Rocksteady Signed Batman: Arkham City Giveaway

I would LOVE to win a copy of Batman Arkham Asylum and I have both a PS3 and a 360 so either version would be awesome! LOVE LOVE!
good luck everyone!!!! pretty awesome contest, and I just noticed how great the Arkham city game cover really is. glad to see blockbuster having a deal again, i honestly was sad to see sooo many get shut down in my home town and current city. that is all!
I still haven't beaten the first one. Not that I didn't like it, it was just like Shipwreck said, other stuff got in the way. I wouldn't say no to a copy of the new on though.
Cheap is good, but Free is better. It would be awesome to skip right to playing and not have to wait for a good deal to come along for a copy.

PS3 copy
Batman Arkham Asylum was a fantastic game (seriously, I own it on all three platforms), but Batman Arkham City trumps it in every way. I've only played it a little bit, and love the openess of the city.
bread's done