RPGs' for PS3


5 (100%)

The sci-fi / fantasy does seem appealing to me and I feel like stepping away from the FPS genre.I'm planning to pick up SO or Final Fantasy, but should I wait? The anticipation is killing me, this is CAG and I'm tempted to shell out 60. What are your suggestions? Currently I have Valkyria Chronicles.
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Yeah, its gonna be kinda hard not to pick up FF right when it comes out. For me, i'm just not gonna fight it, it'll be the first 60 dollar game i've bought since i got my ps3...although i think amazon has it with 10 dollar giftcard, so yeah.
What do you have? As a hybrid, Fallout 3 is awesome. I was disappointed in DAO. Demon's Souls is unique and I think it rocks. Not a RPG like the old BG series or DAO, it is single player (mostly) and has a unique MP aspect.
I've played Demon's Souls but not for long. After dying countless times, I knew this was not the type of game I could keep up with. I think I should just wait and finish playing Valkyria Chronicles or shell out 120 for SO and FF... :( Is my money worth it?
Demon's Souls is the best game, period. Play cautiously and it's actually pretty easy... rush and it's almost impossible.
Fallout 3 is a must buy. SO on the 360 was nothing special. FF 13 sounds more like an interactive movie than a RPG. Graphics and story should be great but do not expect a traditional rpg.
You'd be better off getting White Knight Chronicles and wait for FF13 at regular price, it's only a month away and the online portion of WKC will give you lots of replay value.
Just stick with Valkyria Chronicles for the time being. There've been mixed feelings about FFXIII. At least wait until reviews come out.

If you're looking for a nice transition into RPGs, try Borderlands. A first person RPG.

My favorite RPG has definitely been Demon's Souls. Haven't had a chance to get WKC, I'll wait for a price drop on that.
Just got a ps3 and bought fallout 3 for it as my first game...i love it...just like i remembered like it was when i played fallout for the computer many years ago...but with better graphics
VC for sure, and you already have it. Enchanted Arms is a decent time waster and has some lulz, and it's only $20 (or should be, wouldn't pay more than that). Resonance of Fate looks promising, though I'd wait for reviews on that, SO4, and FF13 instead of going out and getting them at launch right away. Eternal Sonata is trash. Demon's Souls isn't my cup of tea, but it sounds like something that you might enjoy, especially coming from more action-oriented games.
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