RPG Thread XI is pretending X-2 doesn't exist

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Props to Obsidian for releasing the audio files that were recorded but not used due to rushing KOTOR 2 out the door. If they had bigger budgets/more time / better QA they really would be the developer to beat. Didn't know it was hard to find. My roommate actually had a copy (despite currently owning a Mac. I was shocked).
[quote name='Hell Monkey']If you can find a copy.[/QUOTE]
i'm tired of wanting to play a game and having difficulties finding legit copies

they get what they deserve!

the prices for kotor1 on xbox on amazon are insane. >_
[quote name='kainzero']i'm tired of wanting to play a game and having difficulties finding legit copies

they get what they deserve!

the prices for kotor1 on xbox on amazon are insane. >_
[quote name='adriley313']Trails in the Sky is one of my favorite PSP games.
Its just so good and keeps getting better[/QUOTE]

Maybe I'll give it a shot then.
[quote name='whoknows']Does it really get that much better? I know I'm early on in the game, but still...[/QUOTE]

It gets freaking awesome!! NOW GET BACK TO IT! :lol:
Still working on Final Fantasy IV, but have to grind like a mofo on the moon. What is a good level to be at once you get FuSoYa again? Even though I've beaten this game about 25 times across all the platforms, it's been years since I've played it. I'm getting my ass kicked by all the monsters in the giant and can't beat the 4 fiends again. I should've saved on the moon and grinded there. :hot:
[quote name='Hell Monkey']It gets freaking awesome!! NOW GET BACK TO IT! :lol:[/QUOTE]

Fine, I'll go back to playing it if I must :p
[quote name='2DMention']Still working on Final Fantasy IV, but have to grind like a mofo on the moon. What is a good level to be at once you get FuSoYa again? Even though I've beaten this game about 25 times across all the platforms, it's been years since I've played it. I'm getting my ass kicked by all the monsters in the giant and can't beat the 4 fiends again. I should've saved on the moon and grinded there. :hot:[/QUOTE]

The difficulty on the PSP version is much higher I noticed. I can't remember what I was at for FuSoYa but I want to say in the 40s.
[quote name='Hell Monkey']The difficulty on the PSP version is much higher I noticed. I can't remember what I was at for FuSoYa but I want to say in the 40s.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I'm in the early 40s right now (Edge keeps dying).

I'll just grind some more
can't wait 'till I get Kain back again!
Isn't :ps2: Tales of the Abyss supposed to be rare or something? I was just browsing around on Amazon and there are 3 or 4 sealed copies listed for around $40, then a bunch of listings from $70 up to $150. I thought I remembered checking out this game before and finding that sealed copies were expensive. Did it get reprinted or something?
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Isn't :ps2: Tales of the Abyss supposed to be rare or something? I was just browsing around on Amazon and there are 3 or 4 sealed copies listed for around $40, then a bunch of listings from $70 up to $150. I thought I remembered checking out this game before and finding that sealed copies were expensive. Did it get reprinted or something?[/QUOTE]

I don't know about a reprint, but even without one I'd say it's more uncommon than rare. I see it in GS from time to time.
[quote name='panzerfaust']for those that were talking about importing Last Story and Xenoblade a page back -- isn't the Wii region locked?[/QUOTE]

It is. There are ways to, shall we say, "unlock" it. I'd prefer not to do that though, so I'm waiting and hoping they come over here after all.
[quote name='bvharris']I don't know about a reprint, but even without one I'd say it's more uncommon than rare. I see it in GS from time to time.[/QUOTE]
Well, throwin' one more game on the old PS2 pile. :lol:
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Isn't :ps2: Tales of the Abyss supposed to be rare or something? I was just browsing around on Amazon and there are 3 or 4 sealed copies listed for around $40, then a bunch of listings from $70 up to $150. I thought I remembered checking out this game before and finding that sealed copies were expensive. Did it get reprinted or something?[/QUOTE]

I don't think there's officially a reprint, but one month, all the Gamestops had like-new used copies, when they had nothing or disc only.
[quote name='bvharris']It is. There are ways to, shall we say, "unlock" it. I'd prefer not to do that though, so I'm waiting and hoping they come over here after all.[/QUOTE]

Nintendo said they were going to be paying attention to the EU sales,so there's still a chance.
[quote name='Hell Monkey']You really need to ball this up inside and not share it. That way there is less pain for us, lol.[/QUOTE]

fuck dat noise, my buddies copy should be here this weekend so I'll def. be posting impressions :p Don't worry, I won't spoil anything though.

@Panzerfaust: Let's just say it's crazy easy to make a Wii region free. I did it for my imported Tatsunoko vs Capcom (which ironically enough got a US release) and once I googled how, it literally took all of five minutes to do.
Abyss is borderline rare, kinda like Shadow Hearts Covenant. I think it gets a little heftier price tag just cause it's a damn good game and worth every penny.

