Rogue Warrior for $19.99 at GoHastings

As long as whoever might buy this knows what they're getting into it, $20 is pretty appropriate (although I'd wait for a $10 drop). It definitely should have launched at the $20-30 price point. I beat this in a rental in about 3-4 hours. Worth it for such classic lines such as "President Reagan sends his regards"" and "Happy fuckin' birthday".
I heard how bad this game was I just had to play it. Rented it from gamefly. I couldnt even get through the first level it was so bad. Like someone said, they should pay us to play it.
From what I read so far on this game $20.00 is still too much for this game but in terms of a deal it is pretty good compared to other resellers. Thanks OP.
I am on a free trial of blockbuster unlimited pass for a month, so I rented the game and beat the single player story in 1.5 hrs. This game is SO bad, I can't imagine how bad it sucked for people who payed to play it
[quote name='Armor42']I am on a free trial of blockbuster unlimited pass for a month, so I rented the game and beat the single player story in 1.5 hrs. This game is SO bad, I can't imagine how bad it sucked for people who payed to play it[/QUOTE]

This. I rented it and beat the game in an hour too. Also, I wanted to get the "Play one game online" achievement. Safe to say I was unable to get it.
It is a horrible game, but at that price, it's almost worth it for the entertainment value. A rare "so bad it's good" game that isn't a chore to play.
Hmmm.....the only reason anyone would ever want this game is for the achievements. Maybe I'll buy it when it's a buck fifty used on Amazon 18 months from now.
Yea, I didn't think it was that bad of a game, but I'd say rental or Gamefly only. I will say that I have played worse games on the 360, but I think that list only includes Hour of Victory, Raven Squad and Damnation.

Mickey Rourke does the main characters voice and his comments are so over the top that the first play through is entertaining enough and short (4-5 hours on the hardest difficulty). You will spit out your drink when you hear him yelling "Lick my Balls" to the bad guys while in "stealth mode" at the beginning of levels.

If you want a full 1000 you have to do 3 playthroughs because difficulties do not stack, but you can fly through in a couple hours on the easier difficulties and there are only 8 missions. There are MP achievements that you need 4 people for and one you need 5 for which you will need to boost with friends.
bread's done