[quote name='GhostShark']No. We'll just get 4 more sequels to Final Fantasy XIII staring the amazing characters of Snow, Hope and Afro Thunder and Afro Thunder Jr.[/QUOTE]
Hahaha, IDK how I never saw that before...
(why won't they make a new Ready 2 Rumble R2R:Round 2 was such a damn fun game)
[quote name='Kazaganthi']Oh ya, I'm missing the battle system from Tales of Graces f as I'm playing Tales of the Abyss now. But the story is much better.[/QUOTE]
Agreed. Abyss had an awesome story. Great characters too.
Playing Witcher 2 and WOW. This game is amazing but hard as hell. Might have to pussy out and go to easy mode.
Well shit. I already changed it to easy. Guess I could put it back to normal.
To give you a better perspective I'm about 7 hours in at the first town, and level 7. I'm trying to finish side quests before advancing the story but it's being difficult. Had to fight some guy called Dimitri for a trolls head and he just kicked the shit outta me. Then went to a nekker's den and they did the same. Am I getting to far ahead of myself? Should I just advance the story along more?
Any recomandations on good potions this early in the game?
Thinking I'll burn through Penny Arcade Episode 3 next since it's very short. Then probably either back into Skyward Sword or Disgaea 4 since I'm about halfway through both of those. Did get Witcher 2 but think I'll wait to get through that one.
I couldn't even be bothered to finish the 1st Penny Arcade. Combat was too boring.
Day 7 boss battle of Devil Survivor 2. Got wiped out pretty quickly. May have to just spam/copy the same demon to all characters and force the battle that way.
Sorry, your seal has been broken on the game, and while we would love to offer you a refund for the pain you suffered, you cannot return Final Fantasy XIII. You can however trade it in for a lovely $2.00 or $2.20 with PUR bonus :lol:.
I really wish Square would do a new RPG. Not just FF, KH Sequels. At least the Eidos half of their business is making some awesome stuff but it's not RPG related.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Sorry, your seal has been broken on the game, and while we would love to offer you a refund for the pain you suffered, you cannot return Final Fantasy XIII. You can however trade it in for a lovely $2.00 or $2.20 with PUR bonus :lol:.
[quote name='Rodimus']
Any recomandations on good potions this early in the game?[/QUOTE]
If you are melee type, then go for something that increases you blade damage. You can stack potion damage and oils as they are two different things to increase sword damage.
If you enjoy the magic use, use a potion that either boost the regeneration or damage out put.
These type of potions usually gives a debuff to health of some sort, so stack a HP potion to null these issues. I ran a potion drinking Geralt, so he was able to consume up to 4 potions and also receive extra bonuses from each drink. I think there was a point where I got 300% to my HP and 125% to damage with 200% increase to bleed. I was in pure tank mode
I'm getting the hang of it. I switched back to normal since it was actually getting too easy. I'm using potions & oils more often thanks to your advice. Went back to town and bought several potion recipes I thought would benefit my play style. I'm more of a magic guy. I like using the Axii spell.
With sword combat I noticed I wasn't using the "block" button more effectively. I also got the hang of selecting targets, evading and riposte. Combat is much easier now. Also got the hang manually saving more often.
What an awesome game. I didn't think I would get hooked as much as I did. I wasn't big on either Skyrim or Dragons Age so I had my doubts going into this. Glad I gave it a chance.
Two battles left in Devil Surviovr 2. Got wiped out the first time with Alcor. Have to plan a better strategy.
That's one thing I love about SMT games, they always require carefull planning both pre and during the battle. You can't just go in and spam the same attack or heavy spell every time like in most RPGs.
[quote name='eldergamer']Also, Crimson Gem Saga on the is really dull. After the first major dungeon, I don't feel compelled to go on.
I also got Aedis eclipse:Generation of Chaos on my How's that?
I have a PSP Go so any recommendations must be digital only. Tempted on Trails in the Sky or Growlanser but waiting for a price drop.[/QUOTE]
Have you tried Ys 7? If you are into Action RPGs it's a very good one and should be available on the PSN store to put on your Go.
I haven't played very much of Trails in the Sky yet but most folks that I have talked to always speak very highly of it so that's probably another solid choice.