I was hoping BoF IV hit the PSN before I headed to work so I could put it on my PSP and have a more productive work day. ;)
I remember it was decent but I didn't enjoy it as much as BoFIII (then again I finished III, I didn't beat IV). The strategy guide for it on my shelf is nice!, lol.
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']How is BoF IV? I enjoyed the first 2 when I played them on GBA.[/QUOTE]

You'll like it if you enjoy the series. Great art style, decent story and characters. Plays a lot like BoF3, as I recall.
It's been over 8 years and I only played the first few hours but I remember enjoying it. I saw some videos to hype myself up and it looks like it holds up well. The battle animations are delicious looking.
[quote name='Hell Monkey']I remember it was decent but I didn't enjoy it as much as BoFIII (then again I finished III, I didn't beat IV). The strategy guide for it on my shelf is nice!, lol.[/QUOTE]

I liked BOF3 better than BOF4 also. I played the game right when it came out, so I was much younger at the time... But I remember being incredibly disappointed that the dragon forms in BOF4 were all basically recolors of the same single guy-with-dragon-features sprite.

BOF3's dragons were of different sizes and types, with more 'special' dragons than in 4. I also felt that the story in 3 was much better than 4, but I remember enjoying both games.
Wow, all this talk of BoF 3 makes we want to play it. I really really enjoyed 4, and could not for the life of me get into 2. Somehow I skipped 3 altogether lol.
I have a friend who swears BoF 2 was one of the best RPGs he ever played so I got the GBA version of it to give it a go. I got 10-12 hours into it and had to quit due to boredom. Horribly bland and unintresting when it comes to story and characters. I remember the thing I hated the most was having set levels for new members to your party. They were always terribly lower than my other characters. I had to grind quite a bit just to make them effective in battle.
[quote name='Rodimus']I have a friend who swears BoF 2 was one of the best RPGs he ever played so I got the GBA version of it to give it a go. I got 10-12 hours into it and had to quit due to boredom. Horribly bland and unintresting when it comes to story and characters. I remember the thing I hated the most was having set levels for new members to your party. They were always terribly lower than my other characters. I had to grind quite a bit just to make them effective in battle.[/QUOTE]

It's been years but I recall enjoying BoF 2 enough to play through it twice.

Is BoF 3 up on PSN?
Gameplay was standard fare for an RPG and I did actually like the characters designs, it was a little diffrent with the animal characters. But I just found everything else very unintresting that I remember struggling with sleep while playing.
i like bof2...

on emulator, because the fights are boring/easy and the speedup key helps. also there's a retranslated version that actually makes sense.

also nina is hot. black wings could unlock all sorts of fetish achievement points!

i remember liking bof3 except for the desert, which everyone hated.

bof4 i could never get into. i kept trying to play it but could not get past the first 2 hours.
I played I think it was the first BoF on virtual console, got stuck and quit. craptastic translation put me off too. I enjoyed the game, but couldn't get past the terrible translation.
[quote name='kainzero']i like bof2...

on emulator, because the fights are boring/easy and the speedup key helps. also there's a retranslated version that actually makes sense.[/QUOTE]

Is the GBA version the same translation as the SNES version? It certainly seemed poorly translated.
[quote name='Rodimus']I have a friend who swears BoF 2 was one of the best RPGs he ever played so I got the GBA version of it to give it a go. I got 10-12 hours into it and had to quit due to boredom. Horribly bland and unintresting when it comes to story and characters. I remember the thing I hated the most was having set levels for new members to your party. They were always terribly lower than my other characters. I had to grind quite a bit just to make them effective in battle.[/QUOTE]

It was better back in the day, when high encounter rates and lack of story where more acceptable. BoF2 requires a large amount of backpedaling early on to pad the play time, which is often when people quit.

BoF 3 still had a high encounter rate, neat areas to explore but a bland story and I've only managed to finish it once despite starting it up 5 different times since then.

BoF 4 fixes the encounter rate, improves the story and yet it's still my least favorite in the series probably entirely due to nostalgia.
BoF3 loses some nostalgia points when I remember that it more or less abandoned the nifty character/shaman fusion systems from BoF1/BoF2. The one in BoF2 was especially awesome; if you take all the various combinations into account there are practically 20~ playable characters.
[quote name='Rodimus']Is the GBA version the same translation as the SNES version? It certainly seemed poorly translated.[/QUOTE]
i think they're about the same.

the worst translation is the shaman fusion part.
"would you like to fuse?"

"ok, see you later then."

"would you like to fuse?"

"step right into the fusion chamber!"
I had forgotten how cool the fusion system was in BOF1/2... I think the dragon gene system was one of the best additions to the series, but it's kind of a toss-up about which one I liked better. I know I didn't care for "all dragons are a one-shot summon" bit in 2, but the fusion system kind of made up for a lot of that.
So I read that White Knight CHronicles 2 includes a copy of White Knight Chronicles with it. I also read that the WKC2 copy of WKC doesn't allow you to get trophies. (you'd need the actual true WKC disc to do this) Anyone else see any truth to this?
Well it definitely has WKC included. I don't know about the trophy thing though.

It's an updated version of WKC1, so maybe you just have a different trophy list for it.
ive wanted to to play WKC cause i heard its good so i guess ill wait for 2 and get that.

Any play White Knight Origins the PSP game?
Saw it on Zavvi but waiting for a price drop.
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