Rock Band compatable guitar controller for Wii


A friend of mine has been looking for an extra guitar to complete their rock band set up on wii, but they've had trouble finding one. I've looked around a bit, and for some reason, they seem to be hard to come by. Anyone know where to look for one, and how much is a reasonable amount to pay for one?
Wii instruments always had higher demand than supply for some reason. You might find a good deal on craigslist. You can also look on eBay but they will be pretty expensive.

Other than that you might have more luck finding a compatible Guitar Hero guitar. They don't sell for as high as rock band guitars. There are some Rock Band 3 guitars by MadCatz which are about the only thing you may be able to find at retail anymore. I see that both GameStop and Amazon have them on backorder right now though.

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