So apparently there's a sequel to Trails in the Sky? That saddens me (though I haven't played the first) that it likely won't be brought over, what with the PSP being effectively dead. Wonder if they'd do a dual pack Vita release, or maybe port to PC/Steam?
[quote name='Zmonkay']Wonder if they'd do a dual pack Vita release, or maybe port to PC/Steam?[/QUOTE]
I did a quick check at Amazon.co.jp and found that Falcom has released many Legend of Heroes games on PC, including Trails in the Sky (not surprising, since it's Falcom). Didn't see the sequel during my search, but it's possible I overlooked something *shrug*
[quote name='Zmonkay']So apparently there's a sequel to Trails in the Sky? That saddens me (though I haven't played the first) that it likely won't be brought over, what with the PSP being effectively dead. Wonder if they'd do a dual pack Vita release, or maybe port to PC/Steam?[/QUOTE]
Trails in the Sky (Sora no Kiseki) is a trilogy, then after those three there's the sequel Zero (Zero no Kiseki or Trails of Zero). After Zero, you have Ao (Ao no Kiseki or Trails of Youth I think). So there are five games in total, not counting spinoffs.
Zero is also already on the Vita. However first things first. They need to release the rest of the damned trilogy already.
EDIT: And yes, like blueshinra said they're already on PC. Well, Sora no Kiseki is. I don't think Zero or Ao are on PC even though Falcom has just about everything else released on the PC.
EDIT2: I keep writing trails as trials for this game. I need to stop that.
Not enough free time to play Witcher 2. I'm right at the end of Chapter 2. I went with a mage build and I'm glad I did. I don't think a sword build would be as fun. The alchemy build seems intresting but a lot of prep work I just don't want to deal with.
I think I just did something pointless. I'm playing on the 360 and just installed the first disk, then thought, I'm probably about to start disk 2. Do you need to install each disk? If so I just wasted my time.
I played it on PC, so I can't say specifically. However my past experience with multiple disc games is that, yes, you need to install them separately and having another disc installed that you're not on is pointless unless you're going back to it in the future. No idea when you're switching to the next disc though.
[quote name='Zmonkay']So apparently there's a sequel to Trails in the Sky? That saddens me (though I haven't played the first) that it likely won't be brought over, what with the PSP being effectively dead. Wonder if they'd do a dual pack Vita release, or maybe port to PC/Steam?[/QUOTE]
One of the big problems preventing the release of the sequel was that it was a 2 UMD game that didn't have a digital version, so a digital-only North American release was impossible. There were apparently some technical problems with making a PSN version because the physical release required switching discs a lot (i.e. when you visit certain towns/areas,) but Falcom recently announced that they'll be putting out a digital release of the Japanese version. I'm hoping that means that XSEED can bring that over here. If they can't, then I hope they've been doing real well on Steam...
I'm slowly getting through Penny Arcade Episode 3, just haven't had a lot of time lately for gaming, but it's fun and silly while being surprisingly deep with the combat.
[quote name='eldergamer']Isn't Y's where you kill enemies just by running into them? Is there no more strategy and tactics than that?[/QUOTE]
Ys Book 1 & 2 are like that, yes. However when facing strong enemies you need a little bit of technique on your angle of attack. Plus it's dangerous to go rushing in all gung-ho. Even though it's a very simple game there's something refreshing about it.
[quote name='eldergamer']Isn't Y's where you kill enemies just by running into them? Is there no more strategy and tactics than that?[/QUOTE]
Some of the older Ys games were like that (and possibly a few of the remakes that I have not played) but the more recent ones have changed it up to where you have more control over your attacks. Ys Seven takes it a bit further with the multiple characters and quick swap system that makes combat a bit more interesting than earlier installments in the series.
Is it the most deep combat system ever? I'd say no, but it's still pretty darn fun.
Ys III for the SNES was a typical sidescroller action RPG similar to Zelda 2 and Popful mail. Beyond that I'm not sure if they went back to the touch-combat from Books 1 & 2. The Ys series had so many remakes and versions they're difficult to keep track of.
Anyone else keeping up with IGN's top 100 rpgs? Think I'll make a list of ones I haven't tried. I've at least played most of the listed so far, beaten a good percentage too.
