...
[quote name='sherisdoppel']Seriously, spend your $24 on the other games.[/QUOTE]
No, I must play this old school RPG. My 360 just RRoD tho so I'm looking for a D2D or Steam sale now.
[quote name='jeff8073x']Why? :)[/QUOTE]

I almost never heard of anything good about this game. Sometimes you hear good things from certain people, but for this game I heard from very few.
It took me an effort to download the demo on PC to figure out why.

Plus, I'm not gonna judge but just saying there are much better games for $19.99.
I would love to buy this but I'd rather have it on the PC. Too bad it's not GFWL so I can get achievements...
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I play a lot of games, and I want to play this one...all I heard was how crappy Two Worlds was, and I ended up liking that...so..
[quote name='foxdvd']I play a lot of games, and I want to play this one...all I heard was how crappy Two Worlds was, and I ended up liking that...so..[/QUOTE]

Two Worlds was quite fun. I'm hesitant about Risen 360 though because i read it's a REALLY bad port. From the sounds of it, worse than the port of Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.
Im also very interested in Risen (I liked Two Words) but the more I research the Xbox360 port the more I am hesitant

So far the biggest problem is the controls. The devs did some extremely incompetent control mapping from what I have read. For example, jump is L3 (L3?!?! WTF!) and blocking is relegated to the B button in conjunction with the right analog stick....which is impossible if you think about it.
GameInformer reviewed this and gave it an 8.5 with their Silver Award for the month. They said the combat can be kinda lame sometimes, but the story/characters are great and the voice acting is top notch.
I have had my eye on the NA patch that the developers promised to fix a lot of the issues. If I have the JP version of the game will I be able to download an NA patch and have it work?

Seriously, the 360 version looks like a completely different game next to the PC version. The graphics are pretty terrible. A patch is a must before I'll buy it.
If I have the JP version of the game will I be able to download an NA patch and have it work?

I imported the region free version last month and only put it in to see if it worked alright (too many games lined up at the moment!), but the game is fully in English, as is the manual (at least half of it), and the game also automatically downloaded an update when I first inserted it.

I can't imagine the achievements aren't in English -- everything else is.
Thanks for the replies, I ended up taking the chance and getting this from Play Asia. Will report back on the Achievements. I thought the PC demo was trash, but then a lot people were just RAVING about the full game, including one guy who gave it 4.5/5.0 at CoG. There's no way it will come out for less than than $40 when it comes to the US in March, it will probably be a full $60 game here, so $23 shipped and two months early sounds like a CaGariffic deal to me! I'm a sucker for western RPGs.
Yes, please report back when you get it. I have been looking at getting this one too but now that you mention it, Chinese achievements would kind of suck. That is what happened when I imported the Chinese version of Demon's Souls. Audio & text were all in English, trophies were still in Chinese IIRC.
Decided to bite on buying this. Even if it turns out to be a bad port, I think it's worth the $20, especially after reading how good the PC version is.
[quote name='NutManIV']GameInformer reviewed this and gave it an 8.5 with their Silver Award for the month. They said the combat can be kinda lame sometimes, but the story/characters are great and the voice acting is top notch.[/QUOTE]

PC or 360?
I have bit the bullet. The PC version looks like the better of the two versions but it appears to be a decent RPG for the $20. Nothing like adding more games to the backlog...
I hate it when people say "the PC version looks better." Of course it does, if you have a system that's really expensive. That should be ASSUMED.
This game was great on PC, lost a lot of steam later in the game though. Story is alright, voice acting could be a lot better. Would of been nice to have some more varied character models too. Combat is challenging, reminded me of Demon's Souls a bit. Early on you have to be very defensive. Wolves and such will flank you and luring groups of enemies into choke points was a necessity for me. Upgrading skills makes a ton of difference though and after awhile it gets more easier. Loved how you are given free reign over the island from the beginning and you could do whatever quests you wanted to do.

One thing that might be more annoying on consoles is if you rely on autosaves. You might end up getting dragged off to the monastery and I think it autosaves right after and you can't leave until you do the monastery stuff. Same with Harbour Town, you are stuck there for awhile if you enter so make some hard saves just in case.
I played this on my friends 360 for weeks! I am so down in buying it for myself. He told me he had to import it and cost a huge chunk of change to get it. This is a super killer deal imop.

I might get ragged on but this game feels like fallout 3 for me but in the pirate age. It does have glitches and other things but by far it rules!

