Rock Band 3 $29.95 at WalMart

[quote name='RPGamer246']all I'm waiting for is amazon to price match! I just received a gift card that I'm itching to use and this would be perfect!![/QUOTE]

Ditto (I think that goes for a lot of us)--no tax and prime shipping would be much more attractive!
for those that's waiting for Amazon to price match... did you guys tell Amazon about it? There's a link at the bottom of the product page that allow you to do so. If enough people doing it they may pricematch.

go go go!
If Amazon drops this, I am SO on it! F Guitar Hero - I didn't relize that their export only brings like 30 songs from WT and like 35 from Band Hero. If I'd have known that, I wouldn;t even have bought Band Hero.

Rock Band exports all but 4 or 5 songs in RB1 and RB2 and EVERYTHING from the track packs and Green Day.
[quote name='mnuttster']After waiting all weekend, Amazon finally priced matched Walmart...$29.96!

Run and get it![/QUOTE]

it appears to be only price matched for the 360 and wii versions, the ps3 version seems to still be $47.46
Since amazon PM'd the 360 version, I gotta bite. Don't really even play these games that much, but meh. For $30 I'll take it :)
DAMN YOU AMAZON! I bought one from Walmart the day this deal was posted. It was estimated to not arrive to me until next week. Well I have Amazon Prime and can get it tomorrow so I also bought from Amazon.

Oh well. I guess I can sell the Walmart copy on Ebay for a slight profit.
[quote name='mnuttster']After waiting all weekend, Amazon finally priced matched Walmart...$29.96!

Run and get it![/QUOTE]
You are the man!!

Ordered, along with the new Decemberists album.
I was waiting on this from Amazon, too. With the keyboard I picked up from another thread I've got the game and keyboard for $90 total. Not bad, thanks OP.
Damn amazon, oh well only paid .97 cents more. Just have to wait till the end of the week. Would have probably only been 2-3 less days anyway.
Guess what just showed up in my mailbox! wow that was fast. I ordered friday and got it today when it was supposed to come thurs-friday!
[quote name='MXRider']Guess what just showed up in my mailbox! wow that was fast. I ordered friday and got it today when it was supposed to come thurs-friday![/QUOTE]

Where do you live in relation to the shipping center?
[quote name='jaredhenry13']Where do you live in relation to the shipping center?[/QUOTE]
Came from jersey city, nj and im about 2 hrs north of NYC
i'm starting to think there's nothing that amazon won't price match if they have it in stock.

lesson learned (Again.)

luckily walmart has easy return policies.
Still debating whether I should get a copy or wait for a deal on the game & keyboard bundle. Is it worth getting RB3 if you don't have a keyboard? Other than the new tracks.
[quote name='WilliamG']PS3 version is now $32.38 up from $32.32. WTF, Amazon?[/QUOTE]*places a nickel and penny in you're pocket* You're welcome.
[quote name='jazzman']Still debating whether I should get a copy or wait for a deal on the game & keyboard bundle. Is it worth getting RB3 if you don't have a keyboard? Other than the new tracks.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, RB2 is the better game.
I bought RB3 for the new songs, and Pro Modes...but the current Mustang guitar is hard as hell to use (doesn't use real strings, so you can't tell where your fingers are placed). The online component was pretty much killed, you can no longer see custom art work, and you're randomly paired with people, rather than having the option of joining a, or having someone join your, band. I have the Pro Keys, they're kind of fun, but I stick to guitars.
They took way too many things away that were in RB2, that I'm hoping for a RB4 sooner than later. The game has been out since October, and not a single game changing patch has been released yet.
I'm actually hoping RB3 is the last iteration for a while. At least for 2-3 years. I haven't tried the online since I'm not a big fan of playing with random people, but hopefully the limitations you mentioned could be patched in the near future. I really don't see the why they couldn't just release updates.

And with the music game genre going down, I actually doubt we'll see RB4 ever. Let's face it, only enthusiasts play the game now. It happens to most of my friends. Some are hardcores enthusiasts that play all the time, the rest quit because they struggled and got bored. There's none in the middle.

[quote name='mywhitenoise']Honestly, RB2 is the better game.
I bought RB3 for the new songs, and Pro Modes...but the current Mustang guitar is hard as hell to use (doesn't use real strings, so you can't tell where your fingers are placed). The online component was pretty much killed, you can no longer see custom art work, and you're randomly paired with people, rather than having the option of joining a, or having someone join your, band. I have the Pro Keys, they're kind of fun, but I stick to guitars.
They took way too many things away that were in RB2, that I'm hoping for a RB4 sooner than later. The game has been out since October, and not a single game changing patch has been released yet.[/QUOTE]
bread's done