RPG PSN version or Wii VC


I wanted to pickup Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI(III). Is there any advantage to the PSN version of these games over the Virtual Console versions? Everything else being equal I would be inclined to use up my Wii points balance on this since I am more likely to use my PSN balance on something else but if the PSN version will provide a substantially better experience on one of the games I might change my mind.
I prefer the Wii VC versions. They're the original SNES ports and play just like they did when they were first released. Playstation versions have about 10 minutes (more or less) of cut scenes in each game. They are also said to perform much worse than the SNES ports.
Virtual Console versions without a doubt.

Nintendo has done a wonderful job with their emulation encapsulation (hey catchy) and the Classic Controller is a great investment if you are into older games.
I have no idea about the PSN releases, but the PSone versions of those games had pretty shittacular load times. Not dealbreaking, but still, VC would be preferable.
Sounds like there is a consensus that not only am I not missing out by getting the Virtual Console Versions I am actually better off. Thanks everyone.
Most PSX games play really well on a PSP but if Nintendo did a nice job with the original, nothing wrong with that. If you don't have a PSP, I'd get to virtual console ones, it's painful to see all that stuff upscaled into a hideous extremely overpixelated mess.
[quote name='Mad39er']it's painful to see all that stuff upscaled into a hideous extremely overpixelated mess.[/QUOTE]

The PS3 has settings to play PS1 games at their original resolution if preferred, then the TV will be doing all the upscaling (just as it would on the Wii).
Well I think there's only one option available at the moment as they have not released these on the PSN yet, the original announcement that it was coming out this week was a mistake.

The reason people are critical of a PSN version is because they are most likely based off of the PS1 versions of the games, which gave you a handful of CG cutscenes but also had some nasty load times that will pop up for almost everything (switching to battles, pulling up a menu, etc). The thing is: if the loading was due to the game reading the disc, that might not be a problem with the disc-less PSN version. If the loading is not an issue this time around, I would probably opt for the PSN version as I can swap to and fro between my PSP and PS3.
[quote name='PenguinMaster']The PS3 has settings to play PS1 games at their original resolution if preferred, then the TV will be doing all the upscaling (just as it would on the Wii).[/QUOTE]
It's not a matter of preference per se, even minis don't play well on the PS3. It's like the PS3 can't handle anything below PS2 quality graphics, not that there is much to polish up on prior to that.
I went ahead and downloaded them on the virtual console. It nicely used up the exact number of wii points I've had sitting in my account for the past year. I have FFIV for the DS and while I enjoy some of the additions I find it hard to play. For this type of game I like to sit down and play through a whole dungeon in a single sitting but playing with the DS for more than 20 minutes at a time gives me a horrible neck ache. In the mean time I can save the balance of the PSN card I bought for either FFIX or some DLC.
[quote name='soonersfan60']Another great alternative is to get Chrono Trigger on DS.[/QUOTE]

I think most people prefer the original SNES translation than the DS or GBA translation
The DS version of Chrono Trigger is really good. It is just the SNES version with the option for the anime cutscenes and touch menus. However the DS version of FFIV was not so good as the new graphics just made everything look horrible.
The only advantage to the PSN version I can see would be that you could load them on your PS3 and your PSP for portable play. Not a huge factor if you don't have a PSP.
I only played FF6 on the PS1. The load times did not bother me, probably because I never played the SNES version so I don't know any better.
Chrono Trigger DS is excellent, that said the sound quality on the SNES version is much better. The SNES was beastly when it came to music and sfx.

VC all the way for these.
bread's done