Rock the Vote to supporters of "health care reform": Go f*** yourselves


Rock the Vote President Heather Smith said in a written statement that the group is just trying to remind young people "they have a stake and a say" in the health care debate.

no they dont. no congressman is going to change their mind because a bunch morons arent having sex.
Yeah, some dude in a bar is going ask the smoking hot chick her stance on health care reform before he goes home with her.....

The unexpected bonus is that conservatives just removed themselves from the gene pool. It's like you just all committed political abortion.

deathsythe, my peeps thank you for all the extra tail they've been getting. Your mom was especially grateful to not have to listen to a diatribe about Norman Mailer before she got her world rocked.
Were you really that offended, deathsythe? Don't tell me you're another member of the Run to the Mods Crew.

All I said is that we should thank conservatives for leaving us more tail. How many times will some retard turn down some hot tail because they don't agree with his political views.

Well, I did say political abortion but it's true.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']lolz...

no they dont. no congressman is going to change their mind because a bunch morons arent having sex.[/QUOTE]

Don't worry, once the health care passes and our health care costs start rising I think we all will be getting fucked and screwed left and right :)
Hopefully less sex will reduce the number of "in the way people" who just cause traffic on the freeways and make lines at the supermarket longer.
I remember when I was in high school I honestly thought Rock the Vote was just about getting young people to vote, and didn't have a huge left political agenda.
So withholding sex from people who oppose your view of health care reform accomplishes what exactly?

Oh yeah, nothing! Other than LOLs. And more tail for the rest of us.
Wow. Think of all the years I've been protesting without knowing it! I'm like a damned volcano of explosive reform-riddled lava shooting all over the place, coalescing into diverse shapes, sounds, masses, and flavors.
bread's done