Meh I'm not giving much credit to where on the list they land, but it's probably a reliable list of 100 really great rpgs I should play before I die or something.
Leaning toward Dark Cloud, but we'll see how it goes.
[quote name='Luxuria']I'm surprised Persona 4 placed at #90. I thought it wouldn't show up until later on.[/QUOTE]
That is odd. Kingdom Hearts' placement also seems too early.
Like all top 100 lists, it looks like it'll be designed for arguments. I'm already wondering why Tales of Symphonia places with a lower ranking than Front Mission 3. I love me some FM, but Symphonia is far and away the better game.
Predicting that the #1 game will be one of the following: Diablo II, Chrono Trigger, Planescape Torment, Final Fantasy VI, or Fallout II. One of the usual suspects, in other words
The list so far in case you don't want to click through it all (and I don't blame you):
100. Ys Book I & II (1990)
99. Lunar: Eternal Blue
98. Shadow Hearts: Covenant
97. Final Fantasy VIII
96. Phantasy Star
95. The Legend of Dragoon
94. Vagrant Story
93. Tales of Phantasia
92. Diablo III
91. Fable II
90. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
89. Fallout: New Vegas
88. Final Fantasy IX
87. Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals
86. Shadowrun
85. Breath of Fire III
84. Kingdom Hearts
83. Fire Emblem
82. Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven
81. Dragon Warrior VII
80. Dungeon Master
79. Icewind Dale 2
78. The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
77. Tales of Symphonia
76. Illusion of Gaia
75. Front Mission 3
74. Wizardry 8
73. Final Fantasy
72. Grandia II
71. The Bard's Tale (1985)
70. Demon's Souls
[quote name='blueshinra']Predicting that the #1 game will be one of the following: Diablo II, Chrono Trigger, Planescape Torment, Final Fantasy VI, or Fallout II. One of the usual suspects, in other words [/QUOTE]
Chrono Trigger or Shadows of Amn. Both excellent games, but lists.
Did most people prefer Fallout 2 to the original? I always thought the first one was better regarded. No "Temple of Trials" bullshit.
[quote name='blueshinra']I thought Fallout 2 was the more popular/highly regarded one *shrug* Well, either of them would be in the running, I guess.[/QUOTE]
It had some (very buggy) quality-of-life improvements, and the best ing companion in any Fallout ever
a deathclaw
, but I really didn't like the Tribal angle. You took the worst part of Mad Max 3 and made it your origin? Really?
The game benefits heavily from fan patching, though. A lot of bug fixes that make it hard to go back to the original. And a patch to speed up the long-ass animation on the aforementioned best companion ever.
Oh man. I bugged the SHIT outta the local rental place to get that in, was stopping by every day around when it was supposed to come out. First person to rent it... and quite possibly the only one, haha.
Will I completely ruin the first Witcher if I play the second? Would playing the first game afterwards be cool in a retrospective kind of way/is the journey worth it regardless?
[quote name='blueshinra']The list so far in case you don't want to click through it all (and I don't blame you):
100. Ys Book I & II (1990)
99. Lunar: Eternal Blue
98. Shadow Hearts: Covenant
97. Final Fantasy VIII
96. Phantasy Star
95. The Legend of Dragoon
94. Vagrant Story
93. Tales of Phantasia
92. Diablo III
91. Fable II
90. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
89. Fallout: New Vegas
88. Final Fantasy IX
87. Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals
86. Shadowrun
85. Breath of Fire III
84. Kingdom Hearts
83. Fire Emblem
82. Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven
81. Dragon Warrior VII
80. Dungeon Master
79. Icewind Dale 2
78. The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
77. Tales of Symphonia
76. Illusion of Gaia
75. Front Mission 3
74. Wizardry 8
73. Final Fantasy
72. Grandia II
71. The Bard's Tale (1985)
70. Demon's Souls
*Clicks spoiler*
98. Shadow Hearts: Covenant
97. Final Fantasy VIII
*Clicks spoiler*
[quote name='Indignate']Will I completely ruin the first Witcher if I play the second? Would playing the first game afterwards be cool in a retrospective kind of way/is the journey worth it regardless?[/QUOTE]
I'll just say that it's very hard to make the first Witcher worse.