Rose colored gaming gets sued lawsuit filed



After a long time of talking about Wiggy and rose colored gaming he is getting sued for copyright infringement.

Basically it finally caught up with him. After years of profiting off of others work someone who owned the rights to properties he used without permission has filed a lawsuit. Its going pretty mainstream when PAT THE NES PUNK makes a video on it.

I would like to see a few more members of Nintendo age and digit press get sued still. Btw its a 2 million dollar lawsuit.

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Oh cool, I've been watching these guys' podcast for a couple of months now. 

More on topic, I guess won't be seeing custom GBA or other custom systems for awhile now. 

Still wish I could buy a backlit GBA from them, or at least a do it yourself kit.

"After a long time of shit talking and hating on for no good reason other than having nothing better to do with my time".

There, fixed.

You're such a waste of space, Jay.
Oh cool, I've been watching these guys' podcast for a couple of months now.

More on topic, I guess won't be seeing custom GBA or other custom systems for awhile now.

Still wish I could buy a backlit GBA from them, or at least a do it yourself kit.
We aren't going anywhere, despite what the Needler would like. Quite the opposite actually.
bread's done