hope to win
GunPanther CAGiversary! Feedback 5 (100%) Oct 25, 2011 #1,452 This game has blockbuster (pun intended) literally written all over it.
Bojizzle CAGiversary! Oct 25, 2011 #1,453 [quote name='GunPanther']This game has blockbuster (pun intended) literally written all over it.[/QUOTE] Not literally. http://theoatmeal.com/comics/literally
[quote name='GunPanther']This game has blockbuster (pun intended) literally written all over it.[/QUOTE] Not literally. http://theoatmeal.com/comics/literally
jonfelkin CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Oct 25, 2011 #1,455 Looks like it could be game of the year, Even with a small backlog this game would get played first.
zennacko CAGiversary! Oct 25, 2011 #1,456 Whoa! A signed version of Batman AC PS3 would be the perfect christmas gift for me *-*
budz CAGiversary! Feedback 4 (100%) Oct 25, 2011 #1,457 I'll bite for the 360 version. Thanks Cheapy and BB!
O optmsprim2 CAGiversary! Oct 25, 2011 #1,462 Thanks for the contest. Either is fine. I'd give my current 360 copy to my friend.
S streetninja CAG Veteran Oct 25, 2011 #1,463 Definitely would like to win this. Thanks for holding the giveaway CAG.
namepl CAGiversary! Feedback 9 (100%) Oct 25, 2011 #1,464 It's the cover art that's signed, right? Not the disc or the case or something.
sunfiredragon CAGiversary! Feedback 6 (100%) Oct 25, 2011 #1,467 Holy crap at the number of commenters on this. If i win this I will probably have to change my pants.
Holy crap at the number of commenters on this. If i win this I will probably have to change my pants.
ChernobylCow CAGiversary! Feedback 32 (100%) Oct 25, 2011 #1,469 This game is pretty bad ass. They probably handle cameos better than anyone else. Calendar Man anyone?
This game is pretty bad ass. They probably handle cameos better than anyone else. Calendar Man anyone?
def PD CAGiversary! Feedback 3 (100%) Oct 25, 2011 #1,472 I would love a PS3 version of this along with a Snickers. (^.^)b
D DeathFromAbove CAGiversary! Oct 25, 2011 #1,473 Really want this game, but my backlog is becoming backbreaking.
A aznnarutofan CAG Veteran Oct 25, 2011 #1,475 Would be awesome to get a signed copy from rocksteady!
Pyloric CAGiversary! Feedback 24 (100%) Oct 25, 2011 #1,476 Arkham City is possibly my favorite Xbox 360 game ever! And a signed copy would just be that much sweeter!
Arkham City is possibly my favorite Xbox 360 game ever! And a signed copy would just be that much sweeter!
Akira119 CAGiversary! Feedback 3 (100%) Oct 25, 2011 #1,477 Why couldn't this game have come out a couple months ago when I didn't have Battlefield 3 waiting for me? Can someone slow the rotation of the planet down a bit please?
Why couldn't this game have come out a couple months ago when I didn't have Battlefield 3 waiting for me? Can someone slow the rotation of the planet down a bit please?
MaxBiaggi3 CAGiversary! Feedback 8 (100%) Oct 25, 2011 #1,480 I guess that I should try playing Arkham Asylum now.
Phanatic CAGiversary! Oct 25, 2011 #1,482 Loved the first game, haven't had a chance to play the new one - this would be a great opportunity!
Waru CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Oct 25, 2011 #1,489 I'm in for the PS3. Really loved the first game and the dev team is great with staying true to the formula while improving on what was critizised.
I'm in for the PS3. Really loved the first game and the dev team is great with staying true to the formula while improving on what was critizised.
coolflea216 CAGiversary! Oct 25, 2011 #1,493 Because this is the giveaway CAG deserves, but not the one it needs right now. I have a 360 and PS3.
smitboy CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Oct 25, 2011 #1,494 I never win anything. Maybe this time, though...