... Wait, are you telling me the Wii U doesn't already support LAN and needs an attachment to do so?
It's like I have said since this machine launched, Nintendo can spew bullshit all day long but clearly WiiU was never meant to be a serious online console, it's just a notch above Wii in that department. Fanboys love to argue with me about this and I just don't get how you can deny it when the evidence like this is all over the place.
What REALLY sucks is that, unless you set your WiiU right next to your router (or have a super powerful expensive router), this attachment is practically required for reliable online play. WiiU's wireless receiver is a
ing joke, and is actually a downgrade from what Wii has.
I bought one a couple weeks back for $4.99 at bby and does indeed work on wii u. Got the wii u hard wired. There is one cool use for it outside of wired LAN. If you have monster hunter 3u on 3ds you can play online with it via ad hoc on wii u. You can dl the app on the eshop to do this.
jesus christ Nintendo, WTF were you thinking? Had I not been suckered into buying WiiU at launch I'd have bought Monster Hunter on 3DS and I'd have been PISSED that I couldn't play online. Not that online on WiiU works very well, but it's better than nothing. I distinctly remember seeing advertising before the game dropped about how 3DS owners could play online with WiiU owners and never once heard anything about needing a WiiU + adaptor to get the 3DS version online, had I not read about it on IGN after the launch I might never have known.
When the Wii didn't support it in 2006 why would you be shocked that a newer console wouldn't support it in 2013? I'm sure the PS5/Xbox 4 won't have it whenever they hit in 2019 or after.
...... yeah, they will. Short of the UN launching satellites all over the Earth and giving everybody everywhere free, reliable wireless internet at speeds of 1TB/sec, I can't forsee a situation where they WOULDN'T. Besides, the PS4/XB1 JUST launched and they support it.
Just because Nintendo doesn't know how to make hardware doesn't mean Sony/MS don't (although they really don't either