Rokr iTunes phone + 360


3 (100%)
Anyone out there know if I can connect these ?
The 360 is not recognizing the phone.
I called M$ & Motorola, and true to form, they each told me to call the other one because they dont know.

It would be cool if I could listen to the soothing sounds of Cheapy and Wombat's CAGcast while I play games. I guess for the time being, I'll have to listen to my own burps while I play.
Yeah, that's true.
I was just trying it the other way cuz I just got the 360 yesterday.
So, I'm still trying to see what all I can do with it.
from what i have seen, since itunes see's the rokr (and slvr) differently than an ipod, the 360 may as well. did you try the ipod update for the 360 (under the marketplace)?
[quote name='ashram']did you try the ipod update for the 360 (under the marketplace)?[/quote]
That's what I'll try next. I haven't got the chance to hook up to live yet. I probably wont get that chance until Friday. I tried to hook up yesterday here at work through a router, but there are too many firewalls.
What's the 360 do when you plug the ROKR in? I don't have a ROKR, so I'm just curious.

Can you use the ROKR as a drive to store files other than just music (ie, can you just open it as a removable drive on a PC and drag & drop stuff on it)? I would think that any USB device that could be used as a removable drive would be able to be recognized by the 360 in a way where it could at least see the music files.

Did you download the iPod software for the X360? Maybe this would help with recognizing the ROKR as well (or maybe you are screwed until a driver for the ROKR comes out).
[quote name='shipwreck']What's the 360 do when you plug the ROKR in? I don't have a ROKR, so I'm just curious.[/quote]

Can you use the ROKR as a drive to store files other than just music (ie, can you just open it as a removable drive on a PC and drag & drop stuff on it)? I would think that any USB device that could be used as a removable drive would be able to be recognized by the 360 in a way where it could at least see the music files.
The only thing I've been able to peel off to my PC is pix and Videos.

Did you download the iPod software for the X360? Maybe this would help with recognizing the ROKR as well (or maybe you are screwed until a driver for the ROKR comes out).
Haven't yet, I'll have to wait until probably Friday for ethernet @ home.

I'm off to my son's little league practice. Please keep discussing. I'll check back at 07:00 tomorrow morning.
The help is appreciated.
[quote name='y2jedi']Nada
The only thing I've been able to peel off to my PC is pix and Videos.[/QUOTE]

That doesn't sound promising. Even without the iPod download, I'm fairly positive you could at least plug an iPod in and play music files from it. Sounds like the ROKR is going to need its own separate driver which I'm sure isn't very high on MS's to do list.
I'll just have to wait for Friday and try the iPod driver. At least I'm getting the hookup at home on Friday, just in time for the free weekend.


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