Some things i enjoyed about this game is it feels like fallout.
I love bringing baddies into villages and kill all the hard guy ai's just to get there good loot. (Once they are dead there gone forever so be warned cause you can no longer do quests or what not.)
The stuff they say and the quests you do are sweet. I was a pirate then i got taken prisoner to become some kind of priestess against my will. If i won the fight at the village i would still be a pirate but i messed up. There are so many different ways you can finish the game on.
I bit on the second to last copy and now they're all gone. I'm hoping that it's at least a decent port, but $20 isn't too bad of a gamble in my eyes.
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I think we get it. EVERY PC version is going to be Vastly Superior of course. But for 20 bucks. it's another game added to the collection none the less that my friends will be like "WTH is that? Can i borrow it?"
Dang I was gonna order a copy, didnt think it would go out of stock. Oh well not like i have time to play and can always wait and see if it gets US release.
Damn glad I pulled the trigger and ordered a copy when I first saw this thread pop up. The 360 version may be the lesser version but the impressions of it in this thread and in some of the European 360 reviews indicate it's probably well worth $24 bucks.
To those that are wondering. This does feel a bit like Two Worlds, but what it is really like is the Gothic series since it is basically a progression from that game. Not sure if it is the same world, and is not a sequel to Gothic, but the roots of Gothic are there.

Oh - I believe the achievements are English. I know I received one and I didn't think to myself I cannot read it.
I guess I'm gonna try to wait for an e-mail from them or maybe even E-bay this game honestly. Can anybody recommend any other games that can be imported and played on a US console that probably won't be brought over to the US yet? A PM is fine, Or i'll keep checking this thread. Either or.
They're all at Play Asia... but most are Japanese only, even if region-free, and they cost $75. This was one of those rare things.... glad I decided to snag it. It would have been really lame it ended up being sold out on me even though I'm the one who advertised it here. LOL
[quote name='Vulcan2422']I guess I'm gonna try to wait for an e-mail from them or maybe even E-bay this game honestly. Can anybody recommend any other games that can be imported and played on a US console that probably won't be brought over to the US yet? A PM is fine, Or i'll keep checking this thread. Either or.[/QUOTE]

That thought would be a great OT thread to start. I'm always looking for interesting stuff to import but most often do not have time to research them.
[quote name='groundskeeper']That thought would be a great OT thread to start. I'm always looking for interesting stuff to import but most often do not have time to research them.[/QUOTE]

Do It! I'm to scared to step foot in that area! lol
[quote name='wampa8jedi']I was likewise about to order a copy before it went OOS... oh well, I'll pick up the North American release eventually...[/QUOTE]
If i remember correct this will never hit the states. This is why i jumped on this amazing deal cause of it. The menus and text are all english so no worries there.

I hated two worlds but i love this game. The two worlds felt and looked like a early 90's type game but in a beta form. This is from playing the demo on live i got the opinion from. I would not drop even $5 for two worlds it was just so unpolished and boring.

This game will engrose you for weeks i think. I know i will be playing it hardcore and push away the many other games i bought this holiday season for amazing deals.
The weekly special has been replaced by Wolfenstein (PS3) for $19.00

This is the Korean version. Anyone knows if the game will be in full English as well?
[quote name='mkelehan']I hate it when people say "the PC version looks better." Of course it does, if you have a system that's really expensive. That should be ASSUMED.[/QUOTE]

You don't need an expensive system to have games look better than the console version. And in the case of Risen, it was a really poor port in the first place.
[quote name='FNL 4EVA']
I hated two worlds but i love this game. The two worlds felt and looked like a early 90's type game but in a beta form. This is from playing the demo on live i got the opinion from. I would not drop even $5 for two worlds it was just so unpolished and boring.

[/QUOTE]That's reassuring because Two Worlds is one of the worst games I have ever played.
It had nothting to do with the inherent superiority of PC over current console tech. Buildings and other large structures look totally different in the 360 version, and not different in a good way, and it has this palor of faded browness about it.

Bad, bad port.
This has been dead since it started (almost). Can we move this to the graveyard so I don't get my hopes up anymore? ;-)
[quote name='Gaming-Module']It had nothting to do with the inherent superiority of PC over current console tech. Buildings and other large structures look totally different in the 360 version, and not different in a good way, and it has this palor of faded browness about it.

Bad, bad port.[/QUOTE]

You are using a non hd tv i bet right? I only use HD for my stuff for years now. I think the graphics in even the high end pc games are weak without a hd monitor.

Anyways did anyone get this game in yet? I ordered it before most people so hoping it comes very soon. I really miss playing it.
bread's done